roaches, nakedness, cleaning

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roaches, nakedness, cleaning

Post by thewritingmommy »

Weird dream 11/08/13
Not sure how it began exactly but I think I remember it being a sort of competition / celebration event as moods were high and people were smiling. There seemed to be an arena briefly. The bulk of the bream happened in our house which was badly designed and poorly constructed in such a way that rooms were on top of rooms. The living room seemed to be “sunken” and had three walls, the fourth being more of a half wall so that you could look into the living room without actually being there. The kitchen was above the living room and had the half wall but kitchen was so small and cramped and there were no cabinet doors on the top or bottom cabinetry so all the contents were seen and appeared disorderly. There were huge plants and trees growing inside the home so that to get into some rooms you had to move branches. One room in particular was small and cramped and directly above another so that you had to access it by climbing a ladder with no incline at all and move branches along the way to get into the small access door. It was a sort of bedroom I think, or maybe bathroom.
There was a mentor or coach in the beginning of the dream that kept telling me what to do but not helping at all, in fact, this person was the airy fairy sort who flitted through my house/life in such a way to create messes wherever she went and I was constantly trying to clean it up- I would get everything nice and clean and feel relaxed and then I would turn around and it was a mess again.
Suddenly I’m exhausted and we get company; a younger man, maybe my son’s age. He seemed familiar so I allowed him to stay since it was late and he said he was tired. I began to prepare for bed- the bedroom was full of beds and the one he was to sleep in was directly across from mine and my husbands. I could see my husband outside the window somehow and my daughters were with him watching someone leave I think. I notice there are roaches everywhere and the place is a mess again. I get up and try to get the roaches under control and the mentor is there and seems to be trying to help. She is barking orders and cutting down the foliage but I’m just getting angrier and the people inside seem entertained by it all. The people are only in the dream through this scenario where mentor is barking orders and I’m angry. I kick everyone out. I have been cleaning again and when I finally get it all cleaned I get into bed naked but I have a robe over me. The young man appears next to me and is naked. He seems to want to sleep with me and I’m naked too and I tell him no. he gets into his bed but remains unclothed and uncovered. We talk about something that seems important now but I cannot remember specifically. My youngest daughter runs into the room and jumps into the bed with the young man and she is undressed as well and I admonish her to get up this instance. She giggles and says “oh sorry” but I knew she meant to touch him and I am furious. She moves to her bed and my husband and other daughter come in. I rush to meet him at the door worried that he will think that I was unfaithful with the young man. I want to turn off the light, a big ceiling fan in the middle of the room, but I can’t get there. Then in real life my husband’s alarm clock went off and I woke up.

I don’t understand some parts but they feel significant.