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A view of a place of unrest and rest

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:16 pm
by leila78
Hi, I was in my front living room and I looked out at the end/bottom of the road, to the left there were police every where, there was an incident that had happened.
To the left one of my neighbours had a number of items in their front garden, a t.v., some furniture etc they had labels on them like they were ready to be sold, I think the police had been in that house. A police car had parked in another neighbours driveway related to the incident down the road. I noticed that our home was untouched by the incident happening around us.
I was in a front bedroom in our house which looked slightly different to ours looked like a move was taking place and all the female members of my family were there opening cases and trunks full of stuff.
I went downstairs to the living room which had big windows, I went to the right side of the window and looked down. I could see into the next door neighbours basement (I actually thought it was an extension of our home), it had a ceiling window and I could see into it - it was a beautiful living room which was luxurious and looked like a place I would like to relax in.