My family in the pulpit

Archives for 2013
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Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:56 pm

My family in the pulpit

Post by Deeishere »

I had this dream recently that was interesting. I had a dream that I was at my old church (we no longer attend there since we located to another state). We were sitting in the pulpit. (In reality the pastor and his wife and ministers sits on that side) But in the dream we were sitting there (my family and I) and the pastor and everyone else in the pulpit was sitting on the opposite side. Anyway, my area (where I was sitting) was really cluttered. It was really messy. In this dream we just had stuff everywhere. The pastor didn't say anything but I heard that he told one of the Elders to ask me to move. I didn't see him tell her but I heard he did and he didn't want to hurt my feeling. Since I knew that was what she was going to tell me I decided to move anyway so I was looking for a new seat. I remember that the church was crowded and I was looking for a seat near the front.

I don't get this dream at all but it's staying with me. We are in a new area and attending this church. It's ok but I don't really feel connected. I really miss my old church. The one I had the dream about. :(