purple wolf

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purple wolf

Post by NOTW »

Can anyone tell me the significance of a purple wolf?
My husband and I were in bed and I had a vision of a purple wolf and then 5 min later he got upset and we were fighting.
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NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by keilani »

Hey sweetie:) think of you often and praying His continued peace and wisdom for you!

Wolf--deception of some sort? Not too sure about the purple but was the argument about the Word or Godly topics? (Purple--kingly, royalty--Jesus??)

satan always seeks to divide you...trust in Him and love even when it's hard. I've found He is truly the only One who can speak up on our behalf better than ourselves. Love you lots Crys!
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Post by NOTW »

Hey Em!
Thanks so much for your prayers. I hope all is well with you and your crew! How's that angel of yours? Getting big I bet!!!

I don't have a lot of visions so I'm really trying to figure out the spirit involved with this vision. As soon as I saw it, I was on guard. I believe God was showing me the spirit operating in and around him but I'm not sure which spirit it represents. Maybe it is deception...hmm...

I was wondering if it was a princely type of spirit and that is why he was purple? B/c there are different levels of demonic spirits and satan is called "prince of the air". Just pondering... So good talking to you! Email me anytime!

Love you too!!!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by keilani »

AH yes!! Katie Souza--she talks about this!!! Catch her on youtube, blocked healing--she addresses revelation on this and speaks exactly on this!! I think you'll learn much--I sure did!!

She is big:) and i know ur lil ones too!! we will def keep in touch:)

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Post by NOTW »

Thanks Em! I'll look her up. Have a blessed day!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by ReBorn »

The Lord Jesus Christ warned His followers, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Matt. 7:15).

The warning was important because Jesus later said to them: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves" (Matt. 10:16).

The apostle Paul, with a deeply troubled spirit and in tears, penned a similar warning: "I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock" (Acts 20:29).

Throughout church history these warnings concerning professing Christians who deceive even the elect have seldom been taken seriously.

How can the church be so easily deceived? According to Webster’s Dictionary "deceive" means "to lead astray or to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid."

Could it be the church has not only lost its ability to discern truth from error but also to discern wolves from sheep?

The purple color makes me think this particular wolf actually believes he is "royal" like a king who should be served and treated like one.

here's the truth:
Jesus is the KING OF KINGS and Lord of Lords, HE is the good shepherd.

Hope this helps
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Post by wantingmore »

for some people a wolf can represent a religious spirit.
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Post by bjcollin »

Interesting. To me it seemed that in the vision purple meant authority and the wolf was a representative of the enemy. Wolves as animals usually hunt in packs and then they divide out or separate out their prey to get them alone and then they attack. So to me it seems that this purple wolf in the vision represented that the enemy had the authority to bring a division between you and your husband and cause you to quarrel between yourselves. Question now comes what was the open door that caused the access and allowed the enemy to enter in? Find that out and you will know what to pray about to fix that open door and to not allow the enemy access inbetween yall any longer.

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Post by NOTW »

bjcollin wrote:So to me it seems that this purple wolf in the vision represented that the enemy had the authority to bring a division between you and your husband and cause you to quarrel between yourselves. Question now comes what was the open door that caused the access and allowed the enemy to enter in? Find that out and you will know what to pray about to fix that open door and to not allow the enemy access inbetween yall any longer.
Easier said than done!!! This is an on going battle inside him where he blows up about insignificant things and gets agitated very easily. I've been praying about a year and a half about this and I feel like this vision is a key and that God allowed me to see this. The vision was in a most inopportune time as we were being intimate. So I definitely believe this vision was revelation of "the wolf" that is working in him and around him but trying to find what this represents has been difficult.
ReBorn wrote:The purple color makes me think this particular wolf actually believes he is "royal" like a king who should be served and treated like one.
This is interesting...hmm...I'm going to have to mull this one over...Thanks for the insight!
wantingmore wrote:for some people a wolf can represent a religious spirit.
Yes - this could be the case to...He was Mormon but converted a few years ago but he is very judgemental about people and situations.

Thanks for all your responses! I will continue to pray about this!

God Bless!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by ReBorn »

I don't have a lot of visions so I'm really trying to figure out the spirit involved with this vision. As soon as I saw it, I was on guard. I believe God was showing me the spirit operating in and around him but I'm not sure which spirit it represents

I have been battling a demonic spirit in my husband too. Since 2008, the Lord has also been giving me visions to let me know what's going on.

One time the Lord showed me a very quick vision of a volcano erupting and sure enough, the next day- on the way to church, my husband blew up and started screaming and used the Lord's name in vain (Ex: saying, G-dammit)
in front of my children (Which really infuriates me) so I think the volcano was showing me what was going to happen the next day.

Then, another day the Holy spirit rose up inside of me and spoke to the demon operating in my husband and told it to repent.

Immediately after the word to repent, the Lord gave me a vision where I saw a rhinocerous turn his back to me and then sit down.
the focus of that vision was on the "THICK SKIN" of the rhino, which the Lord told me was my husbands response to the Lord's words that were coming out of me.

Anyway, I believe you're right in being on guard!
The Lord told me I would have to put on the FULL armor of God and only speak when HE says to speak and be silent when HE says to be silent.

I hope this helps! I'll be glad when this season of war is completed.
I will pray for you.
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Post by NOTW »

ReBorn wrote: I'll be glad when this season of war is completed.
Amen to that!!! I hate confrontation!!!! I guess the Lord is training me on how to be a true warrior! Thanks again ReBorn!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by ReBorn »

I hate confrontation!!!!
ME TOO! I despise arguments and was really reluctant to want to be in this war but the Lord convinced me that there are times and seasons for everything and this was the season for war :(

My whole life all I've ever wanted was peace and security

the Lord says sometimes you have to go through war before you come to the place of peace.

I'm SO ready for this season to be over, yet I feel more energized when I stop to praise Him and sing songs about Him (even when I'm feeling weary, tired of the fight, etc...)

I hate that you're going through this too, but in some ways it's comforting to know that I'm not alone in this and there will be a time of peace on the horizon.

Blessings Beloved
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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