Sinning in dreams

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Sinning in dreams

Post by Manassehs_Warrior »


I lucid dream a lot (know what Im doing, can control my actions) and once in awhile I commit a sin. This just happened last night as I had about 3 dreams, 2 from God for sure, but the one dream I believe I sinned it. When this happens, I confess as soon as I wake up and ask God to forgive me.

Does this happen to anyone else?
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Post by WaitingforHim »

hmm...I think I know what you mean...I know I have had dreams like this...sometimes they are really God trying to tell me I need to repent for something I have done and other times I believe its getting rid of residue from people I have had around me that are involved in the sin...Repenting is always a good thing!! :P lol..

I know I have had dreams where I swore or dreams where I was intimate with someone that irl I shouldn't be...but sometimes those are symbolic as it really depends...those dreams where it looks like you are sinning could be symbolic of something else...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Interesting...... I always out and out am like, "I sinned!" instead of seeing what the deeper meaning or symbolism might be.

Now that u mention that, I believe it was a sexual sin with a blonde-haired guy, like an older teen-ager.

Thing is, in real life, I am not nor ever have been attracted to guys with blonde hair (so noone freaks out, I am a female ;)). I have even stated that at times, that I just am just not attracted to blonde haired guys. I was thinking this even before I came on here and saw your post, Waiting. That maybe it was a warning to me to be on guard against something I never was tempted by in the past, but might start to come into my life as a temptation soon.... (I am about to make a big change, namely in my job, changing jobs in another week plus).

Hmmm..... is there any way to know what the temptation will be? It showed itself, or should I say I acted in a sexual manner in the dream but the object of my sin was a male I am not normaly even attracted to.

Any further insights? Thanks for the ones you already have provided!

The male was maybe 17, and in a bathing suit I think, definitely no shirt on. He was with a much much older female.... so much older as to be ridiculous (like mid-late 40s versus a teen!).

In the dream I noticed this and thought it weird.... but then somehow I ended up getting involved with the guy myself. So hmmm, kind of unraveling as I go here :)
Something that typically is a temptation to older women (I am 34 and a big kid I might add).... hmmm.... wonder what that could be?

I cant recall the role the woman in the dream had, just that she was so much older than him. He seemed like a "boy toy" if u will, and eager to go along with her.

I had at least 3 dreams last night, all towards my time to wake up and I was not able to remember them all in full detail when I woke up. I also sinned by drinking some beers before bed, so that may well be why I cant recall all my dreams.

Thank u again!

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Post by WaitingforHim »

lust is what keeps coming to me...lust doesn't have to be with a person...but with anything that allures you...

So it could be alcohol, drugs, nicotine, pornography, or anything that would be a weakness for you....

The fact that he was younger than you could be showing you that its something that younger people do...or something imature...

Also, its opposite in sex...meaning this could be opposite what the Lord wants for you...just some more thoughts...

You may want to examine your life and ask yourself if there is a temptation to sin in an area that is hard to resist...Then ask the Lord if this is what he is wanting you to leave....

Love you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Thanks, Waiting....

I was praying earlier to know what the temptation was or is.... I think I was onto something with the guy having blonde hair and that being something I am not ordinarily attracted to.

In the dream I did have lust for him, yes, and I think I was surprised.... I am not sure who or what the older woman represented. It was a dream I was tempted to not take seriously and might not have in the past but now with coming to this board and praying more about my dreams, I am indeed taking it seriously.