dreams of being in several different churches, recurring

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dreams of being in several different churches, recurring

Post by Travis »

:?: I've had several dreams and those that have come true even when I didn't get that feeling you wake with, but the dream came true.
So I'm posting this cause I'm having dreams about being in church buildings, I've had them over the years, but this has really grabbed my attention because I'm having them sometimes night after night.
They have changed over time, at first they were all in open large church buildings, I remember I really liked the worship, there where wonderful prophecies of encouragement and the like. I just accepted these as cool dreams. That they maybe. So what has grabbed at me so much is a totally new set of dreams being in church buildings. 2 of the dreams were almost exactly the same, in each dream I felt like I was in a mall that was 2 to 3 stories high, bleachers on the back wall, there was a pit like structure in the corner very deep like everyone was singing and prophecy of encouragement. there were large tv cameras and sound board also. It felt like I was in the future. All this grabbed my heart, the next night I dreamed of a small room, a chrome covered reception desk that lied in from of a large huge red door. The monitors on the desk where chrome as well. The door pivoted and opened to the right in a mechanical way much as a vault does, I walked down the stairs into a large underground rectangular room maybe 150x100, everything was red the carpet the the walls the ceiling there were a few people their as well, it felt like a underground church.

Now to tell you what is happening in my life right now, I've being drawing closer to the Lord. I'm unemployed do to severe migraines that I've had for 23 years. I'm in a financial crunch of sorts, but trusting that he has aways made a way for me. I constantly feel the return of the Lord is near. And the thing that I've always been fearful of is singing I speak more or less and that has always bugged me cause I feel that it hinders my in just letting go and praising him.

And a praise report of sorts, I had a dream of my pastor for 22 years was going to resign, it was a sad dream. And I forgot about the dream, and then now I remember the dream and am comforted by the fact that all is in His hands. He did resign and there was much sorrow in my heart.
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Post by Travis »

bumping- anyone?
"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up" James 4:10