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Marrying Complete Stranger

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:50 pm
by GaAngel

Lately, I've been having the repeating theme of marrying strangers. I'll meet someone, within minutes they're either asking me to marrying them or we're married. I always seems to have second thoughts after the fact. In each case, the relationship is never consummated.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:06 am
by lainey68
Maybe God is telling you to be careful whom you open yourself up to?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:18 am
by Charys
Marriages and/or sexual content dreams can symbolize alliances. Marriage seems to carry more of a legal contract implication.
Twice -three times actually- in the past 24 hours I have heard and read about the marriage alliance King Jehosaphat arranged for his son with the daughter of Jezebel and Ahab and how that unholy alliance with a family that was unfaithful to the God of Israel was disastrous for generations to come.

One of the reasons Solomon had so many wives was that in those times peace treaties were often solidified by a marriage. A potential enemy was less likely to attack if he had grandchildren in that country of example. This was the world's way of making peace and when Solomon used the world's methods he brought the beliefs of foreign wives into his kingdom. The Bible stated specifically that this was the reason why most of the kingdom was given to Jeroboam, a former servant, and not Rehoboam his son.

I wonder if you are receiving warnings about legal commitments or even social entanglements with people before you have had time to get to know them or had a chance to thoroughly investigate the long-term implications of these alliances. (How many people regret the cell phone contract they signed, for example?)

This may be on a spiritual level as well. I met a stranger today who came up to me in a park to give me a prophetic word. I was so excited. This has never happened to me before. It wasn't until I met him a second time and really listened that I realized he is off-base on some essential truths about Jesus. I'm glad I never gave him any personal information or contact numbers.

Anyway, I think perhaps your dream might just be a heads-up to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and to ask him for wisdom about commitments others might want to make -especially anything involving a contract.

-for your discernment-