dream about pastor

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dream about pastor

Post by JLD »

I had this dream the other night that I feel is from the Lord and am curious as to what other's may get...

I was with several people (don't know who they are) outside and it appeared we were going to have a meeting.. My pastor appeared, coming out of a car, with a bold lets-get-down-to-business attitude. As he was walking he said he "has a plan for the coming year". He was going to tackle issues within the church, "starting from the top and working down", and "some are not going to like what is said". His sermons were going to reflect this and the topic would change either weekly or monthly ( I can't remember exactly).. end

When I searched scripture, 1 Timothy 2 and 3, and Romans 15:15 best describe the feel of the dream.. I may be wrong, but I feel this was for me to encourage and pray for my pastor who is going to increase his bold approach in 2008??? Any other thoughts?

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Post by naveah »

I believe we should all pray for boldness for our pastors in the pull pit to preach the word of God not try to sugar coat it because the administration of the church thinks and believes a certain way>i believe if it is in the book and not out of context it is to feed God's people. I said all that to say this

The people in the dream you didn't know may be NEW Christians that come to Christ due to the change in your Pastors 08 preaching.
Praise the Lord more souls in the kingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do believe we all should interceed for our pastors and our churches, and its memebers.
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7

Post by Jeff »

I think you understand the dream. God has clearly given him a bold
new direction, clear direction, and he is going to do it.
There will be opposition. I believe that the Lord is calling you to be
both an intercessor and an encourager to their family over the coming year...this is SUCH an important job...

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Post by JLD »

Thank you both! We are a small church which meets in a junior high cafeteria, and we are going to be renting our own building in January. I think the act of him getting out of the car represents the physical move the church is going to make as well... I'll be interceding for him and his family!!