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Archived Dreams from 2014
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Post by Carterman »

Joshua wrote:
Carterman wrote:I think it's important too that you realize Joshua the reason impurity becomes a stronghold in a mans lfe is b/c he entertains the temptation b/c he likes it

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
James 1:15

It's conceived by your own flesh but when a person continues to indulge in because they like the sin it will become a bondage and spirit of lust attached to them.

Yes I agree.

I do like it...even though that sounds messed up. My eyes, mind, something, doesn't want to live without it.

If I'm going to stop it has to be sincere.

I don't want to grieve the Lord anymore than I'd want someone to grieve me.

Is that a good enough reason to quit?
is that a serious question?

Post by Joshua »

Um, yes, why wouldn't it be?

Seriously, this again, another example of you people judging and looking down at me, giving me a snarky reply to one of my posts.

It's already gotten old.

Even I don't talk to people that way here.

It's HARD to quit this...bottom line.

I've tried and tried, then try some more.

Post by Joshua »

I'm constantly analyzing this and my motives.

That's why I asked that.

Secondly, does the Lord expect me to quit for good or just majorly reduce it?

That's what's really bugging me.

Ideally I would NEVER do it again but that may not be possible.
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Post by Carterman »

Joshua wrote:Um, yes, why wouldn't it be?

Seriously, this again, another example of you people judging and looking down at me, giving me a snarky reply to one of my posts.

It's already gotten old.

Even I don't talk to people that way here.

It's HARD to quit this...bottom line.

I've tried and tried, then try some more.
u really jump to conclusions when u make statements like "you people judging and looking down at me".

I asked if its a serious question b/c you talk as though u know nothing about God, but I know that's not true. Who's forcing u to sin? having a demonic stronghold may make it more difficult but it does not force u to sin. you have the choice to do or not to do things. theyre YOUR choices. Time to be a man. Your life isnt on hold b/c of this sin. your life is on hold b/c for some reason u are stuck in time as a little kid throwing tantrums and need to grow up.
Secondly, does the Lord expect me to quit for good or just majorly reduce it?

That's what's really bugging me.

Ideally I would NEVER do it again but that may not be possible
You honestly believe God is ok with u continuing in the sin, and u really think we're going to believe it's not possible for you to stop? With God all things are possible. Other people have quit and been set free but u want us to believe for u its not possible. really now.

All I hear are excuses and arguements to keep doing what u want. stop arguing round in circles. i will do as others here and stop reading your posts b/c u don't want help and don't seem to appreciate when ppl do try to help. We arent here to pity u. God has plans for u but u seem to prefer staying where u are in some sort of love-hate relationship with self pity.

Take correction little brother. God disciplines those he loves and He'll keep doing it till u learn the lesson and move forward. Til then u will keep having the same problems over and over and u will keep dreaming of being in elementary school trying to learn the same elementary lessons.

God is going to catapult u out of the pit u want to stay in at some point but it may not be a pleasant experience if u refuse to cooperate w/ Him. one way or another His will shall be accomplished. It is up to u how easy or hard it will be. Do yourself a favour and take the road of obedience and submit. Let Him break the yoke around your neck.

take care little brother. All the best.

Post by Joshua »

You honestly believe God is ok with u continuing in the sin,

doesn't He know when someone is struggling?

i thought there was NO MORE condemnation...

...and u really think we're going to believe it's not possible for you to stop?

i never said that, i said it's a STRUGGLE and i'm trying to be realistic according to the flesh

that is all
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Post by Grace »

The straight answer. Is: Yes God wants you to quit! He wants you to crucify the flesh and the desires of the flesh and put on the Holy Spirit. Je wants to justify you through faith in him. He will not justify your sin. He says, "Sin no more."
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Post by Hope in Christ »

There are consequense to sin and unrepentence.
One such example.
1Samuel 15
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Post by discerning »

Hey, Josh. I'm interrupting the regularly scheduled programming momentarily to bring you this special message. It's a testimony I've heard numerous times, most recently in the last couple of days..

A dad took his rambunctious child to a basketball game. Knowing she couldn't sit still for the length of the game, dad told her she was free to move around with certain boundaries where he could keep an eye on her for her safety. He made a point of showing her the painted line designating the court & told her under no circumstances was she to step over that line.

All went well for a bit. Then partway through the game, when the child was sure she had dad's attention, she stood & put one toe across that line as she locked eyes with her dad. His response was sure & swift as it should be. Dad disciplined his child because he loved her, for her own safety.

That said, I have removed your edited title of this post giving leadership 'permission' to lock this thread. As if leadership required your approval. Come on, bro, I thought we were beyond such childish nonsense. For the sole benefit of any new-comers, I will add that previous posts have been locked because you dared to put your toe over the line. NONE were locked at your own request.

THIS THREAD, howvever, will NOT be locked at this time. To do so now would be the equivalent of allowing you to stick your fingers in your ears while repeatedly saying, 'I can't hear you. I can't hear you.' Like some toddler who knows better but doesn't want to obey. You are a grown man. Way past time to start acting like one.

Hey, you posted a dream and received a Spirit-led response. Furthermore, you've been offered much wisdom in the follow-up posts. You just don't want to hear it. Too bad. Because all I've read thus far lines up with His Word.

Listen, my friend, and hear me now. And I don't give a rat's patootey who here thinks I'm being mean or unloving or ungracious or whatever, YOU know better as does Papa...

If you put your toe over that line one.more.time, you will be in time out here again. You have never once received 'flak' as you put it for asking questions here. The only flak you have ever received is due to disrespect to Himself (back in the day) or to one of the members here who has invested his/her time trying to help you.

You've come a long, long way since then, Josh. Learn from past mistakes. We can either learn from history or be doomed to repeat it. Do you really want to be on this merry-go-round when you're eighty? Do you?

No? Then stop picking apart every reply and trying to rationalize it with human understanding. We discern the Spirit by the Spirit. Your friends here can certainly help with interpretations but ONLY Holy Spirit can provide revelation. All the interps in the world won't help you with that.

You must lay down your will and choose His. And before you accuse me of some zen mumbo-jumbo garbage again, let me spell it out for you...


So. Tell me, who's gonna be first in your life? YOU or HIM?

the choice is yours alone

We now return to our program in progress.

carry on,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by ElijahsTask »

am i supposed to get Tempted being that i'm as you say CALLED TO PURITY

and is this something my Christian brothers and sisters think should be happening or the LORD Himself thinks should be happening?
as you say

Who says?
am i supposed to get Tempted
You are on exceptionally thin thin ice here Josh. Very Thin!!!
Last edited by ElijahsTask on Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Some people are visual learners.


Proverbs 26:11

Proverbs 26:11 "As a dog returneth to his vomit, [so] a fool returneth to his folly."

Just as a dog is never through with the food that he has expelled and goes back to it, a fool who has momentarily rejected sin in his life, will return to it, as well. A fool must become wise to get rid of sin and stay rid of the sin. A fool will be enticed to sin the same sin all over again as his flesh calls him, because he has not learned anything from the first sin.

2 Peter 2:22 "But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog [is] turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

These are words worth reading.

You better start getting serious Josh, there will come a day when it's too late.
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Josh, you ask:

Secondly, does the Lord expect me to quit for good or just majorly reduce it?
It's obvious you know nothing about God's character or you would notask such a foolish question.

It's crystal clear do not know what holy means and how it pertains to God.

Brought to you with permission of Don Stewart, the Bible Explorer
The Bible teaches that God is a holy God. The idea behind the concept of holiness is "separation." It comes from a word meaning "to separate or cut off." God is separate, or cut off, from everything that is sinful and evil-He cannot tolerate sin. John wrote this truth in figurative language.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).
To say that God is holy means there is no trace of evil in his character.

You are walking a very dangerous tightrope Josh, very dangerous

Secondly, does the Lord expect me to quit for good or just majorly reduce it?
having read this now, you are now, without an excuse to ask this foolish question again!
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Post by ElijahsTask »

God Is Unable To Look At Sin

Because He is holy, God is unable to look at sin.

But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear (Isaiah 59:2).
The psalmist wrote.

If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear (Psalm 66:18).
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Post by ElijahsTask »

We Have A Holy Standard To Live By

Believers should act in a holy manner because God is holy.

You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy (Leviticus 19:2).
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by ElijahsTask »

God is separate from all sin. He is perfect in His nature. His character is one of flawless moral perfection.

Believers are commanded to be holy as God is holy.
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Enough is enough.

Get an understanding of this Josh.
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--