My hands were wrapped with a chain

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My hands were wrapped with a chain

Post by kse »

I had a vision that I was on my knees on the floor in the center of my bedroom. My hands were pressed together as if in prayer, but there was a black chain wrapped around my hands that extended up to the ceiling, where it was somehow attached. Any ideas?
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
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Post by barukh1 »

Have you felt any oppression in your prayer life? Maybe there is and the chains need broken? The black chain sounds ominous...Hinderance?
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Post by kse »

I guess it must be hindrance...can't think of what else it would mean. Thank you for commenting!
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
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Post by charlie »

KSE...when I read this first time round I sensed that hinderance was indeed the meaning of the chains and I was pondering the connection to the ceiling...I sensed that had to do with a ceiling of vision or perspective...a disconnection with the bigger picture which releases faith to pray...

Lord, I pray right now that you will enlarge her perspective of you and your glorious, loving grace...removed the ceiling which hinders her faith to reach out for all you have called her to in your name and for your glory. Amen.

Toss if not relevant

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Post by talitha »

in agreement with the others.....

please consider before the Lord: ...... getting "prayers going up to the ceiling" - I have a since that something like this has been spoken over you, like a curse. Getting a sense of witchcraft that is seeking to hinder your prayers. Praise the Lord, Greater is He that is in you than any curse. I feel that there may possibly be a door opened just a wee crack to unbelief in some area. Maybe you have said "I find it hard to believe", or some such thing, about something you were praying about, and because the door was opened, even just a little bit, the curse was able to light - but I know you are strong in Him - and you can break this curse off yourself in Jesus' name!

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Post by Anointed10 »

I thought of I think it is in the book of Daniel....But where it was said in the old testament that someone had prayed and prayed but it seem like the prayer was not answered but an angel appeared and said that would of came sooner but satan and his angels tried to stop God's angels from coming.

I hope someone know what I am talking about...

If it don't fit than just kick it! :P
Heb 1:9 You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even your God, has ANOINTED you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. 10> Signifies the perfection of Divine order
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Post by kse »

Your comments are so helpful. I don't have complete clarity yet, but I sense another dream is connected. I posted it under "A garden with strange statues". I would really appreciate if you all would read it. It's long and cryptic and I don't have much understanding about it, so I'd appreciate your perspective!

Also, I think fear is part of the hinderance with the chain...
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3

Post by Joy2dream »

I had a vision that I was on my knees on the floor in the center of my bedroom. My hands were pressed together as if in prayer, but there was a black chain wrapped around my hands that extended up to the ceiling, where it was somehow attached. Any ideas?
Leave it to me to get something different................
I am seeing this as you are captured in intimacy with Christ.

Seeing this may go with the other dream in that you have been chosen to see mysteries.

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Post by kse »

Oh! Now I get it! I think it was an answer to prayer that went something like this: "Why do you always have me in a place that I'm not "doing" anything?" I feel stuck sometimes but I knew it was God's arranging. I always seem to be at home or separate from others, sometimes I don't even have transportation to go anywhere if I wanted to. From the outside it looks like I'm lazy and I often feel useless.

I also think fear of this intimacy is in play, or maybe fear of what it means for me, like in Mary's case, who sat at the Lord's feet and she was scolded. I don't want to be perceived as a useless person.
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3

Post by Joy2dream »

It's really hard to understand and I have trouble with it (I confess) however, Holy Spirit does separate us for His work. I believe you are an intercessor, probably a prophetic interecessor. The things He is showing you He wants you to pray for.