Jack and the Bible

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Jack and the Bible

Post by vdm3418 »

I preface this dream to say that I knew Jack personally, still involved with his wife and her ministry, and that Jack has been with the Lord 5 years now.

Jack Frost and his Bible
I dreamed that Rose and I were in a house that I was unfamiliar with and Jack came to us. He had his big black Bible with him and he handed it to me and told me to lay on it. He said that I needed to lay on the Bible. I took it and either said that Rose should lay on it with me or I was asking if she should lay on it with me. We then got on the floor and I laid it under my chest area and pulled Rose over to me. I remember thinking how was I going to lay on this Bible with Rose at the same time. Jack was crouched down near us by the door in this room. I know there were other people in the other room. Later, Rose and I went into another room where Trisha was with several other people. I still had Jack’s Bible, but was unsure how to tell her that I had it and what had just happened. Then I woke up.
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Post by wellstravisa »

It sounds like you, were/are asking God about a direction you are supposed to take. You want someone/thing to be a part of that answer, but are being told to lean/lay upon the Word/Jesus.

Or possible the Lord is showing you that your wanting to be involved with a certain ministry/person is hindering your ability to listen to what the Lord wants you to do? Closeness to Him seems to be the theme of the dream.
He said that I needed to lay on the Bible
Resting in Him, leaning on Him, closeness with Him, seeking Him.

Who is Trisha?
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by vdm3418 »

Trisha is Jacks wife. She has continued on with the ministry they had before he passed away. Shiloh Place Ministries in COnway, SC.
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Post by freedinHim »

I will attempt an interpretation without being sentimental (That is very difficult for me). Let me state here that I never met Jack nor Trisha. When I heard that Jack went home to be with the Lord I cried and mourned for days. This is because the message that God gave to Jack transformed my Christian life and walk. It is like being born again again. If anyone has not heard of this man I recommend reading 'the fathers embrace' by Jack Frost, you will never be the same again.
I am sorry, I don't know the protocol here, if I have violated any rule by recommending a book I apologize, but I want to repeat here that I had never met Jack and will not profit in any way from the sale of that book.
Now the dream
It appears to me that the Lord is trying to get you back to resting in Him. Remember Jack Frost's message is resting in the father's love. The bible is God's word, our operating manual. When Jack asked to lay on it, the Holy Spirit is reminding you doubly to lay and rest in His love.
Also, if you have any doubt about your involvement in that ministry (being associated with Jack and now Trisha), the Holy Spirit is clearing that doubt) you have Jack's bible, it sounds like you have the mantle to operate in that office, you are equipped, called and now commissioned, GO DO IT!
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Post by HisGift »

I just have a question; is Rose your wife? If not, who is Rose? I am sure this is significant.

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Post by vdm3418 »

Yes, Rose is my wife! Thanks
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Post by Charys »

Hi vdm,
I heard the words of this song as i read your dream.

Rest In His Love And Abide

May the God of hope touch
You with His love
As you place your trust in His Son;
May His gentle spirit fill you with His joy
As you walk by faith in what He's done
May His peace follow you in believing
As you find sweet release in receiving
May your life overflow
And abound with hope
As His spirit fills you inside
May you know His pow'r
Ev'ry day of your life
As you trust in Him now to provide
Simply rest in His love and abide
Simply rest in His love and abide

-for your discernment-
...that I might know Him...
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Post by HisGift »

One more question. Was the bible open or closed when you laid on it? Another significance.

I do believe that I saw something the first time I read this knowing Rose was your wife, but her name really jumped at me too. So I was asking just to be sure.


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Post by vdm3418 »

The Bible was closed.
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Post by HisGift »

I humbly offer this up to you, but please toss if it does not bare witness.


It seems from the dream that you and your wife are finding yourselves in an unfamiliar phase of your life. A way that perhaps you've never come before. Unfamiliar territory sort a speak.

Jack means God is gracious and I believe that his name here is very significant as Grace is handing you the word/bible!

It's interesting that Jack says that you need to "lay" on the bible because lay is a transitive verb. Which usually means something else; something other than yourself. Ex lay the book on the table. A person would say lie (intransitive) on the bible instead of lay. So I believe that "lay" is very very significant as it surely stands out to me.

You lay your chest on the bible. It is interesting also that you lay on a "closed" bible and you also pull your wife to lay "close" to you. Lay your heart out...with your wife...with grace "in the word"?

So I ask if there is perhaps an issue in your marriage between your wife and you that needs to be laid down in humility on your part? After you lay on the word of God, seek the truth in the word, a humbling takes place. You then are ready to lay on your face before the Lord and before your wife and allow His grace to usher you into a place of humility and union. Rose's name here also speaks to me of a possible heart issue, but more than that the overwhelming love the two of you have and that God has for you.

So it would seem that God has already given you the grace you need to get through this unfamiliar place, but Jack's ministry could also be very significant for getting you to the place you need to be with your wife. The words Naked before God and wife comes to mind. Not sure why.

It seems also that after this transformation has either started or is on its way you will need to share it with Trish. The timing and the words will come.

Again please toss any/all if it does not bare witness. I feel like I've forgotten something too.


One body, one Spirit, one mind! Doing what the Father does and only what the Father does!