A demon in the bathroom

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A demon in the bathroom

Post by TamaraLynne »

Okay I wasn't going to post this dream because I thought I knew what it meant....but now I'm not sure..........now in real life I like to go online and look at different architect floor plans for houses...I like looking at beautiful homes and get ideas of what I can maybe someday implement into my future home. This one house that I posted on facebook is so pretty and I have been looking at it for a couple of days now...sighing as I daydream :) Last night I had a dream about the master bathroom that is in the home.

In my dream I'm in the master bathroom and where the tub is suppose to be there is a very big naked demon with no legs...the demon has no hair and looks like an overgrown baby...he is acting like he is a victim and has every right to be in that bathroom...I'm arguing with him that he has no right or authority to be in the bathroom. others are around in the bathroom looking at the demon with no legs...I'm telling him he has to go...in this dream the house felt like it belonged to me....I was upset that a demon thought he had the right to be there...It was weird because it felt like arguing with a hurt child.

Post by Elle »

Hi TamaraLynne,

What do you think it means?
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Post by TamaraLynne »

Well of course I thought that because of sin that a demon thinks it has the right to be there..and the demon is thinking that forgiveness of sins is not possible as long as he is around making one doubt that they can be forgiven....but I know forgiveness is possible and God lives in me ...and no demon has any right to be anywhere around me....but like I said...I'm not sure that I'm right about this interpretation....because yesterday I was thinking on casting a demon from someone but I'm a firm believer in the person should want to be delivered and should want God to live inside of them..because I would not want that demon to come back with other demons much stronger if God does not live in them...so I wanted to talk to someone on this yesterday but could not think of anyone to help me out with this..the person lives in my house...and in the dream the tub was not there but the demon was laying where the tub is suppose to be.
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Post by TamaraLynne »

The demon having no legs made me think of a demon being captured and bound so that it can't move or do harm.

I'm not that good at interpreting my own dreams :(

The house in the dream is a house that I dream is possible in the future...so that gets in the way of interpretation...

makes me think that somehow this could be about future blessings :roll:

To many of my own thoughts get in the way ...

Post by Elle »

Well of course I thought that ...
I'm glad I asked because what you see as obvious, other won't see at all.

Demons do and can inhibit christians. They'll stay there as long as they're not identified and kicked out. Often they're live in the mind, which can cause great battles, because you can have the thoughts of God, your own thoughts, and demonic thoughts all rising in the mind.

Which is why we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We have the mind of Christ, but we just need to listen to it.

Because the dream was about your house (or your ideal/dream house), I believe the dream is saying this is about you, and something you need to kick out of you (deliver out of you).

So when you 'see' a demon, you can look at the characteristics of what it looks like to see what is does. Which is kind of what you've done. Except you said it was bound, but you didn't say it looked like ti was bound with anything.

So maybe look at it this way and see if it rings any bells...

It doesn't have legs - powerless, limited movement
Like a big baby - speaks of something trying to operate in immaturity/keep you in immature thinking
Acting like a hurt child - using this as a way of controlling/manipulating you

Being in the bathroom would represent a place of cleansing - which speaks to me that you need to be cleansed of it, but it's arguing with you to try to stay - you're winning the war because you know IT HAS NO RIGHTS NO MATTER WHAT IT SAYS.

Tell it to GET OUT and don't argue with it. Then stand your ground and don't let it back in - this is the most important part of overcoming.

Be blessed. Christ was won the victory over this - you just have to enforce it.
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Re: A demon in the bathroom

Post by Newbie »

TamaraLynne wrote:In my dream I'm in the master bathroom and where the tub is suppose to be there is a very big naked demon with no legs...the demon has no hair and looks like an overgrown baby...he is acting like he is a victim and has every right to be in that bathroom...I'm arguing with him that he has no right or authority to be in the bathroom. others are around in the bathroom looking at the demon with no legs...I'm telling him he has to go...in this dream the house felt like it belonged to me....I was upset that a demon thought he had the right to be there...It was weird because it felt like arguing with a hurt child.
because yesterday I was thinking on casting a demon from someone but I'm a firm believer in the person should want to be delivered and should want God to live inside of them..because I would not want that demon to come back with other demons much stronger if God does not live in them...so I wanted to talk to someone on this yesterday but could not think of anyone to help me out with this..the person lives in my house...and in the dream the tub was not there but the demon was laying where the tub is suppose to be.
Hello TL, I do agree with your stance on casting out demons and the person should want to be deliver and seek the Lord for salvation. From looking at your dream, these are thoughts not an interpretation, I believe the dream is showing you an obstacle that is hindering this person from getting delivered. The demon has no legs because it has no power; legs is symbolic of strength. Are you sure it was a demon and not a baby? Another thought, just came to me, perhaps this "big baby" maybe symbolic of the person that is living with you.
Anyway, a baby can symbolize the birth of sin and because of its size this is the amount of sin this person is carrying around. So much so, there is not a tub there. Meaning that this person is not ready to be saved yet. Also, the fact that it is hairless, means to be without cover or the Glory of God. I also, want to add that since this took place in the master bedroom, shows that the Lord is making you aware of this and bring this to Him. In my dreams, a bedroom is symbolic of times of intimacy, meditation, and rest in the Lord (depending on the context of the action in the dream).
From looking at your actions, you are telling the demon to leave and it is refusing. To me when a demon is refusing to budge is could be due to several reasons: it has the authority to be there; the person attempting to remove it does not have the faith or the authority to remove it; or the person having the demon or unclean spirit on them have faithlessness . I believe in this case, the person that is staying with you is a person lacks faith and because of their faithlessness, that is why the demon is refusing to budge.
The reason why it is in the location, your master bedroom area, is because you need to take this up to the Lord. I believe that you may not have the authority to this and attempting to do this without authority could have dire consequences. Acts 19:11-17, comes to mind with my last statement:
"Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.
"Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists TOOK IT UPON THEMSELVES to call the name of the Lord Jesus over (assuming the authority of Jesus) those who had evil spirits, saying, 'We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.' Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so."
"And the evil spirit answered and said, 'Jesus I know, and Paul I know; BUT WHO ARE YOU?' "
"Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. This became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified."

As stated these are just my thoughts and I have dealt with this as well. However, I was told that I needed to take it up with the Lord because I did not have the authority or strength to deal with certain demons; this advice came from a saint and who had this gifting. The Lord even showed me in a dream once, where I was at in my strength. I had a dream in which I was battling something fierce, so much so, that upon waking I was exhausted, hungry and thirsty. Basically, at that time, some spirits I could battle and win and other ones I could not because they were powerful.
So prayfully discern over my thoughts and toss out if I miss the mark. God bless!!!
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Post by TamaraLynne »

Thank you Elle and Newbie for responding to this dream...I will pray.