ocean, caretaker, cleaning, storm

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ocean, caretaker, cleaning, storm

Post by thewritingmommy »

Dreamed about oceans and marine life and caring for kids
The place, a community of houses and a big store beside a shore line is one I have dreamed of several times in the past year or two. In the dream, which seems chaotic overall for there were so many elements, I was a caretaker. I think I worked in a day care, but I also cared for friends’ children and my own I think. I’m not sure if I was in a daycare facility or my home or if it was both. My dad and his family were there as well I think they were living with me. The children were all pretty young. Besides caring for them I worked at a big retail store like wal- mart or something. I was caring for the children, trying to get them all in bed in time for my other job and get some rest myself. Though there were others around, I didn’t trust them to care for the children well enough I think. There was a storm coming and I knew it somehow. I was cleaning in the frozen foods section and very frustrated that I couldn’t get it clean enough before my time was up. The manager said I could stay there till I died and not get it clean enough and that I was doing a fine job. I kept sweeping till it was time to go, frustrated. Suddenly, I am with two other women, one I know the other I do not know. We are on holiday I think or something like that. We are in a house on top of the ocean. I am worried about the marine life. Suddenly we look out towards the ocean and see a wall of black rain coming at us and we know we will be hit by this massive storm. We brace ourselves and I’m trying to call my house to make sure the children are safe but the storm overtakes the house we are in and it rolls two or three times and I hold hands with these two women, one on either side of me, and just keep saying “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”. Finally the rolling ends and we are on top of a bed and while we are at the bottom of the ocean, no water has come into the house yet but I know it will and soon. I also am very aware of the huge marine creatures all around me. I don’t sense that they are violent but I am still afraid or concerned at least about them. I am trying to call my family to see if they are okay but my battery is out of the phone and I’m trying to make it work but I can’t get through to anyone. Then I woke up. It was a dark and chaotic dream, like a dark gray or an ombre gray colored dream. I usually dream in living color.