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church dream

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 10:33 pm
by Joshua116
in my dream this morning I was at my Church with my sister and another female inside this small room, like a janitor closet

this guy came in and there was this immediate confrontational vibe between him and I

he then essentially tried to stab us and I had to defend

the rest is blurry for a minute but later I find myself bumping into various people at the Church, asking them about who that guy is

in the dream he was the brother of the senior worship band guy whose name is Ben

the dream shifted from that to me looking for this young lady I keep asking the Lord about

I finally saw her walking with some other girls but I didn't approach

dream changes one more time to me driving along on a road and hitting my brakes only to flip my car and crash by doing so :shock:

I was fine but had to call a tow truck

don't know if this dream is from God but in real life I just got a second job which is scheduled as such that I can't serve on Sundays at the Church

Re: church dream

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:35 am
by Joshua116
i would like to share some recent real life coincidences that have an odd mirror this dream:

in my waking life since starting this second job and since i had this dream last week:

1.) i've already started hating this second job that i recently got, i hate being up early on Saturday and Sunday...i miss out serving on Sundays and i've started hating the first job too. i feel like now i really am ready to move on from these lame jobs.

2.) my car actually had to get towed this week due to me letting it over-heat while i was job hunting, leaving the car on while walking into places to speak about jobs

3.) i even had a moment this past Wednesday night at Church where that same girl saw me and ignored me/didn't recognize me just like in the dream

any thoughts?