Don't know how to title this dream

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Don't know how to title this dream

Post by myseason »

Dream Friday night oct 12

Back in florida At FAMU college about stand on the bank surrounding a big oak tree and talk about the bible I get down when I see an old neighborhood friend and ask if they have a Christian group here she probably but I can still start one and then she said if I do let her she wants to be apart. Next I switch to being across the road from the college where I see my son's dog named Baby. She keeps getting a loose so I have to try and tie her up then I'm in a church where I have to give a message but before I'm singing in a choir. I'm about to start leading the song when I look over to another choir member and she looks at me and I let her lead. After the song I go to the bathroom and then I go outside to find the dog loose again so I try and tie her on some lawn equipment. Then I go back to the bathroom I can see in my dream people in the church are looking for me and then ask God what am I going to speak his people he said speak on what you know deliverance. It switched to where I was speaking in the church and talking about how I was in bondage even after giving my life to God and how I got delivered and I woke up.
Mary Cherry
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Post by Mary Cherry »

Hi myseason, are you an aspiring minister, or are you a minister?
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Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:17 pm

Post by myseason »

Honestly I dont know I've been called to help in the area of deliverance but right now. I'm just a glad to be saved. I know something is about to happen but don't know what. Just waiting on God but studying and fasti g and praying. My husband and our family are planing to move back to Fl the end of this year. I love helping people and seems all my dreams are connected