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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

Someone unseen was helping me to climb.I had to hold onto a rope and pull myself up.I don't know if I was climbing a tree or a rock (like a cave).I was in a narrow cleft.It took every bit of strength I had to pull myself up,but I did,with the unseen persons help.Then I had to go through a narrow hole to the left that looked WAY to small for me.I went through the hole to the left and upward,into a room made of wood.It was filled with beautiful antique wardrobes (furniture).There were so many of them and they were gorgeous .I remember thinking that they could be sold for a lot of money.They were very valuable and of excellent quality.But the room was dusty like no one had been there for a long time.I opened the drawer of one wardrobe and it had wooden mousetraps covering the bottom.I thought at first the mousetraps were to keep people from taking the wardrobes,but then I realized they were meant to keep mice from destroying them.
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Post by theonlywan »

It is Jesus helping you to climb obstacles & challenges. Sounds like the Lord has you hidden for a time in the 'cleft of the rock'. A rope is something that binds us to something & in this case you are bound to Jesus who is leading you through. Going through a hole that looks impossible to get through speaks of a particular challenge, test, or trial which you will feel is impossible to surmount. But once Jesus brings you through this trial, you will attain a spiritual change (the left turn symbolizes spiritual change here) in the form of spiritual growth & going up a level in the Lord. The wooden room indicates you are brought into a place of humility of the cross - a place full of treasures & valuable insights into the character of the Lord that people who do not pass these challenges do not get to see - There is much favour in this place. Not many people make it here, because they are unwilling to take the difficult journey to get there. The mousetraps symbolize the fact that God is protective of this secret place (drawers mean something private or secret). He protects this place from people or attitudes which could steal, eat away at, or in any way be a parasite to it.

If you have not read the book, HINDS FEET ON HIGH PLACES, by Hannah Hurnard, I would suggest it. I suggest this book to all of God's people who are going through their trials & testings for a better understanding of how the process works
God bless you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VtZjZOpIgU
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wardrobe dream

Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

I HAVE GOOSEBUMPS!!! wow, what a powerful dream.Thank you for you interpretation.I do feel like I have been going through a time of testing,like Job did in the bible.It has been difficult at times but I believe The Lord has been growing and training me.He has been doing amazing things for me spiritually and I am so thankful that He saw strength in me I never knew was there.What a wonderful God we serve!I read Hinds Feet about 30 years ago but don't remember much. I think I'll read it again.again,thank you and be blessed!
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,and you have been given fullness in Christ,who is the head over EVERY power and authority.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I believe the antique wardrobes are about access to ancient heavenly gifts.

There are MANY people in the Body who have been going through an intense period of purification to be able to carry the anointing he is getting ready to pour out.
~Warrior Princess
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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

This is very exciting! I believe the time IS very near.Thank you for your insight. BJ
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,and you have been given fullness in Christ,who is the head over EVERY power and authority.