
Archived Dreams from 2014
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Warrior Princess
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Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:44 pm


Post by Warrior Princess »

In a house with my family. For some reason I was in the living room sitting on a bench from my childhood which had a cut out for a handle and I was urinating on the 70s green carpet. People came around and I suddenly realized I had wet myself so I was going to go elsewhere in the house and change. I ended up taking a nap and while asleep on a sofa I was starting to levitate in my sleep in the dream. I kept feeling myself lifting. I woke because a couple of cats were playing with me. I got up and walked into a loft with furniture where family was, and then went into another part of the house. I saw the wife in the bedroom in her nightgown and the husband was at the door, and she was telling him what needed to be fixed so she could get ready to go out. It smelled like fresh paint in there and I saw fresh flowers hanging on the door knob, lilacs and something else, and figured the husband had put them there. Then I went into the kitchen, apparently we had moved into this house recently, but now it was as if the clock had been turned back and everything looked as if we had just moved in. The kitchen was dated but had been remodeled. There was a new island. I flipped a switch and you could hear the old garbage disposal which had been walled over. Then I saw two stoves next to each other, one regular, one a little smaller than the other, everything was pulled out/apart, so I was going to have to ask someone to put them together.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."