It' Time

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It' Time

Post by pastorloretta »

There were 2 parts to this dream the 1st part of the dream my husband kept saying to me it's time to open the salon again and i kept saying no I don't want to but, he kept being adamant about me opening it and i kept saying no then i said ok. So we opened it and then he said you have to be the stylist because you don't have anyone and I said no if I open this place i am going to be the owner not the stylist. I can see we opened it and where we opened it seems to be in a mall because i could see all the maniquins dressed in the windows and these people standing around, it was like the people came with the place and my husband kept being pushy saying i have to be the stylist I said no i am going to be the owner so this lady came over she looked like a stylist and she said why don't you want to be a stylist and right then I felt in my spirit (because it represents a place of struggle). So the dream switched to me being in this old dusty place with stuff every where and this couple appeared i felt an evil presence on the young woman i thought to myself her and the guy looked young. I never saw this couple before so I didn't know them so the young lady started talking to me about their relationship so i started talking to her and encouraging her and mothering her but she just had this evil presence about her and i knew this in my spirit. The guy never said anything he was just listening to the young lady it seems like she was looking for attention but something just wasn't right. So I thought in my mind how old are yall and before i could say it she said he's 47 and i'm 34 but he said no i'm not i'm 51 and she's 22 and i said yall look young. So the guy told her it was time to go and he gave her this laundry basket and he was pushing her out the door i felt he was doing that because he was protecting me in some way from her it seems she wanted to fight me . So she turned around to try and fight me and he slapped her to the floor and she was crying and I put my hand out and said satan the Lord rebuke you and I woke up

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Post by Charys »

Dear pastorloretta, I prayed before I read your dream and an image flashed in my mind. I don't know if you can relate to this. I saw a tv show called "Mythbusters" the other night in which they built and tested an ancient Korean weapon that shot many firey arrows quite a long distance at the same time. So what I saw was these arrows being loaded into the machine to be set on fire with a gunpowder charge and all fired at the same time. They actually all had made little explosions when they landed.

Then I read your dream in which you feel an evil presence in this woman. I am wondering if you are in this dusty (impure) old (past habits? old hurts?) place because you wanted to be the boss or the one in charge when your husband (someone representing your covering or authority? or maybe the Lord Himself?) wanted you to do something else. The struggle seemed to make you a target for the enemy (the woman) who wanted to attack you.

This scripture in Ephesians 6 also came to mind about putting on the whole armor of God particulary verse 16 about taking up the shield of faith by which we are able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the enemy.

Perhaps you are being asked to do something which will require faith in God's goodness on your part, because it feels like a demotion or going back to working under someone and not having the autonomy you would like to have.

....for your discernment, of course. Toss anything that doesn't fit.
...that I might know Him...
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

I can relate with Charys...ask the Lord to confirm of course....blessings!
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Re: It' Time

Post by WaitingforHim »

pastorloretta wrote:There were 2 parts to this dream the 1st part of the dream my husband kept saying to me it's time to open the salon again and i kept saying no I don't want to but, he kept being adamant about me opening it and i kept saying no then i said ok.
I am thinking this may be the Lord impressing on you to move forward with something that He has already shown you or confirmed to you. A salon is a place of preparation for change..So possibly the Lord is nudging you to make this change. There may be an inner struggle going on..."Is He reallllllllly saying this or is this just me?" that type of struggle.

So we opened it and then he said you have to be the stylist because you don't have anyone and I said no if I open this place i am going to be the owner not the stylist.
This may be the Lord showing you that you will have to do alot of the "serving" as well as "managing" in this place that He is calling you to. My take on this is that you have been "serving" for a lonnng time and possibly may have been hoping that the "change" you were moving forward into would be one of promotion or more of managing and a little less serving. Sometimes when a church is just starting up the pastors are often times the ones doing all the work too...this can be exhausting and wear on take on this part is that you may be praying for more of a rest but the Lord is graciously showing you that before that comes you may have to serve a little bit more than you would have liked to.

I can see we opened it and where we opened it seems to be in a mall because i could see all the maniquins dressed in the windows and these people standing around, it was like the people came with the place and my husband kept being pushy saying i have to be the stylist I said no i am going to be the owner so this lady came over she looked like a stylist and she said why don't you want to be a stylist and right then I felt in my spirit (because it represents a place of struggle).
This place the Lord is calling you to minister in will be one of "high traffic". There may be alot of people you can reach in this area that need to hear God's word. Again, Daddy is showing you that you are going to have to do some of the hands on for a while. This reminds you of 'struggle' possibly because in the past when you were serving the people may have taken advantage of you and dumped the majority of the work on you. Also, often times when we are doing the serving we aren't seeing the "income" that we would see in the 'manager's' position...that may also remind you of times of struggle when first starting a ministry..

So the dream switched to me being in this old dusty place with stuff every where and this couple appeared i felt an evil presence on the young woman i thought to myself her and the guy looked young. I never saw this couple before so I didn't know them so the young lady started talking to me about their relationship so i started talking to her and encouraging her and mothering her but she just had this evil presence about her and i knew this in my spirit. The guy never said anything he was just listening to the young lady it seems like she was looking for attention but something just wasn't right. So I thought in my mind how old are yall and before i could say it she said he's 47 and i'm 34 but he said no i'm not i'm 51 and she's 22 and i said yall look young. So the guy told her it was time to go and he gave her this laundry basket and he was pushing her out the door i felt he was doing that because he was protecting me in some way from her it seems she wanted to fight me . So she turned around to try and fight me and he slapped her to the floor and she was crying and I put my hand out and said satan the Lord rebuke you and I woke up

Feeling this is a warning. The Lord is showing you that there will be someone who may come to you in this new place and as you are ministering to her He is going to reveal the spirit that is in operation. It will be very deceptive and try to come off as a sympathy act or something like that..But the Lord is showing you this now so you will remember then. The age part jumped out at me too..It seems that perhaps they may try to appear more mature in the Lord than they really are. You took authority in the dream. I believe the Lord is exposing the plan of the enemy now so that you will take authority when it happens..

I hope this helps..Please pitch what does not witness.

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Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by pastorloretta »

Thank you so much this is also confirmation of our move. The city a in which were going I grew up there i use to have to fight girls like her because they were always jealouse I beleive God is saying I'm more mature now and I need not to fear those things any more. The first part is correct because the place we are leaving now hasbeen a place of struggle and I just don't want to struggle no more. We helped a lot of peolple here in Orlando with no appreciation now were leaving there's still no appreciation we gave and gave and gave without anyone coming back to say is there anyway we can help you on this move were making. But we know God is with us an he will never leave us or forsake us. You have truly made this very clear what God is saying. Thanks again God Bless. Pastor Loretta
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Post by WaitingforHim »

God Bless You sister. You are in the hands of a wonderful God who loves you and will protect you and provide for you.
He is faithful.
God Bless.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.