Unharmed by Radiation

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Unharmed by Radiation

Post by psalms91lady »

Years ago I had a dream that has stayed with me.

I was walking through a residential neighborhood. It was daylight, perhaps mid-afternoon.

There were dead bodies lying on the lawns, on the sidewalks and even in the street. I knew instinctively that they had all died as a result of nuclear radiation from an attack on the US.

I also knew that I had nothing to fear.

The next thing, I'm in the foyer of a large church. There I saw my youngest brother (not serving the Lord, then or now). I asked him where our sister was.

I open the door to the sanctuary and looked inside, looking for my sister. The church was packed! Everyone was looking to the front, no one seemed to notice me. I saw my sister about half way down in the middle of the section on my left. Hardly visible.

(at the time of the dream my sister was not serving the Lord. Praise the Lord she has come back to the Lord and is serving Him faithfully)

I called to her, "C, come on, we've got to go!" She turned to look back at me, but no one else turned.

Next, we (brother, sister and myself) were in a cavernous "basement". I knew it was a basement because of the windows high up near the ceiling, where light was coming in.

The place was huge! I couldn't see the end wall on one end. It was also full of furniture - beds, couches, tables and cupboards and armoires...the kind with a cupboard on the top half and two drawers on the bottom.

I opened one, and it was full of food and water and other stuff.

I realized then that everything we needed was in this location; already prepared for us.

That's it. I believe I know what the dream means, but would like to see if the Holy Spirit points out something that I've missed.
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Re: Unharmed by Radiation

Post by Newbie »

I was walking through a residential neighborhood. It was daylight, perhaps mid-afternoon.
The truth being revealed to you.
There were dead bodies lying on the lawns, on the sidewalks and even in the street. I knew instinctively that they had all died as a result of nuclear radiation from an attack on the US.
Death can mean an ending of a season or something coming to an end. I believe the radiation may symbolize death of the flesh; hence the meaning of radiation.
The next thing, I'm in the foyer of a large church. There I saw my youngest brother (not serving the Lord, then or now). I asked him where our sister was.
I believe the foyer where your brother is standing is the outer courtyard of the tabernacle; meaning he is still influenced by the world.
I open the door to the sanctuary and looked inside, looking for my sister. The church was packed! Everyone was looking to the front, no one seemed to notice me. I saw my sister about half way down in the middle of the section on my left. Hardly visible.

(at the time of the dream my sister was not serving the Lord. Praise the Lord she has come back to the Lord and is serving Him faithfully)

I called to her, "C, come on, we've got to go!" She turned to look back at me, but no one else turned.
You and your sister are in the inner court of the tabernacle - the holy place.
Next, we (brother, sister and myself) were in a cavernous "basement". I knew it was a basement because of the windows high up near the ceiling, where light was coming in.

The place was huge! I couldn't see the end wall on one end. It was also full of furniture - beds, couches, tables and cupboards and armoires...the kind with a cupboard on the top half and two drawers on the bottom.

I opened one, and it was full of food and water and other stuff.

I realized then that everything we needed was in this location; already prepared for us.
This speaks as a place of refuge, a place of deliverance, a place where God is speaking. Toss out if it does not fit. God bless!!!