Sears Downsizing and Carrie Needs Medicine

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Sears Downsizing and Carrie Needs Medicine

Post by Newbie »

My husband, daughter, and I are going to Sears.
Sears looks like it is going out of business or downsizing. I am not sure because the kids clothing area look like it was going out of business but they was replacing the section with furniture.
As we walked in, Carrie (a wife of my husband’s co-worker) is sitting there with a female friend. She is holding a small child (IRL her son is 15 or 16) that is sick. She asks my husband could he go to the drug store and get her a bottle of medicine. She states that it is only 98 cents and she would give him the money. My husband looked to be annoyed because Carrie’s friend was sitting nearby and she was stuffing her face with food. It was as though I could read his mind or my feelings were in sync with his. However, he relented and told me to go ahead and shop. I recalled that we had driven on his red Ninja motorcycle and thought it would be best for me to go home and get the truck because I could not bring home bags and our daughter on the motorcycle with us. I recalled that I needed to get back to Sears by 4. There was a stress on this time of 4:00. I recalled that there was an emphasis on a clothing rack that held toddler/baby clothing. They were cold suits(the winter onesies that are used instead of coats for small children) that were designed in the form of a sheep. They were white and I recalled I thought it was cute how it had wool like that of a sheep. I looked over some of the clothes that were left and walked out the door and saw that furniture was being put up. I was disappointed that no more clothes were left. EOD
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Post by Jehu »

Did you know that Sears is actually downsizing? They are closing the store in my hometown as well as many others.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I think this dream is along the same lines of the others you've been having about making preparations for moving from old season to new season.

"Sears" = seers (those whom the Lord to speaks to through dreams and visions) I'm thinking he's giving you a new vision.

Furniture is equipping. There's also "baggage" that needs to be shed.

Truck is usually about the gospel.

And now my kids are into it and I need to go, try to post more later. LOL
~Warrior Princess
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

Sears and K-Mart are closing about 120 stores, however, this could be more of the spiritual (symbolic) dreams of course...
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Post by Newbie »

Hello all, I had to marinate on this one for a minute because I knew that there was message within it and indeed there was. I got clarity over this and WP a lot stuff you put out is true because this dream has manifested. The Lord gave me a night vision almost a year ago, in which I was in “seer’s school”. There were other elements in this night vision and I have come to realize that it was a layered vision and it parallels this dream. For over a week now, I was fighting something fierce in the spirit. I did not know what it was but it was something that almost knocked me out of the “marathon race”. Before this time, I had asked the Lord to show me my mantle and could I have a new mantle as well (I was inspired by Elisha). Also, I am just realizing that when I ask Him to show me things He would; however, when I got the answer in my dream, it did not came in the form I was looking for and this dream is one of those dreams.
Here is what I got:
Jesus (my husband) is leading my personal ministry (red Ninja motorcycle) and my spirit (daughter) me to the Seer’s school (Sears) to pick out my mantle (new clothing) and to “see” things (me looking around Sear’s).
The only clothing that was left was winter cover-all for babies that looked eerily like that of a sheep costume. After some deep reflection yesterday, what came to mind was “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. This were I was reminded of last year’s dream and a current situation, in which I felt on edge about. Someone that was once truly anointed by Him has now become “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”, a false prophet. In addition, this person is a former shell of themself. They were once His “sheep” but now they are not; hence, the cover-all being an outer shell.
I recalled feeling a sense of disappointment when I saw the limited selection of clothing or lack thereof (this person losing their covering). IRL, I truly felt disappointment and was in disbelief. Walking through the rest of Sears, I saw that it did not have anything further to offer. I recalled lingering around but left. Once again, the only thing that I can do is pray and yes up until last night, I did lingered around a bit (hoping against hope).
The time of 4:00 is significant in that this is indeed a change in my season on so many levels. At first, I did not understand the symbolism of Carrie sending my husband to buy medicine for her son. Here is what I got on this portion:
Carrie is a play on carie; more specifically a dental carie. A dental carie is tooth decay or a cavity; meaning that “Carrie” is symbolic of decaying wisdom. The number 98 is very symbolic and positive. 9+8 = 17. Seventeen has both negative and positive attributes; but in this case, it is positive. It means the Lord is vanquishing Satan. Carrie had needed the “medicine” for her “baby”. The Lord is about to turn around this person’s ministry (the unseen baby).I am also realizing that the Lord is a bit annoyed by this; hence my husband irritation at Carrie's request; nevertheless, He went into "drugstore" to get the much needed remedy for this baby.