Cherry Blossoms/Money for Ex

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Warrior Princess
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Cherry Blossoms/Money for Ex

Post by Warrior Princess »

I was telling my daughters about dreaming, pointing out that there were flowers over in this field and I was noticing flowers in the woods. (I heard "cherry blossoms" again, happened with another dream.)

Next, I was coming out of someplace into like a sort of foyer (oh...reception area LOL) and met the kids and ex there to pick up the kids from him.

Next, (I am trying to think how to explain this) youngest daughter and I were in a parking lot by the car and she's explaining to me that apparently, there was some sort of problem with ex not being able to go to bank or get $ out of bank for some reason, so he needed/had daughter get the $ out of the bank for him and she had to wait there at the bank to give it to him and that was the reason for the delay or whatever.

The End.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
Deep calling unto deep
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

This is an assurance God is in control! I sense you are approaching a new season in your life/circumstances. There is hope (telling your daughters about dreaming and pointing to flowers).......cherry blossoms are in full bloom usually around April (Springtime). They start to show signs of life in January.

There is something God want to deposit in you for this new season and I sense your daughter is an aspect of you. I encourage you to press forward and dig your heels in deep into the word of God. There is a breakthru coming and you will need to be able to discern the times and seasons. It will be important to not lean to your own understanding or you can miss or delay what God has for you. Keep the dream alive and watch God move! Abraham spoke those things that were not as though they already were! GBU! Breakthru in 2010!
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Even though I don't get all of what you said, you got me all hyped up. LOL

Seriously though, some of it registers, definitely praying about the rest. Thanks!

Got anymore on the last paragraph?
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
Deep calling unto deep
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

I sense you are coming into a new season. The Cherry Blossoms is symbolic of the season and promise of God to you. You were telling your daughters about dreaming and pointing to the Cherry Blossoms (hope and fruition of a promise manifesting). I also sense your daughter is symbolic of you. In my dreams, my daughter usually represent the USA (nation). God has something for you. Banks are an institution where you make transactions (deposit/withdrawal). I sense the Holy Spirit is leading you to get what He has for you. Money is symbolic in this dream. It represents the richness/answer to God's promise. Toss all or any portion that does not bear witness to your spirit. Only you know what it is you are hoping against hope for. God said, Abraham believed it and that settled it. Have Faith in God. Don't look at the natural. It will mess you up everytime.
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I get what you are saying, I'm just trying to figure out how my ex and him not being able to get money from the bank means.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

1 I am a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys.

A lotus blossoming in a swamp of weeds—
that's my dear friend among the girls in the village.

I'm about to faint with love!

Don't excite love, don't stir it up,
until the time is ripe—and you're ready.

8-10 Look! Listen! There's my lover!
Do you see him coming?
Vaulting the mountains,
leaping the hills.
My lover is like a gazelle, graceful;
like a young stag, virile.
Look at him there, on tiptoe at the gate,
all ears, all eyes—ready!
My lover has arrived
and he's speaking to me!

10-14 Get up, my dear friend,
fair and beautiful lover—come to me!
Look around you: Winter is over;
the winter rains are over, gone!
Spring flowers are in blossom all over.
The whole world's a choir—and singing!
Spring warblers are filling the forest
with sweet arpeggios.
Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed,
and cherry trees fragrant with blossoms.
Oh, get up, dear friend,
my fair and beautiful lover—come to me!
Come, my shy and modest dove—
leave your seclusion, come out in the open.
Let me see your face,
let me hear your voice.
For your voice is soothing
and your face is ravishing.

Then you must protect me from the foxes,
foxes on the prowl,
Foxes who would like nothing better
than to get into our flowering garden.

16-17 My lover is mine, and I am his.
Nightly he strolls in our garden,
Delighting in the flowers
until dawn breathes its light and night slips away.

Turn to me, dear lover.
Come like a gazelle.
Leap like a wild stag
on delectable mountains!
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."