Benny Hinn Dream (1st Dream Going into the New Year)

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Benny Hinn Dream (1st Dream Going into the New Year)

Post by Truth Seeker »

The dream started with me looking at a lady standing on this high tower. It was at least 100ft or so up in the air. It was just a long pole, at the top where the lady was, was a flat platform the lady was standing on. The platform surrounded the pole, so you could walk around the pole if you wanted to.

Suddenly Benny Hinn appeared in the dream and begin to climb up the ladder to get where the lady was. He was very excited about going to the top, he was talking with excitement as he was climbing up.

When he got to the top and stepped on the platform, he was saying something to the effect of you should see this, it's awesome; he was talking and walking around the platform.

The platform only stretched out a few feet from the pole. Suddenly there was a fire cloud coming from under the platform and Benny Hinn and the lady shook.

The fire cloud would burn the platform up they were standing on, it would look like they were going to fall and out of nowhere a wider platform would appear.

I was very scared for them, but as the platform burned and it look like they were going to fall again, wider platform would appear under their feet. This happened several times until they were back on the ground.

I tried to explain to Benny Hinn, I believe what happened and how God created a new platform as the fire burned the old one up, but it was hard for me to get the words out my mouth because I was overwhelmed with awe of how God saved them.

I believe the dream was at night, it seemed dark. I know it wasn't light out.

Then the dream ended.

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I personally hope this is about his marraige to his estranged wife Suzanne.
Sadly last year she filed for divorce after many years of marraige,,longer then mine and i have been married for almost 26.

Perhaps this is a encouragement to us and a call for prayer that God will restore their marraige. She being high on th pole meaning ' unreachable" and Benny not willing to give up and going to catch up...

the fire may be of God burning up the old 'platform" of their marraige and bringing them to a safe ground level,,,I see restoration here.
at least i hope so,, of course it may have a allegory meaning...
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Post by Truth Seeker »

According to your response, this could be a reference about Benny Hinn's heart toward is wife.

I do agree that the people of God do need to continue to pray for Benny Hinn.

TS... Good obervation Jewels of Joy.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

It seems IF this is about Benny and his wife there are several layers..of Platforms that need to be burned up fro full restoration,,, Suzanne being on a high platform ( if this is her) could mean isolation and loneliness. This maybe what the crux of the problem is.
AS Benny approaches to get to her God is there with his fire burning the platform where they are standing... a platform on a pole is shaky.

but its a gradual process till they are on 'firm ground again"/

Again,,hope this is about them as i really wan them back together... Dont want any wins front he enemy's camp on this one.

But please examine ur own life and see if this could be about u personally. I have Benny hinn dreams and they were fro me... so dont leave that out.. as a personal dream... look at it on both ends and p[ray and see what the Lord gives u peace about.
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Post by Truth Seeker »

Jewels of joy,

I really appreciate your response because my marriage is having major problems during this time as well.

My wife has stated that she's very lonely and I haven't been there for her. I'm not seeing anyone else but don't communicate or interact with my wife of 13 years much.

I believe this dream could represent the fire of God purifying marriages and restoring them.

God wants to purify every level and area of marriages in His Kingdom.

Jewels of Joy, your God given insight appreciated.

I guess it's easier for us to see a situation outside of ourselves first and with people of God like yourself to show us how it might be something God is going to do in our own lives.

Much Love Jewels of Joy, My spirit agrees with what you have spoken about myself first and Benny Hinn.

Last edited by Truth Seeker on Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by will »

I don't know if this relates, but it is interesting that Benny Hinn's hero of the faith was a woman. The fact that he inherited Kathrine kuhlman's ministry seem signifigant to the dream. The marriage issue is a good point also. Sometimes I like to say things to see if it wont awaken something else in the dreamers understanding.
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Post by piano »

Hi Truth Seeker,

Discard what does not rest. For your prayerful discernment.

I have to admit, sometimes it is difficult for me to share what I see in dreams.
I cant help my experiences, and am in continual prayer to The Lord for clarity , grace and truth.
I feel odd sometimes..quite often really.

Oh well, here goes.

This dream is so praiseworthy, far beyond..He is so wonderful to us, so very worthy of praise. Now...

The pole reminds me of an Asherah Pole. (Cohert of Baal)
I am posting this from Wiki because even though I have studied scripture regarding this quite a bit, the important thing is that you all can get an idea of what I am talking about.
The Hebrew Bible uses the term asherah in two senses, as a cult object and as a divine name. As a cult object, the asherah can be "made", "cut down", and "burnt", and Deuteronomy 16:21 prohibits the planting of trees as asherah, implying that a stylised tree or lopped trunk is intended. At other verses a goddess is clearly intended, as, for example, 2 Kings 23:4-7, where items are being made "for Baal and Asherah". The references to asherah in Isaiah 17:8 and 2:8 suggest that there was no distinction in ancient thought between the object and the goddess.
I see the pole representative of idol worship, and the platform that enabled the worship on high is being burned, and lowered by His GRACE.

Truth Seeker, You are watching this spiritual cleansing of worship of idols from your level of humility..
Bringing those in leadership back into a place of humility..and on level ground.

I cannot say that Benny Hinn (son of my right hand) represents himself, leadership, men, or any specific, just that this right placement is Gods perfect plan!!

I also wanted to add, after I posted this that the woman in the dream is also brought down to level ground.
She is not an angel afterall, nor a god, and they are not the only two people on earth.....she is just another human with two feet on the ground that must now walk out her life without the idol status that she may be used to.

Who is like God? No one is perfect, except for him, and no one is better than anyone else.

Thanks for sharing,

Last edited by piano on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charys »

piano wrote:The pole reminds me of an Asherah Pole. (Cohert of Baal)
I see the pole representative of idol worship, and the platform that enabled the worship on high is being burned, and lowered by His GRACE.

Truth Seeker, You are watching this spiritual cleansing of worship of idols from your level of humility..
Bringing those in leadership back into a place of humility..and on level ground.

I cannot say that Benny Hinn (son of my right hand) represents himself, leadership, men , the Tribe of Benjamin, or any specific, just that this right placement is Gods perfect plan!!

Thanks for sharing,

I agree, Piano. We have a tendency to idolize our leaders. Sometimes they accept the pedestals we place them on, and sometimes it is simply followers who stick them up there. After we have done so we are often horrendously disappointed when the Lord reveals weaknesses in them. Sometimes this may be because the person needs to be humbled, but sometimes it is because the idolizers need to have their eyes opened.

I don't like saying I am a fan of anyone particular person because God said that no one totally understands Him, because the book of Isaiah records that His thoughts are not our thoughts. Some people come closer than others, but following a human being without question means swallowing everything they say without discernment on the one hand or rejecting everything a person has said or done when a personal failure is exposed, on the other.

I do believe there is coming a revealing of the weaknesses of "bigname" people in ministry, not so much because of their misuse of power, but as the loving hand of the Lord bringing down the altars of idolatry we have created ourselves. In this dream he provided a place for his servants in the process.

Abba, thank you for your servants. We honour them, but never let us put a person or a movement where you ought to be in our hearts.

God, and God alone is worthy of our worship.
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Post by GaAngel »


Here's my take...

This can represent Binny Hinn or what he represents to you. He can also represent the pastor of your local church, too.

It seems that something or someone is on a pedestal. I suspect the lady represents a very successsful, coveted level of ministry. The Binny Hinn person is striving to get to that high level of achievement; he's striving to get to the top of his profession.

While he is at this coveted level that he's strived so hard to reach, there's a shakeup that makes "things" very unstable and uncertain; the bottom is disappearing. God destroys the old platform -- which could represent an old way of doing things, an old ministry, etc.--and makes it bigger and better than before. Perhaps there something that must be forgiven with the former platform. The only way it can be corrected is for it to be destroyed and then re-created (kind of like when the world was destroyed during the floods and renewed).

So, it seems that there might be something else that comes up that requires forgiveness. Again, the only way to renew it is for God to destroy the former and replace it. This cycle seems to happen several times.

Now, you reference that they are back on the ground. Do you mean that they are no longer 100 ft in the air? Or, do you mean that they are back on the platform?

If they (man and woman) are no longer 100 ft in the air, then this could mean that after God sends several warnings and attempts to renew/correct this situation, the person still continues the bad behavior. Maybe he expects to be forgiven indefinitely no matter how badly he behaves. In essence, he takes God's grace for granted. As a result, he ends up back where he started; he's "brought back down to earth" and is humbled. He might not get another platform. If he does get a new platform, it won't ever be at the same heights as before regardless of how hard he strives to progress.

If they are still 100 ft in the air, then this could mean that this person heeds warnings from God and makes corrections to his behavior. As a result, he's back on solid, stable ground and maintains his high ranking.

Many blessings to you...