Breast Implants

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Little Treasures
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Breast Implants

Post by Little Treasures »

I dreamt that my friend (someone I have concidered a very good friend IRL) gave me breast implants but I didn't want them. I noticed that my right nipple was like a belly button (but instead of like an inny it was protruding outward) and I didn't like it.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Don't have an interp. for you but a few little things to maybe help you on your search and prayer!

I thought of breasts as the instrument that feeds babies...
Also, I thought of the breastplate of righteousness...

The implants to me spoke of a word play...IM PLANT...The actual definition of implant means :

To set in firmly; To fix in the mind; instill; surgically implant

Also I thought of implants being fake or not real...not make look bigger...puff up, build up...
to appear bigger than...

Interestingly the belly button is the central feeding line to the baby while in the mothers its interesting that the breast and the belly button are mentioned...they are both used to feed while in the womb before birth and one after birth...hmm...
Again, the belly button was sticking appear the implants...
Could this dream be showing you something about your friend trying to feed you something false??? and make it look good?? Maybe the fact that you didn't want them is showing you that your not buying into can see it for what it is??
Just some thoughts to pray about..
Lots of Love..
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by Bella »

Hi Little Treasures

I once dreamt about fake breasts on someone else, and it was to do with false teaching - false feeding of the spiritual milk.

If I had this dream, I would be asking God to show me if this friend is really a friend, or might your friend think you're being false? ... even if you aren't?

Hope this helps.
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Post by gloryhis »

I feel this dream is concerning perhaps your feelings regarding the friendship. Friends should nurture each other, build each other up. I feel that is what the breast implants are about. These were given to you by her, sorta like saying be encouraged, I admire you, etc, , but you may have felt they were fake.

The belly button is where the umbilical cord once was. Symbolic of the attachment between the mother and the 'Child".

Once it is cut however, the child is now independant of that "type" of mothering. And since you are both adults, there maybe should have never been that type of I am mother you are child realtionship...

Belly buttons can become outies for different reasons, but it has to do with the cord being cut correctly and with the correct tools. was this cord cut or severed in a manner which was not quite right? ( friendship)

In the dream the fake breast, had the appearance of a outie belly button, to me that means it had the appearance of one whose relationship was severd improperly and it is not totally healed yet.

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!
Little Treasures
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Post by Little Treasures »

Thank you all so much for helping me with this dream. I had this dream one year ago regarding a friendship that I treasured but I did not understand it then. The friendship seems to have now changed and I haven't understood why but God kept bringing me back to this dream. I appreciate the time you took to help me out - you spoke truth. Blessings to you.
Mama table
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Hanging out with people no tquite on the same page as Jesus

Post by Mama table »

I know this is so old to answer but this jumped out at me for some reason.
Here is what I think.
I try to be spirit led so if I miss it please excuse me.

Breast implants are a horrible thing. I know there are times where woman need to be reconfigured from things etc...
I just keep feeling like breast implants are horrilbly superficial that they are actually toxic. That are body is not designed to have things that are not not natural in them.
when God creates he creates good. I am not dissing breast implants for reasons needed.
All Im saying is feel that there is something not natural here.
Things that God did not create are being put in you by force
things that are not natural
and God did not design you to have.
when we have sin in our life (not saying this is sin)
we are not designed to have it. It is not natural to us
This friend might have things that go totally contrary to the Word of God that you might not have picked out in the word of God yet.
sometimes it comes subtally. Believe me a 90 year old will still have things God is changing and showing. I am not picking on you here. I just think there are things being put in you that go contrary to the Word of God.
and your spirit does not like it.
a Breast having a belly button shows that is the place you are being nourished. Things that are being fed to you. make sure what your friend says lines up with the Word of God.
yes we are to have close friends but our trust should be in the Lord. Friends can let us down....
Micha 7:5-6
Do not trust in a neighbor;
Do not have confidence in a friend.
From her who lies in your bosom
Guard your lips.
6For son treats father contemptuously,
Daughter rises up against her mother,
Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
A man’s enemies are the men of his own household.

Okay, I admit it. Slipping up with a foul word is a pretty mild example. But Rachel’s a pretty straight arrow, so it is a big deal for her. And it’s just the sort of thing a person might do at the beginning of the downward spiral that starts when we hang out with people who are not quite on the same page with Jesus Christ that we are.

Bible Bits: So, does the Bible really say it matters who you hang out with? Yes, it does! Check out our Practical Proverbs for this week:

1:10–My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.

12:26–A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

13:20–He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

a website gave an example of a friend hanging out with a friend who is cursing on accident here and there. and her close friend who is not cursing is not suprised she has been hanging out with backslidden friend. Now this girl is wondering why these words are coming out of her mouth. WE ARE WHO WE ASSOCIATE. i am not talking about ministry. Jesus ministered to people who needed him that is not an excuse. We need to be careful who we allow to be close to us in a waythey add or take away in our life. Be careful who you let talk into your life personally. The Bible even says be careful who you sit down and eat with. Again this is not ministry we love people but we shouldnt do things like "ministry date" and we shouldn't do things like "ministry bestfriend" where we let a unbeliever or one not abiding by the /word of God talk into our lives..Love you (in Christ) and hope this helps...
I love the Lord
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Post by Jehu »

I think of the verse in proverbs that says: do not forsake the wife of your youth, let her breasts always satisfy you. Perhaps this is about substitutes for the real thing. Obviously if you didn't like it and it looked strange it is implying something is being forced.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."