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Dream of driving a tractor trailer up a huge mountain top to see a tabernacle

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:00 am
by jewel777
I had this dream in 2008 and then it came again last year 2016....In the dream I was going to be driving this huge 18 wheeler up this mountain and this tall man with black hair is in the passenger seat is cheering me on saying, "You can do it Julie" and I was saying to him I don't know I have never driven one before. He was like my cheerleader and he kept pushing me to begin to drive. So I started the truck and I was very nervous and went to grab the stick shift when the man was very excited and was yelling lets go Julie so I started to go a little bit with many jerks and stalling but then I finally got it going and we were hauling up the mountain. This man reminded me of Jesus because he was so supportive and he believed in me sooo deeply. I was going and shifting and we were hauling it uphill. There was a huge trailer on the back and I had the sense that whatever was in there was very important and I had to get this load to its destination. As we got to about the middle of the mountain the man said...Ok! Pull over here. And I was like...NO...We can't stop I am amped and we just got going and were doing good...And he very calmly said pull over and so I obeyed and I said I'm not sure if I can get it to go again especially on this grade but if you say so...I pulled to the side a little and pushed the brake and the man jumped out and said come on I have something to show you....So I jumped out and followed him over to the cliff and we both stood side by side and hugged as we looked out over the mountain. The view was breathtaking and the man said Julie it is very important to stop and enjoy the view and I was like yes this is beautiful and he said always remember whatever you are doing always stop and take some time and enjoy the view. So we did and then it was time to go again so I was anxious to get back in the drivers seat and start it back up again. So I started it and we headed back up after a little bit of a neck jolt eventually we leveled out and was climbing slowly and we kept looking at each other and we are both excited to get to the top. Suddenly the top is etching closer and as we are continuing to climb the top of the mountain is in our windshield and then as we climb and look at the top it steadily reveals a tabernacle in the distance. Just as soon as it appeared to us and we leveled out the tabernacle expanded 7 times exactly! Many people ran out from under the tent to the back of our truck on to the trailer. We got out and all the people went straight to the back and the trailer was full of gifts for everyone and they were being dispersed for everyone to enjoy. So me and the man walked away from the people and looked over to the tent and there was a man dancing under the tabernacle tent. He was dancing like a Jewish dance very fast and wild all around under this tent. We were intrigued so we walked vastly over to the tent and as soon as I looked at this small man in the face I knew that he was Moses. He had curly salt and pepper hair with big round brown eyes and big red lips. He walked over to me and we locked eyes and he knew who I was and I knew who he was and before I could speak Moses jumped inside of the man that was with me and then I woke up....This is a reoccurring dream and if you have any insight that would be awesome...Thank you