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Puppy with two heads and White Horses with Amber eyes

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:22 am
by TamaraLynne
Finally! :) I had a dream! :) its been awhile....

It starts out where my husband and another man are making a wonderful huge dinner for the family..the kitchen that they are cooking in is the kitchen from my childhood where I first learned to cook. I go into the basement but the basement is unfamiliar and it is very cluttered and there is a bar counter with a weaved or thatched dried palm leaves? it was not like a wicker basket weave...anyways this weave of leaves had a ribbon going through it and my husband came into the basement and said it was time to clean...he touched the weave and it collapsed or folded onto the counter and then he started clearing the food on the shelves below to throw out what was no good. He was on a cleaning mission and accomplishing it very fast. He found alot of food that was still good. When he left to go back upstairs the only thing left that was dirty was a stain on the floor. I looked at the sunlight shining into the basement and walked out and i was now walking in the driveway. and I see a red car. I saw people around the car and they were getting in. I thought that maybe the red car was my cavalier and I ran to see if they were taking my car but they were not and it was not my car it was a four door different car. I stood around and watched them as they tried to find the keys to the car but they had no keys. Then I see a carriage being pulled by eight very very very large white horses.They turned into the driveway and stopped These horses stood very tall and they looked at me as if they were assessing me. The eye contact was very intense and I noticed the horses eyes were made of an amber colored stone or gem and also the guy who drove the carriage .I thought to myself that they seemed alien almost. Then I saw the horses trying to maneuver and they were slowly going backwards without the carriage. The lead horse now facing the carriage. I saw a puppy that was brown and white and I went to pick it up so that it did not get stepped on by the horses. The puppy licked my mouth and I tasted its puppy drool..yewwww. As I was hold the dog and looking at the horses and the car I saw the puppies head divide in two. It was two perfectly shaped puppy heads just smaller. The puppy heads were not looking at the same thing they are looking in two different directions. Now that I'm distracted by the puppy and its two heads I am no longer looking at the horses and car but noticed people all around who came up to the puppy to pet it. They did not notice that the dogs two heads merged back into one but most of the bones in the skull were now missing ...the dogs face seemed mushy. I set the puppy down and I'm now looking at the meadow and the trees that line the drive. I was looking at one large tree and the wind blowing the leaves and I was thinking about how beautiful it was...almost as if I was thinking that this would be the place I build my home. then I look more to the left and see another tree and this tree was not as tall but then the most wonderful thing happened. Almost as if it was meant only for me to see. The center of the tree leaves turned pure white and then the white expanded to all the leaves. Now all the leaves are a pure white and then from the outside of the tree leaves working its way back to the center was the original green and yellow was sooo beautiful. Now I walk past the tree and I'm still in the driveway but as soon as I'm past the tree it was as if passing over or through unto another property but I was still in the driveway(oh I forgot to mention the driveway is all sand or dirt...but a sandy color. ) I look to my left and right and see green meadows and trees on both sides and I said"I'm finally home" now to my right a picnic was going on with people playing and eating and enjoying themselves and I notice children climbing a hill and I begin to climb it very fast. My footing was very secure and I was to the top but noticed that the ground was not as stable so I found another path. But all of a sudden a very tall sandy hilltop was in front of me and i touched it with my hands and saw that it would all come down if I went any further. I warned others and saw my daughter Rayne(rain) right next to me. I helped her go back down but stopped as others went down faster. I stopped and held Rayne but had no fear and I was in a very good child playful mood. I hugged her because she was scared and I noticed my footing was very secure again and that one of my feet was placed on a mountain wall and the other on the grassy hill. I don't know how the mountain got there. ?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:34 am
by TamaraLynne
he Biblical Meaning of the Number 8

In Hebrew the number eight is hnm# (Sh'moneh), from the root Nm# (Shah'meyn), "to make fat," "cover with fat," "to super-abound." As a participle it means "one who abounds in strength," etc. As a noun it is "superabundant fertility," "oil," etc. So that as a numeral it is the superabundant number. As seven was so called because the seventh day was the day of completion and rest, so eight, as the eighth day, was over and above this perfect completion, and was indeed the first of a new series, as well as being the eighth. We consider the connection between 8 and 7 in another section.

It is 7 plus 1. Hence it is the number specially associated with Resurrection and Regeneration, and the beginning of a new era or order.

When the whole earth was covered with the flood, it was Noah "the eighth person" (2 Peter 2:5) who stepped out on to a new earth to commence a new order of things. "Eight souls" (1 Peter 3:20) passed through it with him to the new or regenerated world.

Hence, too, circumcision was to be performed on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12), because it was the foreshadowing of the true circumcision of the heart, that which was to be "made without hands," even "the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ" (Colossians 2:11). This is connected with the new creation.

The firstborn was to be given to God on the eighth day (Exodus 22:29-30).
Who HAS been resurrected from the DEAD?

The resurrection of the dead is the great truth which is signified by the number 8. The Bible contains the record of eight individuals (with a likely ninth one) who have been brought back to life.

This list does not include the resurrection of Jesus or the resurrection back to a physical life of many people that happened just after Jesus died:

"And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves AFTER His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many." (Matthew 27:50-53, NKJV)

The eight (and likely nine) individual resurrections are:

Elijah raises the son of a woman. (1Kings 17:8-9, 17-23)

Elisha raises the son of a Shunammite woman. (2Kings 4:16-20, 32-36)

God uses the bones of Elisha to raise a man back to life. (2Kings 13:20-21)

Jesus resurrects the only son of a woman from Nain. (Luke 7:11-15)

Jesus raises from the dead the daughter of Jarius, who is a ruler in the synagogue. (Luke 8:41-42, 49-55)

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:11-14, 17, 32-35, 38-39, 41-44)

In Joppa Peter resurrects a generous woman named Tabitha. (Acts 9:36-41)

The apostle Paul raises from the dead a young man named Eutychus who fell from a window listening to him speak. (Acts 20:7-12)

The apostle Paul himself was resurrected from the dead after (likely) being stoned to death:

"Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, THEY STONED PAUL and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe." (Acts 14:19-20, NKJV)

Eight days of the greatest Feast

The Feast of Tabernacles lasted eight days, with a special reference to the Incarnation (John 1:14).
Jesus' transfiguration took place on the eighth day

The transfiguration also took place on the eighth day (inclusive reckoning) after the first announcement of Christ's "sufferings," and it was the showing forth of the "glory" which should follow at His coming again.
Eight is the first Cubic number

Eight is the first cubic number, the cube of two, 2 x 2 x 2. We have seen that three is the symbol of the first plane figure, and that four is the first square. So here, in the first cube, we see something of transcendent perfection indicated, something, the length and breadth and height of which are equal. This significance of the cube is seen in the fact that the "Holy of Holies," both in the Tabernacle and in the Temple, were cubes. In the Tabernacle it was a cube of 10 cubits. In the Temple it was a cube of 20 cubits. In Revelation 20 the New Jerusalem is to be a cube of 12,000 furlongs. Dr. Milo Mahan is inclined to believe that the Ark of Noah, too, had a kind of sacred Shechinah in "the window finished in a cubit above"—a cube of one. If so, we have the series of cubes:
1 = Noah's Ark
103 = 1,000 - The Tabernacle
203 = 8,000 - The Temple
12,0003 = 1,728,000,000,000, the New Jerusalem

What are the Eight Songs NOT in the book of Psalms?

Eight songs in the Old Testament outside of the Psalms:

Redemption, Exodus 15.
Supply and maintenance, Numbers 21:17.
Moses witnessing to the grace of God and the unfaithfulness of man, Deuteronomy 32.
Victory over oppression, Judges 5.
David, God's elect, delivered from all his foes, 2 Samuel 22.
The Song of Songs.
The song of the well-beloved touching Israel, God's vineyard, Isaiah 5.
This (the eighth) waits to be sung when the resurrection occurs (Isaiah 26), for it does not come till after "death is swallowed up in victory,"

What were the eight miracles of Elijah?

The miracles of Elijah were eight in number, marking the Divine character of his mission:

The shutting up of heaven, 1 Kings 17:1; James 5:17; Luke 4:25.
Multiplying the widow's meal, 2 Kings 17:14-16.
Raising the widow's son, verses 17-23.
Causing fire to come down from heaven, 1 Kings 18:37, 38.
Causing rain to come down from heaven, verses 41-45.
Causing fire to come down from heaven, 2 Kings 1:10.
The same, verse 12.
Dividing the Jordan, 2 Kings 2:8.

What miracles did Elisha perform?

The miracles of Elisha were double in number, viz. Sixteen, for his request was, "Let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me," 2 Kings 2:9:

Dividing the Jordan, 2 Kings 2:14.
Healing the waters, verse 21.
Cursing the young men,* verse 24.
Procuring water for the three kings, 2 Kings 3:16-20.
Multiplying the widow's oil, 2 Kings 4:1-7.
Raising the widow's son, 4:37.
Healing the deadly pottage, verse 38.
Feeding the Hundred men, verses 42-44.
The healing of Naaman, 2 Kings 5:1-19.
The smiting of Gehazi, verses 20-27.
Causing the iron to swim, 2 Kings 6:1-7.
Opening the eyes of his servant, verse 17.
Smiting the Syrian army with blindness, verse 18.
Restoring their sight, verse 20.
Arresting the king's messenger, verses 30-33.
A dead man raised by touching his bones, 2 Kings 13:20, 21.

* The word is used of Isaac, aged 28; Joseph when 39; Rehoboam when 40; Shadrach and his companions in Babylon.

The use and significance of the number eight in Scripture is seen to recur in marvelous exactitude. It may indeed be said that
Why is Eight the number of Jesus?

Eight is the number of Jesus, whose name in Greek is IHSOUS:
I = 10
H = 8
Σ = 200
O = 70
Υ = 400
Σ = 200
Total: 888

It is the number stamped upon the Old Testament, the numbers of its books in all the manuscripts being 24 (3x8).

In the book which relates to His great Apocalypse or Revelation, there are in the introduction which sets forth the glory of the Lord, to be revealed in the day of the Lord, eight references to the Old Testament on which the claims of His Lordship are based.
What are the Eight references to the Old Testament in Revelation 1?

It will be noted, moreover, that these are not given at haphazard. Our attention is called to their importance by the order in which they are given. They are arranged in the form of an epanodos, the first being from the same book as the eighth, the second corresponding in the same way to the seventh, the third to the sixth, and the fourth to the fifth. Thus the Divine seal of superabundant perfection is there set on the Scriptures which declare the Lordship of Jesus:

A. Revelation 1:5, Isaiah 55:4.

B. Revelation 1:7, Daniel 7:13.

C.Revelation1:7, Zechariah 12:10.

D. Revelation 1:8, Isaiah 41:4, 44:6, 48:12.

D. Revelation 1:11, Isaiah 41:4, 44:6; 48:12.

C. Revelation 1:12, Zechariah 4:2.

B. Revelation 1:13-15, Daniel 7:9, 13, 22, 10:5, 6.

A. Revelation 1:16, Isaiah 49:2.

How is the number 8 represented in other names for Jesus?

Other names for Jesus are also marked by Gematria (substituting numbers for letters) and stamped with the number eight as a factor:

CristoV, Christ, 1480 (8x185).

KurioV, Lord, 800 (8x100).

KurioV hmwn, Our Lord, 1768 (8x221).

Swthr, savior, 1408 (82x 32).

'Emmanouhl, Emmanuel, 25600, (83x50).

Messias, Messiah, 656 (8x82).

UioV, Son, 880 (8x110).

We ought also to note that the other factors, beside the prevailing eight, are full of significance.

All this speaks to us, if we have "ears to hear," that "God hath glorified His Son Jesus" (Acts 3:13), and "hath made that same Jesus . . . both Lord and Christ" (Acts 2:36).
Additional commentary on the Biblical Meaning of 8 *

The number 8, which comes after the number (7) which signifies completeness, symbolizes a new beginning, or a new order of things, a new creation, a new birth, and the resurrection to eternal life.

A musical scale has 7 notes, with the 8th note beginning a new scale an octave from the first note. Eight people were carried in the ark for a new beginning after the flood. Four is the number of the first creation, and 8 (4 + 4) pictures the new creation after the flood.

David, the 8th son of Jesse, was the new king to replace Saul.

Christ was selected as the Passover Lamb on the 10th day of the first month, a weekly Sabbath (John 12: 28-29). He was crucified on the 14th day (7 + 7, or double completeness) which was also the 4th day of the week. He was in the tomb exactly 3 days and 3 nights. He was resurrected toward the end of the next weekly Sabbath, the 17th (the number of victory). The 17th was also the 8th day when counted inclusively from the 10th day, the day of His selection. Thus, the confluence of these numbers shows Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and His total victory over death.

Boys were to be circumcised on the 8th day. Eight symbolizes circumcision of the heart through Christ and the receiving of the Holy Spirit (Romans 2:28-29, Colossians 2:11-13).

Those in Christ are becoming a new creation (8), with godly character being created by the power of God’s Spirit (2Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10; 4:23-24).

After the 7 weeks of the spring harvest, the next day — the 50th day — is Pentecost (7 x 7 + 1 = 50). This day is also the "8th day of the 7th week." As such, this 8th/50th day pictures the first resurrection, the day Christians are "born again" from flesh to spirit (1Corinthians 15:20-23, 35-55; John 3:3-12; Revelation 14:14-16, 20:4-6).

After the 7 days of the Feast of Tabernacles, there is an 8th day — the Last Great Day.

There were 8 writers of the New Testament, who wrote of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

The Scriptures were written by 40 different individuals; 40 is 5 (grace) times 8 (a new beginning). By the grace of God mankind has the opportunity for a new beginning — as expounded through the Word of God.
Bible Study Materials

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:58 am
by TamaraLynne
Just thought I would mention.......I don't believe in UFO's or Aliens :| so I'm not sure why I would have thought that in my dream...I do know I have never seen horses so tall so maybe my thoughts were they can't be from this world because I have not seen the likes of them before? Not sure why I thought Alien in the dream. :?:

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:24 pm
by ditte3
Peace be with you.

Great dream.

These may be my own thoughts. Please pray about them.

The beginning of the dream reminds me of the parabole what Jesus told where a man made a great supper and invited many.
Maybe your husband here symbolizes the Lord. Especially when in the basement he is doing cleaning and throwing the bad food out. As if Jesus deals with some prolems in the church : cleaning and throwing "bad food" (maybe false teachings) out. The sunlight shining in is good I think. After all the cleaning the light of God shines in.
Did you have a good or bad feeling about the eight white horses? Horse often means power.
Please toss anything that is not whatthe Lord tells you.
I'm going to pray about the rest of the dream.
God bless you.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:56 pm
by TamaraLynne
Thank you so much for your reply. While I looked at the horses I felt like a child with no fear. It was like the horses and driver were looking right inside of me...but at the same time it seemed as if I was also in tune and I felt that they were of great power. But the fact that these horses were soooo tall would make one think they were powerful...but I felt no fear. I knew they were not going to hurt me. One thing I forgot to mention is that when the dog licked me and I tasted the spit or drool....the taste was intense and not a good taste that I closed my eyes in the dream and could not see until I opened my eyes again. My heart had gone out to the puppy to save the puppy....I was moved with compassion in my dream...if the horses are backing up and all most stepping on the puppy could it be something from the past?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:11 am
by ditte3
Wow yes the horses maybe perhaps the power of the Lord.
I wondered about the puppy and thought of compassion too. The head dividing and be two smaller ones and then again back to one head is interesting.
Do you/did you have some kind of ministry or caring of weaker or young ones?
In fact I thought of a division when I read about the two heads.maybe this problem seemed ti heal somehow but it's not as trong anymore.Just some of my thoughts maybe.Maybe I'm wrong about it.
I was also thinking of what that means when the horses went backwards and the lead horse facing the carriage. :?
I'm praying further.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:06 pm
by TamaraLynne
Lately I have been going to you tube and watching alot of Christian videos and my kids like the animal videos that are posted. I've been pretty sheltered about what has been going on in the world because I have been so focused on working and providing for my kids and dealing with family I stumbled on youtube videos of bills that have almost passed that would have made it illegal to even grow a tomato in our backyard. Also the price of food has been going up up up. I guess bills keep trying to get passed that would increase the prices of foods in America....My first thought was that as a child I ate because we have a system in America called food stamps that allow poor families to feed thier children. Now I know that alot of people don't want their money going into this system because they look at those that are poor as being lazy. But if food prices keep increasing then foodstamps will probably not exist for the poor. If food prices keep increasing then it will be hard for even the working to feed their kids. I do not want to stand around and watch children go hungry. As a child I ate because of the food stamp program.....Not a single member of my family is dependant on foodstamps now....but I am here and working and contributing.I do not want to see children go hungry :( This is pretty much hitting me hard today because I stumbled upon a few videos on the bills that keep trying to sneak their way through....I did not know this was happening! I'm wondering if this dream might be about bills that are trying to pass concerning our food regulations..............I do know that even though me and my husband have been working hard and our credit is not bad...well we have been trying to buy our first home but get shot down every time ...I'm thinking this is for a good reason and God has put his hand on us...even though I get discouraged at times I still put my trust in God.Now is probably not the right time....

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:18 pm
by TamaraLynne
I just don't know why these bills keep trying to make it through disguised as something good. And they keep changing the name of the bill.....yes I am moved with compassion today for all the children out there....the thought of putting food in my mouth while a child cries because their stomach hurts just a few doors away from me...I don't want that to happen :(

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:05 pm
by ditte3
You mean they want to bring such laws of food regulation?! Oh.
Really life gets so hard everywhere in the world I see. The Lord is taking care of His children.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:06 am
by TamaraLynne
I will be I wonder why this is weighing so heavily on my heart...most people have known about this and they feel that the government would not do anything to hurt us...others shrug their shoulders and say "oh well....the government regulates everything" I'm looked at as if something is wrong with me for being upset over it....and I never even really got upset...just ...well just basically said I didn't like the bill because of what could happen...but wow :( this has been weighing on me. Sorry I normally don't let things bother me...I'm praying and I will not let fear be any part of this. Because fear is what caused the bill to even exist in the first place.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:10 am
by ditte3
You know my dear sister these arrangements and controling of the people shows that the world is heading toward the times of the Apocalypse, the times of the antichrist.
Yet we should not be dicouraged. The Lord Jesus is the same yesterday, today and for ever. he takes care of those who are His.

Can the white horses with the carriage mean a spiritual warfare?


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:06 pm
by TamaraLynne
I'm okay today...I'm going to be preparing though...Not like a maniac preparing but I'm going to buy seeds and lots of them over time. And I'm going to think of different things churches can do as far as the growing of food...

I can not interpret this dream.........not right now.......I'm to emotional to see clearly....I really love horses but financially can not afford one...they just passed another bill to slaughter horses in the U.S.A. So every time I try to interpret my dream I'm bombarded with emotion...I am going to leave this dream alone as far as me trying to interpret it....

Thank you so much )))hug(((

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:47 pm
by TamaraLynne
I keep thinking about the tree leaves turning was beautiful :)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:54 am
by TamaraLynne
found a picture of a mosaic found in Jerico I think...I would post the image but I'm having difficulty doing so...the mosaic is located in the princes bath house...I was looking up who the palistines were on wikapedia and saw the mosaic but I don't know much about it...but I thought at first glance it was my tree...from this dream...but I do not know ?

It is a tree with three deer and a lion.....

my tree in my dream was much more beautiful and the center very very white for that I don't know...but at first glance I held my breath and thought "thats the tree"
