My Pastor Put Fake Hair on my Head

Archived Dreams from 2015
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My Pastor Put Fake Hair on my Head

Post by Missyjojo88 »

Hello all,

I had a dream that my pastor braided my hair with fake hair extensions. In real life, I never felt the need to put on fake hair since my hair is naturally long and thick. In the dream, I saw myself gathered around with others; I remembered my father was near me. We were watching the pastor on stage speaking. Then I begin unbraiding the fake hair out of my hair which was curly and placed them on a ceiling light fixture (not really sure) that was metal. I just put the fake hair on the metal part to let it hang.

I need some opinions on what this dream may be saying please.
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Re: My Pastor Put Fake Hair on my Head

Post by bella »

Hello Missyjojo88

I believe this dream is saying that your pastor is telling you things which are false (either directly or through sermons). Your father or Father is with you. You are with others also (other church members?) and as you sit listening to a sermon, you start to unravel those things on your mind, which are false.

Placing the false hair on the light reflects bringing those falsehoods into the light.

Hope that helps.
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Re: My Pastor Put Fake Hair on my Head

Post by jackiebauerle »

Not sure what your Pastor is teaching in real life right now, but this dream is indicating that you are struggling with his teaching.
That struggle maybe just how your view your convictions of what is being said. For instance, the word of God can convict us of things. When conviction comes we have to deal with our heart. Perhaps, you are trying to apply the words spoken but you are feeling in a manner like your faking. The reason I suggest this is the dream is dealing with hair. Hair is our glory. Are you getting glory that you do not feel you deserve? Christ walk and yours is all about balance of compliments and credits. Be real and display on the glory that the Lord naturally gives you.

My advice is to compare the words you are hearing with the word of God. If they are correct, analyse your perception for balance with the word. It is important to be sure where you are standing is correct.
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Re: My Pastor Put Fake Hair on my Head

Post by Missyjojo88 »

Thank you both for the interpretation. Due to the fact the Pastor place the braids on my hair and at the end of the dream I take it off, means that there is something he is teaching me that I feel may not sit right in my spirit. I will pray on this some more to find out what the Pastor is saying that is not according to the word of God. Thank you both again.