Owned Store/Teaching

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Owned Store/Teaching

Post by lainey68 »

I am facing a health crisis, so that might be the reason I had these dreams, but I wanted to submit in case there was something I overlooked:

Dream 1: I was in my kitchen teaching people how to prepare healthy meals. I was doing a demo of how to do a green smoothie.

Dream 2: I owned an herb shop/healthfood store of some type. All of a sudden, about 10 or 15 people came in at once. I did not have anyone working with me in the store, so I asked them all to write down what they needed. A friend of mine was there, but she had a list of some obscure herbs. I started helping her, but realized I was neglecting my other customers, so then I just told everyone to help themselves. I was worried that they would be put off by the long wait, self service, but everyone was happy and friendly.

The first dream was actually something I pursued 3 years ago. I pursued certification as a raw chef. The second is something I'd like to do. I don't know if these dreams are my desires or God showing me his plan, or if it means something else entirely different.