Plant needing soil

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Plant needing soil

Post by lynadvs »

In this dream I remember looking at my aloe plant wondering why was the soil in the pot so low. Then I put potting soil in the pot. I wanted to make sure it did not get low again, so I filled it up covering about three fourths of the plant ( thinking to myself that the plant will grow through the soil) when i looked at the plant again, it had somehow ejected all the excess potting soil away from itself. Then I went outside and was talking to Sophia. There was a fern plant that came out of the house by itself. I remember looking at and wondering what in the world is going on, the plant would not survive as it was too cold. As soon as the plant realized how cold it was it turned around and went back inside. Then there was another plant that came outside and planted itself in the ground.
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Re: Plant needing soil

Post by freedinHim »

I feel that in this dream, God is trying to rest you that you will not need to worry, caring, growing, or nurturing, things or people dear to you. God will grant you wisdom(Sophia) to know that things will take care of themselves.
God bless you.
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Re: Plant needing soil

Post by keilani »

Shalom! Just a thought-- maybe the dream is about transplanting ie. moving. I'm wondering if people within your household/family (the plants) may be contemplating a move (fern) or getting ready to make a move (the plant that planted itself outside). The aloe--maybe symbolic of one not liking the current living quarters? God grant you wisdom and understanding as you seek Him.
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Re: Plant needing soil

Post by PastorJKG »

This dream takes me to the parable of the sower. The soil was the heart of the one who received the seed. Perhaps the Lord is requiring a greater investment of the heart in what He desires the dreamer to do. This is no indictment for He does this to all who carry His word and do His will. Ferns grow in low light conditions. The Spirit of the Lord searches the hearts of men. This is a season of deeper sanctification for us all. He is trying to prepare His bride for something big and soon coming. Sophia means (wisdom). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Those who possess the fear of the Lord live with the keen understanding that they will give an account for every word and thought in the day of judgment. Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: [24] And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. The soil of our heart will grow the fruit of the Spirit or the fruit of unrighteousness. this why we must guard it with all diligence. Prov. 4:23 For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Plant needing soil

Post by exoticflowerinbloom »

Lynadvs has the Lord been dealing with you on changing churches at all? The “plants” (believers) are abandoning the “house” (church) to replant themselves in a different place. When you tried to add extra soil to anchor that aloe plant in it kicked it away. It didn’t want to be stuck there.
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