My Ex is Looking For me!!~~

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My Ex is Looking For me!!~~

Post by Imani863 »

I dreamed that a former pastor was with me at some event, with members of his congregation. I was sitting with them. He began to whisper in my ear. I could not understand him, because of the noise. He got up and picked me up inhis arms and carried me away through the crowd, to a room where we ould talk in private. He told me that my Ex was looking for me. he gave me the name. During the dream I knew who he was talking about. When I awakened, I could not remember who it was. I was so,so happyin the dream, however, that he was looking for me and still cared for me. Anything that Holy Spirit reveals to you, will be appreciated.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed: Then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. Job 33:15,16

Post by Hisdaughter »

I feel like this dream may indicate that you have been going through a time of not being able to hear from the Lord clearly, He is desiring to have that intimate time with you so that He can relate to you how much He still desires to have a very close relationship with you... He is LOOKING for you and has never STOPED loving you

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Post by Imani863 »

Thanks, so much, His Daughter, for your interpretation! The Lord is showing me that this is true!!~~ I have suffered a loss, recently, due to my mis interpreting what the Lord was doing in my life. :oops: He is, nevertheless showing me that He is still there for me, and healing and restoring me, too. Thanks, again. In His service, in His name.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed: Then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. Job 33:15,16
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Post by chase77 »

sometimes we get so caught up in doing for God that we forget to spend time with Him. You were among the saints but still was unable to hear clearly, you heard partially, but not clear enough to understand what was been said.... The Holy Spirit had to remove you from among them... so you can hear Him clearly. God is after a personal relationship with you and He will go to any length to let you know how much He loves you. He had to remove you Himself.. THIS HERE BLESS ME....
M Phillips