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Toddler tooth surgery

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:22 am
by Victorious
I was instructed to assist in a mouth / tooth surgery for a little boy who had emotional problems. I was given a white, plastic, L- shaped hook to hold a string looped around his tooth, and told to move behind the chair the boy was lying on; as I did so, I accidentally pulled on the string, making the loop larger than it needed to be. I was very nervous about ruining the surgery. As I looked at the little boy from that angle (behind the chair) I realized he looked like one of my own sons, and I noticed he was wearing shorts but no shirt. Up to this point, he had been very calm and docile, probably sedated. I felt compassion for him. Next scene, everyone had abandoned the boy besides me and the dentist, and the boy was screaming hysterically. The dentist needed me to pick up the boy and console him, so I held the little boy and tried to comfort him.

Before bed, and throughout the night, I had prayed for God to show me about my 17yo son (who has always had emotional problems and is going through a very hard time right now) in a dream. The toddler looked like him at that age.