The UFO and the Cruise Ship

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The UFO and the Cruise Ship

Post by dbliss22 »

I have dreamt this same dream before...

I was on a large ship – I think it was a cruise ship – and the ship
was out at sea but also near other water ports and such. As I am
sitting in the ship looking outside, I see a saucer-shaped ship fly
by at a slow speed and then arc off to the right away from the
boat. I say “Look, a UFO,” to some others, but they didn’t look fast
enough so they thought I was making it up. Some time passes by,
and all the sudden the boat dips and we start moving very fast
downward like we are falling.

We were caught in some sort of whirlpool, but as we came to the
bottom the water flattened out. Although we weren’t falling
anymore, we were still being pulled against the engines, and we
ended up in a large underground chamber with strange rock
shapes on the ceiling. I turn to someone and say “Doesn’t this
remind you of that level in the game _____?” They nodded in
agreement. In the game I was remembering there was a creature
in the ceiling, so I was a bit on guard. Then I saw a flash of
movement, and I turned to see a spider-like creature attaching
things to people’s backs, so I darted inside.

A young girl came with me, and she had a gun, but I needed to
find a weapon so I found a small knife inside. The ones that the
creature had attached things to began to search for us in the ship.
The creature was having trouble keeping the attached ones
looking the same as they normally did, so at first I could tell they
were different by their hands and feet which had changed shape.
As I would come across one of the attached ones, I would cut this
pink stuff off of their back, and it would cut their tie to the creature
but they would pass out and wouldn’t be of any use.

Soon, the creature stopped sending people in for us because we
were using the ship to hide and cut its ties. We started moving
toward the back of the ship, and there we saw everyone the
creature had attached to standing in lines waiting for us, and the
creature hovered behind all of them. I grabbed another knife so I
had one in both hand, and we moved toward the outside.

As we approached, the creature sent the people after us.
Unfortunately there were too many to be careful and just cut the
pink stuff off of their backs, so I had to kill them. I cut my way
through most of the people and as I started getting closer to the
creature, it became cowardly and pulled back up into its ship (the
UFO from before). Then it shot through the ceiling and left.
Everyone still alive returned to normal, and the dream ended as I
found the captain so we could leave.
Psalms 144:1