sailboat on wheels/tunnel

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sailboat on wheels/tunnel

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
had this dream yesterday morning.........
the dream started with me standing beside a boat that was on land, on wheels, on a busy road......on this road were walkers, and other people as a group in boats. my boat started to move and I jumped had no motor and the sails where not really big as I could tell if they were there at all but the little one person boat moved well......I was now following a boat filled with 7 people, give or take, and they were in the way.......we reached a tunnel and I was still behind them.....them road curved in the we were in the tunnel their boat stopped right in front of me and they mostly jumped out. I would say we were in the middle of the tunnell and it had a slight uphill grade to it with a curve....they broke down at the mid point of the curve....without skipping a beat my little boat went right around them ever so smoothly and contiuned onarond the curve to where I could see the end of the I neared the end of the tunnell the dream begin to fade and finally I was awake...............My boat was a cool boat I was leaned back and did not have to make any effort it had a mind of its own....I was there after I decided to get in the boat to be along for the ride........
see ya
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Post by ditte3 »

Very intersting dream. :)

Maybe meaning that you let yourself led b the Holy Spirit,and because of this you overcome the hard times (?).
I wonder what the cca 7 people in the boat represent?I also wonder if these boats represent ministries or it's simply personal life (?),but in this case why are there more people in boats.

These are my first thoughts.If it these are not what the Lord tells you please toss them.
I'm gonna pray about your dream.

God bless you. :)
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Post by sigmon2 »

I am not sure of the whole deal except to just go with the ideal of personal ministry versus church/group ministry. I have not had a boat on wheels before....planes. trains, buses, trucks, and cars but boats are new......I seem to be stuck in the spiritual realm with the choices being made by an old church of least that seems to be my thoughts on why the Lord keeps the connection between me and them......they continue to not pursue Him in the manner He wants.....I went this last weekend to visit after deciding to try and go at least once a month to pray and encourage...but also see what the Lord my be doing with our connection or me in general. They still after all the help coming from others are not reaching out and in a way they really want people to come to them and provide for themselves is what it seems like.....that is why I really wonder about the timing of this dream to coincide with my visit to maybe mean something like they are stuck in the tunnel and I will be allowed to come out of it. It would match the eviction dream I had not to long ago too. well thanks helps me think and clear my head.......I hope to know more soon anyway....... or at least have a better understanding.........thanks again...see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi. Well. To report this dream is coming true. The pastor retired cause nothing to pay him but he's hanging on and the families in the dream but for one are trying to find ways to leave knowing if they leave the church will sink. Its interesting in the dream the woman who went over the side first is the most powerful in the church said in the business meeting last Sunday she plans to leave soon. It was her leaving that started the boat`s roll over. Yet they say my dreams have no truth huh.Lol.
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Post by sigmon2 »

I started a wed prayer time. it was cool even though out of love for Jesus and his obligation to the church a deacon came to unlock the door and turn off the alarm for me. now do to the concern of winter and electric bill it was moved to sunday prayer time. which in its self was not bad, however, its right after church gets out and so no one is going to stay for it at that time but the basic deacons. 2 of them. so the church basically killed the prayer time. I see the need for safety and not sharing the key and alarm code with to many people but I fear my time leading prayer is almost over. I tried to keep a happy face over it so not to let anyone think I was going to fuss, I want to see if the Lord will intervene in the matter. he is answering the prayers we pray. of course there is a church for sale near me and oh how I would love to preach again if allowed. :) thanks for reading
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi. Went thru a meeting this weekend. There is great negative feelings of physical nature. Very sad that these wonderful people have dug a rut so deep that they can say others need to accept change to better a church, when they are dragging their own church into death by not pursuing jesus's change. Sad really. But the Lord is trying to call them out of their coffins. :-)
PS the attendance of the church is so bad that in most cases the doors would be shut if not for the 2 or 3 well to do older people who keep it going for their purpose.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry