House with Many Rooms

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House with Many Rooms

Post by luvs2worship »

November 9, 2011

Dreamed that I was in this house and I was asleep on my couch. My son Timothy woke me up and Michael was there as well. In the room I recognized all of my furniture however, not the house. I got up to check out the house and there was my mother (who been deceased for 2 years and my step-father who passed back in 2006). They were redoing or rebuilding/modeling this house. Out of nowhere, my sister Sheila came up to me and started in on me for not cleaning a certain room’s floor. I tried to explain to her that I had been very busy and did not have time to do it and that I had to get to work as time was of the essence. She kept on until I finished what I had to do and then approached my mother and told her that I was ready to clean the floor. She handed me the wipes and cleaning product but then said to me, Ken has something else for you to do, I did not want you to clean the floor Sheila did. I approached Ken and said what do you want me to do, and he took me to this beautiful handcrafted work that he himself had made. It was beautiful railings, etc. He told me that he only wanted me to clean his handcrafted stuff. He reminded me of how hard he worked on it and that it was very special to him, but only wanted me to clean it up. After I finished cleaning the handcrafted pieces, I went back to the area of the house where my furniture was however, only to find that a wall had been built where the entrance was to my room. My mother got my attention and waved for me to come to where she was for there was the entrance. I went and found all these people there. A ministry was in my space and it was awesome. People were getting fed and tended too. Then I started getting upset because some of my most precious belongings were being abused and torn up. These people did not care. I remembered that I had to get to work to do payroll because no one else could do it and again time was of the essence. I tried to take a shower, but the people there were not allowing me to use the bathroom. By this time, I was crying and I knew in my heart I had to leave and move somewhere else. I approached my mother and step-father and was telling them I had to move and I did not know where to go or what to do. They started leading me down a long hallway which seemed to be some distance from the house. We came upon a door and walked through it. I did not see anything, I asked them why they brought me there, then they turned a corner and there was this house in the middle of what to seem to be businesses. They unlocked the front door and we continue to walk in the beautiful home. The kitchen had this beautiful island in it with the perfect cook stove. Then there was this bar which people could eat at and it too had a cook stove. I got so excited! I did notice in the counter top of the bar, there were pictures of people that had been laminated on the counter. There were three fireplaces that I noticed immediately, one in the kitchen, one in the dining room and another in the living area. Again I was so excited. Then Ken and mother took me to these bedrooms. I noticed that each room was a different size and was meant for different things. One room had equipment for handicap people to help them until they were healed. Another room had work out equipment, etc. There were sauna’s everything to make the body healthy. I had never seen any equipment like this before. Rooms were everywhere. One of the most remarkable things about each room there was a bathroom. Each bathroom was built in glass surroundings. Total transparency!! After looking at the rooms, they took me to a hallway that also had bathrooms for men and women. Each one of these was also build with glass surrounding them. I did notice that there were some repairs to be done to the house but that did not concern me. Some of the repairs were in the wooden floor where the wood had buckled. Ken made the statement to me that I could move in immediately and he had all the money to fix the repairs while I was there or I could choose to wait and have the repairs fixed prior to moving in. I made the choice to go ahead and move in. I asked Ken how much the rent was or payment for the house and he made the comment “It is how much you are willing to give”. At this point, I made the comment that I wanted to see the master bedroom, but Ken said you have to be at work and time is of the essence. We went back to the living area of the house and there was this lady and children there that did not speak English. They knew that I would be moving there and it seemed fine to them. They did not have any food so my mother pulled out some money and gave it to a little girl to go get some food while the mother took care of the other children. Ken and mother took me outside and he made the comment again, you need to go as time is of the essence. End of the dream!!
There were other things that happened in the dream, but I cannot remember in full detail. This is what sticks out the most.
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Post by Teapot »

This is very interesting to me because I often dream of going through a house with many rooms, looking for somewhere to be. It's almost as though, in mine, it's houses within houses.

I look forward to seeing possible meanings to your dream.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Rooms in houses can be indicative of the subconscious mind and what we have "stored" in there, be it memories or feelings, etc.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT unto your own understanding -- Proverbs 3:5
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Re: House with Many Rooms

Post by charlie »

luvs2worship wrote:November 9, 2011

Dreamed that I was in this house and I was asleep on my couch. My son Timothy woke me up and Michael was there as well.
Your sons (is Michael a son too?)may literally be used by the Lord to stir you/awaken you in the spirit. Or you were awakened to a new level of spiritual awareness as a result of having children/your sons.

In the room I recognized all of my furniture however, not the house. I got up to check out the house and there was my mother (who been deceased for 2 years and my step-father who passed back in 2006). They were redoing or rebuilding/modeling this house.
You are conscious of the input/legacy of your forbearers in shaping the territory (ministry) you inhabit.

Out of nowhere, my sister Sheila came up to me and started in on me for not cleaning a certain room’s floor. I tried to explain to her that I had been very busy and did not have time to do it and that I had to get to work as time was of the essence. She kept on until I finished what I had to do and then approached my mother and told her that I was ready to clean the floor.

How did you feel about your sister's interference...? Was she encouraging you forward or a critical spirit?

She handed me the wipes and cleaning product but then said to me, Ken has something else for you to do, I did not want you to clean the floor Sheila did. I approached Ken and said what do you want me to do, and he took me to this beautiful handcrafted work that he himself had made. It was beautiful railings, etc. He told me that he only wanted me to clean his handcrafted stuff. He reminded me of how hard he worked on it and that it was very special to him, but only wanted me to clean it up.

Is ken your step father? Ken means strong and healthy/healed and whole. Railings are to support our progress forward and upwards and to prevent us from falling into danger.

After I finished cleaning the handcrafted pieces, I went back to the area of the house where my furniture was however, only to find that a wall had been built where the entrance was to my room. My mother got my attention and waved for me to come to where she was for there was the entrance.

It seems that a season of preparation has left you unable to re-access your old life in the same way...You are conscious of the changes which have taken place.

I went and found all these people there. A ministry was in my space and it was awesome. People were getting fed and tended too. Then I started getting upset because some of my most precious belongings were being abused and torn up. These people did not care. I remembered that I had to get to work to do payroll because no one else could do it and again time was of the essence

You enter a new season (following the period of preparation) of wonderful ministry and giving out but this leaves you exhausted, overstretched and feeling lie you've been taken for granted. The theme of stress and overwork comes through this dream in various ways.

. I tried to take a shower, but the people there were not allowing me to use the bathroom.

In serving you have lost your intimacy with Abba and cleansing of the word perhaps also.

By this time, I was crying and I knew in my heart I had to leave and move somewhere else. I approached my mother and step-father and was telling them I had to move and I did not know where to go or what to do. They started leading me down a long hallway which seemed to be some distance from the house. We came upon a door and walked through it.

You have come to the end of your rope and can no longer sustain this ministry task giving out. Once again the wisdom (forbearers) leads you. Your mother and FIL seem to represent your heavenly father and the wisdom and comfort of His spirit

I did not see anything, I asked them why they brought me there, then they turned a corner and there was this house in the middle of what to seem to be businesses. They unlocked the front door and we continue to walk in the beautiful home. The kitchen had this beautiful island in it with the perfect cook stove. Then there was this bar which people could eat at and it too had a cook stove. I got so excited! I did notice in the counter top of the bar, there were pictures of people that had been laminated on the counter. There were three fireplaces that I noticed immediately, one in the kitchen, one in the dining room and another in the living area. Again I was so excited. Then Ken and mother took me to these bedrooms. I noticed that each room was a different size and was meant for different things. One room had equipment for handicap people to help them until they were healed. Another room had work out equipment, etc. There were sauna’s everything to make the body healthy. I had never seen any equipment like this before. Rooms were everywhere. One of the most remarkable things about each room there was a bathroom. Each bathroom was built in glass surroundings. Total transparency!! After looking at the rooms, they took me to a hallway that also had bathrooms for men and women. Each one of these was also build with glass surrounding them. I did notice that there were some repairs to be done to the house but that did not concern me. Some of the repairs were in the wooden floor where the wood had buckled. Ken made the statement to me that I could move in immediately and he had all the money to fix the repairs while I was there or I could choose to wait and have the repairs fixed prior to moving in. I made the choice to go ahead and move in. I asked Ken how much the rent was or payment for the house and he made the comment “It is how much you are willing to give”. At this point, I made the comment that I wanted to see the master bedroom, but Ken said you have to be at work and time is of the essence. We went back to the living area of the house and there was this lady and children there that did not speak English. They knew that I would be moving there and it seemed fine to them. They did not have any food so my mother pulled out some money and gave it to a little girl to go get some food while the mother took care of the other children. Ken and mother took me outside and he made the comment again, you need to go as time is of the essence. End of the dream!!
There were other things that happened in the dream, but I cannot remember in full detail. This is what sticks out the most.
This new home is where you will be about your Father's business and He holds the key to unlock your entering into this ministry. he will unlock the door. There is provision and integrity for you to move forward in the things he has entrusted to you. it would seem that a ministry of restoration and healing (physical.emotional/spiritual-you will know!). Interesting re the mother and child speaking another language...cross cultural ministry in some shape or form.

Great dream...please ditch what does not sure looks like Abba is leading you on to the next stage of the journey!

welcome to the board by the way!!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3