pile of boards

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pile of boards

Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

I was with an unseen man in a dusty old basement. There was a pile of discarded wood and boards of different sizes,apparently from various pieces of old furniture.I thought "this shouldn't be thrown away. It can still be used". And the man with me asked "what would you use it for"? I looked and saw several strong ,thick boards with brackets on the ends. They were from an old water bed frame(like the old water bed frame of my husbands,that we now use to EDGE the garden with). We currently have them laying BRACKET SIDE UP and they DON"T STAY IN PLACE very well. In the dream,I told the man I could put them BETWEEN my garden rows as pathways(no weeds could grow under the boards). I told him the boards could be put BRACKET DOWN so the brackets could be wedged into the soil to ANCHOR the boards so they would STAY IN PLACE . I was very happy and excited to have found all this wood that could be "re-purposed".Then I climbed over the pile of wood while the man watched.On the other side of the pile,there was a small area where I noticed some things had been cleared out from along the wall and there was more room in this area than there had been before.I couldn"t remember what used to be there, I just got the feeling that it was only dusty old junk on dusty old shelves. Opposite this cleared area by the wall was an old dusty closet with shelves, but no doors, hidden behind more boards that were standing upright. I went to look behind the boards to see what was inside on the shelves and I woke up.
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,and you have been given fullness in Christ,who is the head over EVERY power and authority.