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Drinking Beer In The Morning!

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:32 am
by ispeaktheword
Hello Everyone,

I was on a public transit bus. The seats were full so I was standing. It was morning and I was drinking beer. It was good beer. IRL I don’t like beer, but this tasted good. I had to look at the bottle to see what kind it was. I believe it said Seagrams?? It was a glass bottle and the beer was light colored. I felt guilty for drinking this beer especially in the morning. I thought to myself, am I going to smell like beer when I get to work? Am I an alcoholic for drinking beer in the morning?

IRL I'm not a drinker. Occasionally, I'll have a glass of wine.

Your thoughts are appreciated.


Re: Drinking Beer In The Morning!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:28 pm
by bella
My understanding is that beer was created when there was some sort of major food shortage or something like that and people were severely vitamin deficient. A man prayed and God gave him the recipe for beer as a health tonic. So I always think of it as a positive symbol.

Perhaps this is a dream where you are being challenged with two seemingly conflicting issues to balance: you enjoyed this drink but then you felt guilty and worried you were in some sort of sin (wondering if you're an alcoholic).

Re: Drinking Beer In The Morning!

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:40 am
by ispeaktheword
Hi Bella,

Thank you for responding to my dream. I feel the beer as a positive symbol as well, it was sweet and not bitter. Still pondering this dream. Thank you for giving me more to ponder.


Re: Drinking Beer In The Morning!

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:34 pm
by Chambers

I got the same thing, a struggle between what you enjoy and find good, and knowing it isn't acceptable behavior in the work environment while wondering if it's become a problem.
1 corinthians 10 comes to mind, especially the part about everything permissible, but not everything beneficial, and how we need to consider how our behavior affects others-because-
we love God and them.

Galatians 6:7-8 may help too.

You don't need to feel guilty. We are reborn in the spirit and the law doesn't belong to the new man, although you may need to exercise some wisdom. We do need to consider others and what they allow or are ready for.

We also need to understand how we can become entangled in the old nature in the form of affections and things of that nature, soul ties.

Re: Drinking Beer In The Morning!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:27 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi Chambers!

I have a different take on this dream. But, I thank you so much for responding.
