The Dollar's: Part 1

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The Dollar's: Part 1

Post by Newbie »

IRL I do not follow the Dollar's and this is the 2nd dream in a 5 year span that I have had of Creflo. However, I do not understand the significance in regards to me.
In the beginning of this dream, I am an observer and not really a part of it. I see a mega church that is filled to capacity and I recalled seeing red seats and people dressed in white. Creflo Dollar is the pastor and he comes pulpit. I recalled when the worship portion began, the instrumental to Frankie Beverly and The Maze’s song, “Before I Let Go” was being played. Creflo Dollar felt the song and began to dance joyously. The congregation is elated as well. There is a young man behind Creflo that began to cartwheels in front of the church. There is another, may be Creflo’s assistant, that was laughing and in joy of the song. He felt the music as well and he gives Creflo a low high-five or what is known as “dap”.
Then the location changes. Creflo, myself and others are in a fastfood restaurant. To make a long story short, when we try to pay, we got a sense that the management team were counterfeit. They stole the identity of the real management team because they were attempting to rob the place. At the register, the cashier had to put in her number but because she was not the real person, she could not open the register to take our payment.
Creflo, called her out and suddenly the atmosphere shifted. Now it just Creflo, me, and a few others (the counterfeiters are no longer there) and I sensed that they had planted a bomb. 2 plainclothes detectives arrived and began counting down, so we could all run before the bomb went off. Apparently, the bomb was based on pressure and it would go off if pressure were not maintained. After counting down, we were told to run fast as we can and get behind the trashcans for cover. We were in a back alleyway and soon the bomb went off. I recalled we were all heading towards a big green trashcan.
I recalled that during this portion, Creflo had wanted to get back to church because he had to finish his sermon. Apparently, we were on a break. When we arrived back at the church, the congregation was leaving because they were upset about not finishing service. Creflo was trying to explain what had happened but it went on deaf ears and the church was now empty. Creflo and his assistant stood there with their mouth agape and in shock. Suddenly, there was a close up of a white satin jacket sitting on the pulpit with a light shining down upon it. I recalled it was so white, it glowed, and it had a purple iridescence to it. There were some black smears on the arm of it.[/b]
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Post by Newbie »

I am wondering if this is in regards to what happened with him being arrested for his handling of his 15 year old daughter.