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Post by Blessings »

I had two nights where I had many dreams. I don't remember much but chaos. However this morning just before I got up I had this dream:

We got off a bus about a mile from our home. We went through some sort of security check. Security guards were standing all around.There were people sitting there. Tables were set up and food was set out. I started serving some people. I also gave my 3 year daughter a bowl full of potato chips. Then I went home.

My husband stayed back at the bus stop and set up a worship band. Even though our house was about a mile away we could here them clearly.

My house wasn't really my own home. My children were outside playing except for my oldest daughter. She was sitting in the livingroom with me and one other woman. The door was open to the outside.

Two young men walked in. Both were identically dressed, they had short cropped extremely blond hair, . They both wore dark rimmed glasses. They seemed friendly when they walked in but one pulled out a hand gun. I said, "shoot me, I'm the mother." He aimed the gun at me but then made a quick movement and shot my daughter. At first my daughter just looked surprised and looked around to see where the bullet hit. She didn't feel anything. Then she ad I both saw that she was struck in the chest. She started sobbing and I held on to her tightly.

The young men seemed a little sick and they quickly walked out. I wondered why they shot her instead of me. Then I realized I was white and she was not. That is the only understanding I got.
Last edited by Blessings on Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blessings »

Hey guys I'm just kicking this back to the top. It was such a vivid and shocking dream for me. I've prayed hard for God's covering for each one of my children. However I don't feel that this dream is really about my daughter but she represents something maybe. I would love some insight.
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Post by Blessings »

Shall I drop this one?

Post by Joy2dream »

No, don't drop. We just haven't received anything yet.

Lord Jesus grant revelation on this dream.


Post by jewel »


I've been praying about this dream... and I believe that it is not exactly about your daughter.

I'm under the impression that it is a coorporate dream, one that is about a drive for power within the church body as a whole. I'm not saying you do this.... but, I know that I have had to pause to look at the motives for my own actions and sometimes I'm surprised to find that I wasn't behaving as I should have.

So often we claim that we are moving in love, but the actual thing we crave is power rather than love for one another. I was noticing in your dream that you'd served your daughter something most mom's wouldn't exactly consider as being good food... then you left. I believe this is symbolic, and I'm assuming this isn't normal behavior for you. Your act was symbolic of how we often treat those we claim to love.... saying something like "I'll pray for you" and then going through the motions and maybe saying a quick prayer right in that moment but not really following through from our heart. On the outside it looks okay, maybe even right but the food we are serving to those we should be caring for isn't the best. Then like your dream, we walk away because we'd done the basics. There isn't really any love behind that action. For that reason, it is critical that we begin to pause and notice what the motivation of doing that actually is.

In your dream things shift, to a more dramatic view where you do act in love standing in the gap to protect your daughter. This is probably more normal behavior for you, that is why I'm under the impression that your dream is not only symbolic but also a corporate one.

In your second scene.... you'd mentioned that you felt that your daughter was shot because she isn't white but you are and I was instantly reminded of Hitler and how he didn't have any tolerance for those that were different. He killed millions because of his hunger for power, and there simply was no other reason for it. I'm not clear on this part, but I believe the dream is a call for you to begin to interceed and start a cryl for more acceptance and acts of love. Declare over the coorporate body that we will all learn to be motivated by love NOT by power so that we don't end up eliminating precious ones that are in our paths. I believe this call has been given to you, because of your honest adoration for your daughter and your willingness to sacrifice yourself on her behalf. In your dream you'd said the man seemed nice enough, but you knew something wasn't quite right. This too I'm seeing as being symbolic that those that will kill and destroy don't always come in packages we would expect.

Please feel free to discard if your spirit doesn't bear witness.... I do pray this is able to grant your heart some peace. Even if my interp is wrong, I do very strongly feel that your dream is symbolic and not literal.... I wanted to make sure to make that clear. The one point the drove this home for me was the fact that you said your daughter is 3, and that is often symbolic for the Trinity...

GBU & your little one!
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Post by Blessings »

Wow Jewel, That's rather amazing. One detail I left out was that the chips were something that someone else didn't want. It was conveinient to give them.That fits.

The second part really refered to another daughter. She's 11. I guess I wasn't clear on that. But what you said is something I really have strong feelings about. The ministry I am part of is planning to have a big program to bless a certain group of people on Christmas Eve. However I am concerned that, although it is a good thing, it will not meet the need of these people. It's sort of like giving them chips when they need something much more solid. I have felt that I must, in a gentle manner, see that we do something more substantial and long term.

What is more interesting is that there will be security at this program because some big wigs will be there. I only discovered this yesterday. And of course there will be worship.And you know what... I just had a thought...I think I know what the two young men represent as well. I'll keep that to myself. It's a warning. Thank you.

Thanks, it all rather fits but I had no idea.