The glory of the Lord

Archived Dreams from 2016
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The glory of the Lord

Post by speaktheword »

Went to this place almost like a old restaurant with 3 ladies. First I had left my purse there and my friend bought me there to retrieve it. I went in and there were 3 ladies there who looked at me suspiciously but I looked at a round table and there was my purse, so I just grabbed it and left. When I returned to the car my friend said you need to go and tell them we are planning a Women's Retreat and for them to let us use their place. So I went back and asked them and this time we were on a long back porch, 2 ladies were on my right and the main ladies was going down the steps and they said no, they had recently loss on of the ladies and they did not feel they were ready to have a retreat. The main lady went into what I call a spa but it was not a spa, a place in front of this building with long stairs downward but she went into a round spa like place. Next I see a woman walk in front of the steps with a long off white robe, grayish and she looked up at me, even though she was down the stairs I could see her face as she turned to look up at me, she had dark hair, black lipstick and she smile but not a kind smile. Next I look up to heaven and a grayish, like dark cloud came down with finger like swirl and touched this woman and suddenly a grayish like explosion and both women was disintegrated or dissolved in front of me, the woman in the robe still tried to come after me, but she dissolved into black specks and I began to scream over and over again until I fell onto the porch saying "It's the glory of the Lord, until I became hoarse and the other 2 women said, what do you need, whatever you want and I woke up still saying it is the glory of the Lord.