O's in danger

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O's in danger

Post by Elle »

I'm starting to forget all the details of this dream because it was so many hours ago now, but it may be important ...

I was part of a small group (i think about 3 of us) who were putting on a dance performance for Barak Obama. I seemed to be a part of his staff. (I'm not from the U.S. so that's unusual). Large room, people wandering around, some seated at dinner tables, a stage at the front, more like an office conference than being in the white house.

I became aware that Obama was probably having an affair with a young girl in the staff. Didn't actually see anything, just seemed to 'pick up on it' as I often do.

I also became aware that Michelle Obama was at threat from another staff member, who had put a bomb in a small evening/fancy bag and left it for Mrs O.

The guy was Judd someone (an actor from the 80s - can't remember his surname off the top of my head). He looked exactly as he did in the 80s.

In the dream, he or someone else scratched his name in something (I think, a piece of furniture - timber - I saw a close-up shot) but it was spelt JUD.


Next part of dream. I had to leave to go somehwere, but some ladies needed directions to a certain suburb. I sort of knew the direction but was having trouble explaining it. So I got a street directory. But the page with the suburb I needed didn't exist. It had it's own special section in the index area. But when i tried to find that special page, I coudn't find it either.

This part of the dream seemed to go on and on.

Finally the ladies needing direction left.
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi Elle,
Peace be with you.
Can the "actor" be Judd Hirsch or Judd Nelson? I think the name may be symbolic.
There are many symbols in the dream.
I looked up the meaning of the name Judd. It's originated from (English, German, Hebrew pet form) Jordan. It can be a pet form of Judah too.

I wonder if the affair B.O. is having with a girl in your dream means that he is putting himself and his family (country too) in danger because of bad actions. I have some thoughts, but I'll post it later.These may be my own thoughts. Please toss them if they are not what the Lord tells you.

Post by Elle »

Hi ditte3

It was Judd Nelson (Breakfast Club etc).

It was odd that his name was scratched as JUD all in caps, no second D.
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Post by ditte3 »

I'm going to pray about it.
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Post by ditte3 »

The meaning of Nelson:

"Son of Neil" "Son of a champion"

Neil means in gaelic "champion". It may also mean "cloud" or "passionate".

I forgot to mention that Judd (originated from Jordan) may mean : descend, flow down.
But it can be a form of Judah too.

So it's interesting:

Descendant of a son of a champion or Judah the son of a champion.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello, I think B.O. affair with the young woman may mean him partnering(affair) with a young country (the young woman). I believe that young woman may be Israel. Yes there are younger countries than Israel; however, they are not significant to what is going on. Right now, I believe this is in regards to the tensions between Iran, and Israel with the US involved. Could be wrong, though.
I believe M.O is symbolic of the US. I am not clear if Judd placed the bomb in M.O's purse or someone else. A purse can be symbolic of the heart and bomb in the negative can mean sudden terror. Perhaps a sudden terror in the heart of America. Bombs in the postive can mean a last day sign.
Jud in Hebrew is Judah. Here is where it gets iffy to me as to I have had a dream the other night dealing with Judah. From my reserach because I do not know anything about historical Israel/Judah except that there was a split and Judah was Israel's sister. From my research, Juda is symbolic of the Jews today and Israel symbolized Israelites: Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews. I believe what you got entails s prophecy in regards to Israel. These are just some thoughts. Toss if miss the mark.

Post by Elle »

I am not clear if Judd placed the bomb in M.O's purse or someone else.
I didn't see who actually put the bomb in the purse, but I knew it was him (Judd).
A purse can be symbolic of the heart
Yes. I said the purse was an evening style bag, but I didn't say it was red. It was red.

It was a material purse, maybe a satiny type thing. Small bag about the size of I dunno ... 6 inch in diameter. Long handle which was scrunched up around the bag bit so he could hide it/stash it somewhere in the room.

in the negative can mean sudden terror
Yep, definitely negative in the dream. I wasn't scared but I knew it wasn't good.
The meaning of Nelson: "Son of Neil" "Son of a champion"
Ditte3 I didn't really have any focus on his last name in the dream, and even after I remembered it, I quickly forgot it again. But there was definitely focus on his first name. Judd was major, especially when I got the close up of the name etched into the timber too - JUD.
Jud in Hebrew is Judah
OK, so we have to find out what God things about Judah, and what it means today. I would have thought it was part of current Israel. I'll try to find out too, Newbie.

Thanks guys
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Post by Newbie »

I ran across this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... -Iran.html

On another note:
I am trying to understand this. From your dream Judah (Judd) is placing a bomb (terror) M.O's (the US) bag (the heart). I wonder if Judd could be a Juda's type someone that is attempting to betray B.O or the US?
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Post by Newbie »

Also, I believe the purse could be two-fold: the heart and due to it's fancy look the purse to look to be of something of value. I wanted to add that purses can mean personal identity. Perhaps something that challenges the identity of the US or attempts to remove American identity? Just some thoughts.
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Post by ditte3 »

Did you feel like the threat happens because of O's affair with the girl?
When I first read your dream I thought of this, that he is not doing something right at all (affair with a girl, not literally) and this may cause danger for them or for the country. I don't mean it's literally terrorist attack, but that his deeds may have dangerous results. What one saws, that will he reap.
In fact JUD and this name JUDD made me think of O's dealing with Israel. God said to Abraham that He will bless who blesses Abraham, and curse who curdes him. It also stands for Abraham's descendants. So let's pray for him to make right decisions.
Maybe these are my thoughts. Please pray about these!
I will do so too.

Post by Elle »

Did you feel like the threat happens because of O's affair with the girl?

No, it was a completely separate issue.
So let's pray for him to make right decisions.
Good idea.

I wanted to add that purses can mean personal identity. Perhaps something that challenges the identity of the US or attempts to remove American identity?
Yeah, I've been trying to think - why Michelle?

1. What's on her heart for America? I know she's a lawyer. But is her background/interests important?

2. Michelle means 'Who is like God?'. Could it be an attack on godliness?

3. Is it something to do with a wifely status?

4. And Judd was a staffer. Why would a staffer be trying to set a bomb? Maybe looking too much in detail at this. Don't know.

Maybe need to look at it this way:

Judd (Judah) is placing a bomb (threat) in the personal belongings (heart, something you carry close to you) of Michelle O (wife) of the leader of the U.S.

Does that make sense to anyone?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle it makes sense but my thoughts are that MO is symbolic of America. I believe that Jud, the staffer, is maybe a Judas type or betrayer. Meaning that Jud (betrayal) placing a bomb (sudden terror) in MO (the US) bag (perhaps this effects the heart of America, i.e. the population and gov't).
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Post by psalms91lady »

What I got was that, like someone else, that MO represented America. However, it was the purse that struck me. Purses are important to women, in it we keep our life, especially our financial life.

My sense was that the attack would be on the "center" of the economy.

My first thought of Jud, was Judd Hirsch, a Jewish actor, who was one of the stars of a show based in New York City.

When rereading the dream, what struck me was that the street that should have been on the map was gone. Disappeared.

Hope this helps

Post by Elle »

but my thoughts are that MO is symbolic of America
Yeah I think that's right. I was getting that later on too. The President is the husband, the country is the wife.

I believe that Jud, the staffer, is maybe a Judas type or betrayer. Meaning that Jud (betrayal) placing a bomb (sudden terror) in MO (the US) bag (perhaps this effects the heart of America, i.e. the population and gov't).
This feels right doesn't it!
However, it was the purse that struck me. Purses are important to women, in it we keep our life, especially our financial life.

My sense was that the attack would be on the "center" of the economy.
I was thinking along the same lines about the purse. I certainly keep my life in my bag.

This is the second dream I've had lately with a red evening bag.

Just had a thought - Judd Nelson was rebellious in the Breakfast Club. It's about the only movie I remember him in.

Post by Elle »

Just saw a message from Cindy Jacobs about many people having an urgency to pray for America.

I've been thinking about this dream every day since I had it. I don't know what's going on with the Obamas or America at the moment. Nothing on the news.

But, I've felt that this dream must be important because I wasn't thinking about any of these issues/people at all before I had the dream.

So please pray as you feel led.