Transparent Helicopters

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Transparent Helicopters

Post by WingsofHealing »

I just awoke from this intense/bold dream
It was long, so don’t remember the beginning……….. let’s see
I guess to start where I remember.
I was at a public place and was walking with two ladies. We were talking about the beauty salon where they worked for I had gone there looking for someone, maybe Pamela Leathers(twas a good friend when i was selling at farmers markets and craft fairs). I told them I DON’T WANT HER TO KNOW I AM HERE, JUST NEED TO KNOW IF SHE IS HERE. So two beauticians and myself walked away talking. I share I want to get my hair cut and when I save up $50, I will be ready. We get to a point, it is a point going from one place to another. A guy with an intense/bold hair style, sorta like a bomb or water fountain and was blonde, was looking skyward and spoke… OH MY GOSH, and we all looked up; and it took me a couple of seconds to see what he saw. There were several helicopters going I believe north or northwest. As soon as we had spotted them, they changed course and made a u-turn and ended up landing within 200 feet of us. I was the only one with some colorful language. (in real life I don’t use this kind of language).
There was stuff hanging on these nearly see-through helicopters….. almost like the chains you see on a small bridge to hang on to, so as to not fall off.
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Post by SpecialK »

God is preparing you for a ministry of salvation (harvest), and you'll rescue people perhaps in the spirit.
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Post by WingsofHealing »

this is awesome for i am listening to the song on Pandora called Tears of the saints.... about prodigals. AND was awoken by my oldest sons girlfriend (a phone call this AM with her in tears) who dreamt i lead her to JESUS CHRIST....... Then checking my email YOUR response to the dream, AND the spirit of truth WHICH i felt/feel as i read YOUR response. Am a mess, thank you my Savoiur and Lord JESUS CHRIST!

Nicole Nanette Ramirez :D
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Re: Transparent Helicopters

Post by Laura3D »

WingsofHealing wrote:I was at a public place and was walking with two ladies. We were talking about the beauty salon where they worked for I had gone there looking for someone, maybe Pamela Leathers(twas a good friend when i was selling at farmers markets and craft fairs). I told them I DON’T WANT HER TO KNOW I AM HERE, JUST NEED TO KNOW IF SHE IS HERE. So two beauticians and myself walked away talking. I share I want to get my hair cut and when I save up $50, I will be ready. We get to a point, it is a point going from one place to another. A guy with an intense/bold hair style, sorta like a bomb or water fountain and was blonde, was looking skyward and spoke… OH MY GOSH, and we all looked up; and it took me a couple of seconds to see what he saw. There were several helicopters going I believe north or northwest. As soon as we had spotted them, they changed course and made a u-turn and ended up landing within 200 feet of us. I was the only one with some colorful language. (in real life I don’t use this kind of language).
There was stuff hanging on these nearly see-through helicopters….. almost like the chains you see on a small bridge to hang on to, so as to not fall off.
Planning on having your hair cut = you need to get rid of some old dead/wrong beliefs in order to gain freedom from some things.

Hair refers to the covering on your mind here.
The number 50 speaks of Jubilee and freedom from something unhealthy.
The helicopters seem to speak of some sort of spiritual ministry which may become "grounded" at some point and be transparent for all to see. Chains can speak of bondage but also have the potential for linking authority, so once you have gotten rid of these dead bits of mindset (which also comes forth via your bad language "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks") , it seems you will have freedom then to move easier into the spirit and be more real. Transparency is a reference to being real & not religious minded.

Hope that helps.
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Post by WingsofHealing »

i don't ever use bad language. And God has and is purging me from intense witchcraft from infancy. I have complained for i like things done quickly and this has taken years, and the babysitter of me, had me for months to curse me. I have come so far, but discern/know that this is "nearly over" not quite yet. Patience has never been an asset of mine, but since the Lord gave me Isaiah 40:31, the focus changed from the eagle to the waiting..... and i am ever so much better, but still discern the roots/stuff isn't totally dealt with yet. Thank you
Nicole Nanette
someday soon will testify what/how God delivered me (though a Christian) of demons/curses
I was amazed that such evil was in me, yet the Lord saved me in 1977, and waiting until all was in place for my deliverance.
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Post by underhiswing »

Since vehicles are not always symbolic of ministries, I am curious as to how you felt about those helicopters....did you want to go aboard or were you wanting to keep your distance? Was there other types of debris besides chains hanging from them?

Are you a beautician? Which lady in your real life, was it that you wanted to know of her presence there but did not want her to know you were there?
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Post by Laura3D »

WingsofHealing wrote:ok.......
And God has and is purging me from intense witchcraft from infancy.
Ahhh.. this makes more sense now. The haircut also refers to having wrong doctrines & teachings (curses) cut off of your soul. The mind in the bible is also the heart & soul of a person.
So God is showing you that you are coming into more freedom as confirmed by the #50.
The bad language is just a symbol in the dream
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Post by WingsofHealing »

ok thank you.
This purging has taken years. for (in a nutshell)
mom was a waitress and my dad was the bartender. He had a fianc'e who was my babysitter. She was a witch. Mom abandoned me at the hospital where i contracted Spinal Menenjitis. Adopted and those parents are dead now. Birth dad i found a few years ago and then the demonic manisfestations started in whom my husband prayed and over the course of a couple years/ cast them all out. These last few years, I have been breaking curses ALOT. God has been pointing out any and all that I haven't known of. OH and the Lord also gave me a dream about the witch/spirit melting (wizard of oz) as i embraced my identity. This last week, i have been hearing (in the spirit) Ding Dong the witch is dead, Ding Dong, the wicked witch is dead. But i keep praying: what else Lord needs to be purged. My biggest issue (i think) is being patient, i abhor waiting. OK~~ THANK YOU all for posting, will copy and paste, then print to pray over anything I have missed. Shalom :D
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Post by WingsofHealing »

I felt fine about the helicopters. Was drawn to them (good wise). I am not sure, but still think there was one black one, but not positive. I never even thought about going on board. I was up the hill from them when the landed, and then woke up after the colorful language. I had no problem going down, and thinking about it now, well I would have to discern whether to or not. So often (irl) i do without praying and that is changing, to pray first THEN do. No other debri. The chains in fact reminded me of one fence i have seen in their front yard leading to their front door. You have seen them before i am sure. Not the chains that just hang/hung off the landing gear/pads Thank you.
Nicole Nanette :D
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Post by underhiswing »

A solid interpretation takes "all" of the pieces, actions, people, and items within a dream and fits each of them together into a consolidated picture/painting to reveal the real meaning. When it is done well, all of it "fits".

There are many aspects and symbols in this dream that haven't been discussed and revealed. (examples; Who is this blonde man?, why were you hiding from someone you liked? Why did the helicopters turn back and come nearer? When you looked at "transparent" helicopters, what did you see inside? Why chains and/or debris? How are beauticians connected to the meaning of this dream)...each action, person, and item is significant and are not accidently contained in it.

I think that your dream has divine importance and has some very specific things to say to you. You might try to let go of the thoughts about possessions because I see no symbol or item in it that symbolizes or represents evil spirits "possession" of you...( for example, there was nothing or no one holding, preventing, or restraining you) I would like to encourage you to not give up on discovering the entire meaning of this dream.
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Post by Laura3D »

WingsofHealing wrote:ok thank you.
This purging has taken years. for (in a nutshell)
mom was a waitress and my dad was the bartender. He had a fianc'e who was my babysitter. She was a witch. Mom abandoned me at the hospital where i contracted Spinal Menenjitis. Adopted and those parents are dead now. Birth dad i found a few years ago and then the demonic manisfestations started in whom my husband prayed and over the course of a couple years/ cast them all out. These last few years, I have been breaking curses ALOT. God has been pointing out any and all that I haven't known of. OH and the Lord also gave me a dream about the witch/spirit melting (wizard of oz) as i embraced my identity. This last week, i have been hearing (in the spirit) Ding Dong the witch is dead, Ding Dong, the wicked witch is dead. But i keep praying: what else Lord needs to be purged. My biggest issue (i think) is being patient, i abhor waiting. OK~~ THANK YOU all for posting, will copy and paste, then print to pray over anything I have missed. Shalom :D
You're welcome luv, praise God for He knows all things and loves you greatly.
Some other things I see in your dream... The name Pamela means "honey" and I think that part of the dream indicates you wondering if goodness/blessing is near. Honey in the Word of God often speaks of blessing & goodness, amen? So this fits into you not being very patient. Not wanting her to see you may refer to the fact that you are not ready for full release yet, but God is assuring you it is close by. I know some about witchcraft and it does take time to get free if one does not want to be destroyed in the process. God is gracious.

The haircut is a definite obvious in relation to what you've been going through = the cutting off of dead things (dead ends) such as curses or demonic doctrines/traditions attached to your soul/mind.

There are many believers who do not think Christians can have demons, but they're dead wrong. As a matter of fact, Jesus only cast demons out of Christians and many of the demon possessed He ministered to were in church! (synagogue). Even the man of Gardarene was a believer (he ran to Jesus and worshipped him). We cannot cast demons out of non believers because then the demons would come back 7 times stronger as the bible tells us. Anyway, you obviously already know first hand that Christians can have demons. I thank God for your testimony to those who are still walking in ignorance.

I'm glad you mentioned the 1 black helicopter.. it confirms what I was sensing earlier about the dual meaning for the helicopters = Meaning, there seemed to be some negative in the grounding & chains (bondage) but the transparency of the others speak of the ability to soar in the Spirit with agility (helicopters are very agile & can move much better than airplanes).

I view the man with blonde hair as a very visible (funky hairdo) mindset and attitude of redemption you have - He speaks of you KNOWING that redemption and help are coming even though it may seem or have seemed for awhile that rescue was going the other way. I believe his funky hair also speaks of the confidence you have in God and that sort of mindset. U-turns speak of a sudden change, so this may point to some "suddenlies" of God coming your way.

In essence, the dream meaning is all about more freedom from darkness coming to you and the cutting off of occult junk.

Ohhh... and just now the Lord reminded me of something... I believe the reason you used bad language is because whatever darkness is still left to be dealt with is upset when they "see what is coming". It wasn't YOU cussing in the dream but the remnant of the enemy.. lol.. oh that's kind of funny. You go girl = God isn't going to leave one tiny little bit of what the devil did to you around to bug you.

Give glory to Yeshua HaMashiach. Arise & shine for your light is come! He is going to set you 110% free and you will be so changed and filled to overflowing you will hardly recognize yourself when it's finally all accomplished.

God bless you sister, He is and has been with you through this :)
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Post by underhiswing »

Demons (even ones who occupied people) recognized Jesus and knew "who" He was. They also knew why and what He was doing. That doesn't make a demon possessed person a believer or a Christian. It just means the demons in them spoke to Jesus, knew His authority, and shuddered in His presence. Is that honor, or just "acknowledgment" of Him being the Son of God?

"None" of the demon possessed people in the bible had received the Holy Spirit yet. How can that which is holy (the Holy Spirit) occupy the same vessel/temple/body as that which is evil (a demon)? They don't. Where there is light, there is no darkness. Only sins remain after receiving the Holy Spirit, not demons, and scripture reveals that.

I am hoping that inference to "ignorance" wasn't directed at anyone specific, as that wouldn't have been kind.
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Post by Starfire »

Another view/something to think of.
You mention needing patience. The root of impatience is pride.
(As is it the root of many other flaws as well such as anger,etc)
Pride tells us our time is more valuable than anothers or that we are too important, our lives are too important to have to wait. We have "better" things to do & should not have to wait, etc.
Hair is our "crowning glory" another symbol of pride.

I'm not saying this is an issue for you, only you and the Holy Spirit know if that is what was intended; I'm only sharing what I see.
Regarding evil spirits, my understanding is that if you are a christian, they can torment you but cannot possess you without your permission.
(via direct consent or intentionally opening doors into the spiritual realm that are to be left closed).
I did agree with the concept that the haircut was a "setting free" from the past, but you needing to save the $ for it leaves me wondering if you are still trying to do it (release all of the adherence to flesh) by your own effort rather than relying fully on grace? Perhaps the pride/impatience is impeding you as you suspect. For God's ultimate
will to manifest in our lives, we have to humble ourselves completely to HIS will and HIS timing.

Again, I feel this may be reinforced by the helicopters arriving with one black among them (one major area yet to be defeated that is inhibiting your rescue on some level). Perhaps God is saying that your soul, intentions,etc are transparent to Him--you are accepted as you are. You don't have to and in fact cannot cleanse all of your past, only HE can do that. (We are imperfect - all of us-if we had to wait to get it all right, we'd never ever get there.) We come to the Lord in sin & disgrace, His blood cleanses us & gives us GRACE!

You recognize help from above, God is sending down a ladder for you to get your attention, but you will have to embrace the concept of letting go of earthly/fleshly influence (which includes all kinds of spiritual bondages we have) to climb that ladder. (Again, not that you have to DO it, you only have to be willing to let it go) Additionally, we are to "put on the new man" which perhaps all this emphasis on "beauticians" is about esp. the guy with the blond hair. The colorful language is an example of the worldly things that have influenced you without you even noticing.

So, in a nutshell, I'd say it's a call to embrace Christ fully, accepting your "new identity" as a Christian who has relied upon His sacrificed Blood and Grace to allow Him to complete that cleansing process revealing your new self.

By the way, if this is not affirmed by the Holy Spirit, then it does not apply. I'm only offering suggestions.
ONLY the dreamer, through interaction with our Lord, will know what specifically is meant by the symbols/elements of the dream.
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Post by WingsofHealing »

ok, thank you. Alot of this fits. I got ever so much confirment from all of you especially you Laura.
May I
I was saved in 1977 through Billy Grahams Crusade. I was living with my boyfreind and my best friend had a dream about us and hell. She begged me to watch billy graham and i did. I never "felt" what i felt as he spoke and accepted Christ that night. I couldn't sleep with my boyfriend that night then. So i slept in the walk in closet instead. Left him that week and started going to church. I always knew about God even went to Crusades and church. The year progressed and i got back together with my boyfriend who accepted Christ too. We were Married in 1979. After nearly 20 years of Wesleyan Faith (christian) I wanted MORE MORE MORE of GOD and got Baptized in the Holy Spirit even tongues about then in an Assembly of God Church. I again wanted more and ended up in Cloud 9 Worship Center. Found my birth dad (after adopted parents died), and learned through the newspaper article WHAT happened to me as an infant. His fiance the witch was my babysitter for 6 months and after that my birth mom abandoned me at the county hospital. Also after finding my birth father, demons started waking me up only at night, and only 1-2 times a year. My husband said he would find me staggering around the bedroom, and even saw me thrown to the floor by them (I WAS SPIRIT FILLED). One night he cast them out and they most certainly are not IN ME anymore. I get oppressed as they have come back and almost always this time of year (sept-dec)(time of abandonment and halloween). I choose to share this, for when something happens to "YOU" and it goes against what you believe, one must humble themselves to accept what the truth is to set them free. My biggest issue here is patience. I hear/listen to the Lord daily, and so much what you share is ever so good and edifying. I heard the Lord 2 years ago communicate to me (I was whining. :( i heard "NICOLE, IF WE DO IT YOUR WAY, YOU WILL DIE" Such fear of the Lord came over me and I honestly haven't been complaining/whining again until this last month or so. For these blank outs are "hard" to ignore, but they are less and less as time passes. I know part of my freedom has come from FINALLY getting angry. I keep hearing Be angry and don't sin. God is most certainly going into crevices, I never let HIM before. SHALOM and thank you "ALL". SHALOM
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Post by Laura3D »

That's quite a testimony. The Lord has great plans for you. You will go forth teaching these truths and helping others whom are dealing with much the same. This battle is real.
WingsofHealing wrote: I choose to share this, for when something happens to "YOU" and it goes against what you believe, one must humble themselves to accept what the truth is to set them free.

Bless you for sharing the truth about demons and Christians. I think the reason many believers get so upset about the topic is that they don't want to admit they could have demons themselves, lol. Fact of the matter is, many (perhaps most) have demons. They aren't always throwing people to the ground or making them froth at the mouth.. they like to hide & stay quiet so they aren't detected and then lose the 'body' they have in a person. Instead they afflict the person from the inside bringing them misery, filling them with pride, causing them to be judgemental, bringing addictions, strongholds over their mind, etc etc...

Here is a video a good friend & his wife sent me from Texas. He hadn't believed Christians could have demons till a few months ago after we had a discussion on another forum about the subject, and then low & behold, his pastor preached on the subject using much of the same scripture I used to prove Christians do have demons. He knows the truth now.. as does the entire GATEWAY Church! lol :)

This is vitally important to understand because if we don't get the truth now, what is coming upon us soon on this earth will certainly be a rude awakening if we don't <-- seems you will need to copy & paste the address

and here's another one he did in that same series.. it's sound teaching. It's all through the bible regarding Christians with demons