5 year old son hit by car

Archived Dreams from 2017
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5 year old son hit by car

Post by Victorious »

I've had several dreams lately about my 5 year old son being in an accident that kills or seriously injures him. Last night, the dream was that I was in line at a drug store like CVS or Walgreens, in the checkout line, and he left the store on a large 10-speed bicycle before I was done. I ran after him, but couldn't stop him from crossing the street just as a yellow convertible drove through the crossing and ran him over. I ran to him and he was limp and unconscious but still alive. I took off my glasses a couple of times in the dream, trying to take pictures of him and the yellow car (with the glasses like they were a camera), and to call 911, as if my glasses were a cell phone. The driver of the convertible drove back around and I was yelling at her for hitting my son.
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Re: 5 year old son hit by car

Post by Victorious »

Another similar dream:
It was night, and my husband was trying to get our five year old to come inside from the backyard. He said, "ok, I'm just going to leave you out there" and came inside and shut the sliding glass door. He was watching our son through the glass, but after a minute he told me to see if our son went to the front door, because he ran off and he couldn't see him any more. I went to the front door but once again, I took off my glasses to use them like a phone/camera. I went outside, but my son was gone, no where to be found.
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Re: 5 year old son hit by car

Post by BlueDreamer »

You're having fear dreams about your son being hurt and believe you can control the situation. Glasses are used as a camera for foresight and you see it as an emeegency.

Do not give into this fear. It will perpetuate the enemy and can cause things to actually happen. Trust God that he will take care of your son amd protect him.
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Re: 5 year old son hit by car

Post by Victorious »

My son is a “runner” and soon to be evaluated for high functioning autism. I think the fear is that he will run from God the way my 25-year old autistic son has done.

I had another dream last night, where I was parked in a parking lot, on the way home from somewhere with other family/friends, and I put him in the trunk. As I was driving home, I told one of the back seat passengers (an unknown black man) to adjust his seat so my son could get plenty of air in the trunk, but the seat didn’t adjust that way, so there wasn’t any air flow into the trunk. I was worried my son would die or was already dead, but I couldn’t pull over and check on him for some reason; I had to keep going.