fatal mistake during spiritual warfare

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fatal mistake during spiritual warfare

Post by connie »

Praise the Lord,

I had this dream a few days ago and even as I typed it out I could feel the grief all over again. I'm posting to see if anyone has any further insights.

We, my two children, brother Hank & an unknown young man, were in a bedroom in a basement apartment engaged in warfare. The window faced North & the door faced South. We were in fierce spiritual warfare and simultaneously being attacked by people (who attacked through the window). Demon spirits came in through the door in the form of animals. Sometimes there would be several at a time. I was flying and attending to the door. The demon spirits walked or slithered in then I would throw something at them from the air and they would start to rise up in the air towards me. The last three demon spirits came in, one small/minor one & two wolves. I grabbed the wolves tales & banged their heads off the walls and defeated them easily.

Now for the 'we'. My children were behind me in the room, closer to the window. My daughter was over a twin sized bed alternating between standing & hovering in the air fighting from the corner behind me. My son & the other young man were standing in front of the right window pane. There was a piece of plywood covering half of the open window pane & which they used as a protective cover from the 'human' onslaught from outside. My brother Hank was underneath the left window pane where he appeared to be supplying us with ammunition and weapons as needed. We had been in war for a long period of time but we weren't exhausted.

After I defeated the two wolves, there was quiet. I knew there was only one more spirit to war against, a serpent. The serpent was the more powerful of all the ones before. I wasn't sure when he would attack or what form he would take on. I hoped the people outside would stop attacking us & come to the knowledge that this spiritual warfare was more serious than their petty attacks. I hoped they would leave us alone so we/I could concentrate all our energies on this last battle. A young blonde man leading the 'human' enemies came up to the window to talk. Chad, my son, was crouching down behind the plywood, hidden from his view, and ready to throw some weapon or other if this 'meeting' was a set up. Hank was talking to the young man and simultaneously preparing ammunition and weapons for our next battle. The young man/leader, I think, agreed to some kind of cease fire. I was hovering in the air the whole time, totally alert & watching the door not knowing how long of a rest we had before the next/last major attack.

I saw Abner (our much loved family pet) walk through the door. I didn't know if the serpent had taken Abner's form to try & fool us. I looked for a weapon and saw only a file/rasp on the floor. I jumped down to the floor, grabbed the rasp and hit Abner on the nose & forehead area. Abner crawled inside a red nylon-mesh laundry hamper. I was watching Abner closely because I knew the pain from the blow would force or anger the serpent to take on his true form. But when Abner didn't change forms & started crying, I knew I had made a terrible mistake. :cry: I mortally wounded Abner and I felt I had to end his suffering. I was trying to strike a death blow but I couldn't land any blows because the laundry hamper was deflecting/absorbing the force of my blows. I called out to Hank for help and I was starting to sob. I woke myself with my groanings & felt a very deep grief.

I prayed fervently and finally allowed myself to sleep again. I asked the Lord not to take me back into that dream where there was so much sorrow and grief. I had another dream after with a very different 'flavour' to it.

a note: Abner's favorite place to play is inside that mesh laundry bag.

Thank you so much for reading.

In His Love, connie

Post by talitha »

Connie, no interp yet, but I wanted to tell you that I recently read of Abner in the Bible, in 2 Samuel. It might be relevant (?)..... I'm asking the Lord to bring you full revelation, sis.....
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Post by connie »

Oh Tal,

I think you're on to something! Thank you! This was the following dream I had. I didn't see a connection with the first one:

I was summoned to a royal court, invited to speak before royalty. I was standing in a little ante-room, (I want to say standing 'in the wings' ?) I was nervous wondering what could I possibly have to say? I felt comfortable with myself, who I was in Christ but still a little nervous about speaking to the royals. Just before I stepped into the inner royal court (throne room), I keenly felt my humble spirit and I knew I was humble to look upon with the natural eye, however when I felt the humility, confidence filled my being as I set foot on the glowing amber floor of the royal court. End

Still... what is the Lord saying to me? and/or is this a message for others as well?

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Post by connie »

I'm bumping this up because there was an incident in the natural with little Abner (our ferret) on the 22nd.. & I remembered this dream today as I was praying about some other matters.

Abner was hurt, :cry: (not fatally nor seriously PTL ) due to my neglect, while I was on the phone in the next room preparing to pray with someone.

I will prayerfully consider any and all insight. Prayers for revelation are most welcome.

Thank you in advance,

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Post by galena »

connie, hi.
Not an interpretation... but oddly your dream not only reminded me of one of my own, but also revealed to me its nature. I was attacked by wild animals surrounding a house etc. protecting children... the point is, I never recognized this was a spiritual warfare I was experiencing in my dream, but now it seems obvious to me.

Now... your dream.
One thing leaped out at me, was the laundry (and at a critical time, your words) HAMPER. Another time you call it a laundry bag. I don't know why that should stand out to me but it did. It seems the laundry was hampering something. Twice you call the laundry bag a hamper - once when Abner crawls into it, and once when you try to give him a killing blow.

Now this is my question - what could it have hampered? Did you know positively that this was Abner? Any proof? You said because he did not change form and because he was crying, but then you mention the hamper again (am I making too much of this hamper?) when you can not give Abner a killing blow.

If that was Abner definately, I would pray for discernment to know quickly how to know which is which (as a warning dream). What I mean is... that it could be that you need to learn to discern a spirit no matter its form.

But still the word hamper strikes me... and I wonder what it was hindering except for the killing blow. Laundry (the washing of garments) HAMPERED you.

I am wondering if possibly this really wasn't Abner...

Main Entry: 1file
Pronunciation: \ˈfī(-ə)l\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fēol; akin to Old High German fīla file
Date: before 12th century
1 : a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal
2 : a shrewd or crafty person

Main Entry: 1rasp
Pronunciation: \ˈrasp\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French *rasper, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German raspōn to scrape together
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1: to rub with something rough; specifically : to abrade with a rasp
2: to grate upon : irritate
3: to utter in a raspy tone
intransitive verb
1: scrape
2: to produce a grating sound
— rasp·er noun
— rasp·ing·ly \ˈras-piŋ-lē\ adverb

Interesting weapon.

Even the meaning for ferret was interesting... a fur theif, etc. furative, it seemed a bit like a rabit hole when I started following the definition thread.

Until the end I kept thinking he was a dog.

Pray for Abner's protection from spirital possession, he is part of the family.

Sorry I wasn't more help... but your dream was a big help to me! Thank you.

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Post by liladreamsfire »

I have no interpatation however when I read it I felt the holy spirit all over me at one point when I read about you defeating the wolves. I began to laugh out Loud I FELT such vicotry! Lord continue to bring insight into this dream Lord..

Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known! Jeremiah 33:3
you have said seek my face, my heart says to you your face Lord I do seek"

Psalm 27:8
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Post by galena »

isn't this your second laundry dream this week? Not that it was specifically about laundry....
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Post by connie »

galena wrote:connie, hi.
Not an interpretation... but oddly your dream not only reminded me of one of my own, but also revealed to me its nature. I was attacked by wild animals surrounding a house etc. protecting children... the point is, I never recognized this was a spiritual warfare I was experiencing in my dream, but now it seems obvious to me.
Praise the Lord.. I too have gleaned understanding of my own dreams through the insights and interps on other people's postings. I love this web site and its members!
Now... your dream.
One thing leaped out at me, was the laundry (and at a critical time, your words) HAMPER. Another time you call it a laundry bag. I don't know why that should stand out to me but it did. It seems the laundry was hampering something. Twice you call the laundry bag a hamper - once when Abner crawls into it, and once when you try to give him a killing blow.

Now this is my question - what could it have hampered? Did you know positively that this was Abner? Any proof? You said because he did not change form and because he was crying, but then you mention the hamper again (am I making too much of this hamper?) when you can not give Abner a killing blow.

If that was Abner definately, I would pray for discernment to know quickly how to know which is which (as a warning dream). What I mean is... that it could be that you need to learn to discern a spirit no matter its form.

But still the word hamper strikes me... and I wonder what it was hindering except for the killing blow. Laundry (the washing of garments) HAMPERED you.

I am wondering if possibly this really wasn't Abner...

Thank you for pointing out the hamper, no you're not making too much of it. I appreciate you pointing out how strongly that word is being impressed on you. It gives me a specific direction to pray into... in the dream, the laundry hamper was empty..

In my dreams, doing laundry is cleansing my or others spiritual garments. It indicates a time of cleansing and pruning. the thought never occured to me that this was not Abner.. :o thank you for bringing this to my attention. :D you got me thinking in a different direction.
Main Entry: 1file
Pronunciation: \ˈfī(-ə)l\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fēol; akin to Old High German fīla file
Date: before 12th century
1 : a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal
2 : a shrewd or crafty person

Main Entry: 1rasp
Pronunciation: \ˈrasp\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French *rasper, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German raspōn to scrape together
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1: to rub with something rough; specifically : to abrade with a rasp
2: to grate upon : irritate
3: to utter in a raspy tone
intransitive verb
1: scrape
2: to produce a grating sound
— rasp·er noun
— rasp·ing·ly \ˈras-piŋ-lē\ adverb

Interesting weapon.
i have been praying about the 'rasp/ file' as well.. i know that i should not have left my position in the spirit (air) to leap down into the flesh/ natural.
Even the meaning for ferret was interesting... a fur theif, etc. furative, it seemed a bit like a rabit hole when I started following the definition thread.

Until the end I kept thinking he was a dog.

Pray for Abner's protection from spirital possession, he is part of the family.

Sorry I wasn't more help... but your dream was a big help to me! Thank you.

Abner is thoroughly covered in prayer. He loves being in the Lord's presence & will come and lay on my feet when I'm in prayer.. :D

Later this night, I had a bomb shell dropped on me the same day abner was hurt through someone I highly respect in the Lord. I found out that something said to me through this person years ago was this person's fleshly desire and not Spirit led as I had been led to believe. I think this is what the lord had been trying to get through to me. What this person said had been hampering me from moving in a different direction with the Lord.

thank you galena.. you helped me much more than you thought!

this dream is from September, I bumped it up at the Lord's prompting and because of the natural event with Abner.

Bless you in Jesus Name,

His Love, connie
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Post by connie »

liladreamsfire wrote:I have no interpatation however when I read it I felt the holy spirit all over me at one point when I read about you defeating the wolves. I began to laugh out Loud I FELT such vicotry! Lord continue to bring insight into this dream Lord..

Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known! Jeremiah 33:3
Hi lildadreamsfire!

Thank you for sharing! It's an encouraging confirmation.. yes, victory in Jesus!

Bless you!

His Love, connie
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Post by liladreamsfire »

I found out that something said to me through this person years ago was this person's fleshly desire and not Spirit led as I had been led to believe. I think this is what the lord had been trying to get through to me. What this person said had been hampering me from moving in a different direction with the Lord.

You know its so important to seek the Lord and know Him well in these times. I read this and I just feel such a prompting to go deeper with the Lord so that we can be led by Him and Him alone. So that we are not led in the wrong direction. Lord help us in these last days to here your words only. Praise God He has revealed it to you and we can trust He always will...

And your ears shall hear a word behind you , saying This is the way walk in it Isaiah 30:21
you have said seek my face, my heart says to you your face Lord I do seek"

Psalm 27:8
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Post by galena »

Praise God ! I am so happy! I'm continuing to pray for Abner's safety!!
