Neglected little boy/ spirit trying to attack me

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Neglected little boy/ spirit trying to attack me

Post by ~Marti26. »

I was in my room doing something and there was a blanket or a trash bag (?) on the floor that started moving as if something was under it. I was afraid and creeped out because I thought it might be a mouse. I ran out of my room and was telling someone to go see what it was. Whatever it was began to make noises and the noises got progressively louder and started to soung like a baby crying. At first it sounded like maybe a newborn but then it sounded like an older baby.

My cousin Jarmar started to come out of the room and I knew he had whatever this thing was with him. I didn't know what it was so I was standing behind the loveseat. It turned out to be a little boy around 1-3 yrs old. The litle boy was very light skinned and he had on blue denim overalls and a red shirt. When I saw the little boy I knew that he had been neglected in some way and I was conscious that I was dreaming of this little boy because I needed to intercede for him. Then me and my cousin Jarmar were sitting in what used to be my loveseat but is now in the dream a one seater chair. We were just talking about the little boy (who is not there anymore) and he tells me that the little boy is someone named Cornell Smiths' son. I guess my cousin was taking care of him for some reason. Then Jarmar said that he had Cornells bank card, which irl and in the dream is where I bank and I told him that and he told me that he lives right near that bank (credit union). IRL I actually used to live near that bank.
I showed him my debit card and he showed me his and the other guys. One of his was an older version of the card. They were light turquoise but the new cards had a strip of royal blue on top.

Somehow I then saw a music artist (Ray J) doing something seductive to his sister (Brandy) and then I saw a painting of a woman (kind of abstract) and she had red lipstick on. I knew that represented lust or seduction and then it was like I felt my cousin moving toward sme to seduce me but he wasn't there anymore and it was just a presence. By now I am half awake but I can't fully regain consciousness and I am trying to tell this thing to get off of me but I can't move and I can't open my mouth so I say it with my mouth closed. I begin to try to call Jesus and eventually I say it out of my mouth and as I fully awaken I hear myself calling Jesus.

So that was the dream and I don't know who this little boy represents. All I know is that I am intercede for him. This was a realy weird thing for me because I believe that the last part of the dream wasn't really a part of the dream but a manifestation of an attack on me that just entered into my dream kind of like when you fall asleep with the tv on and what is happeneing on tv mixes with your dream. I'm not sure about that though because I;ve nevr experienced this before. I literally felt this thing pressing on me so that I couldn't move. But at the name of Jesus......
So I would like any interps on the dream but also thoughts on the last part of the lust or seductive spirit.

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:22

Re: Neglected little boy/ spirit trying to attack me

Post by talitha »

Marti, I really feel that in this dream you are being shown what spirit people are of (Luke 9:55). Before I read the dream, and after reading it too, I feel that the "neglected little boy" is a spirit that is on your cousin Jarmar, a spirit of neglect, abandonment, and rejection. To me this interpretation seemed to be confirmed when you said that the chair he was sitting on was a loveseat IRL - the two had become one - this would imply that Jarmar has come into a sort of agreement with this spirit. I believe the call here is to intercede for Jarmar that he will break agreement with this spirit and come into a place of freedom and of acceptance in the Beloved. (Ephesians 1:5-6)

I believe the name "Cornell" is probably something to do with Cornelius in Acts 10 and possibly you might find a clue in that chapter as to how Jarmar began to be affected by this spirit. (btw, Cornell/Cornelius - name meaning has to do with a "horn" which in ancient cultures was symbolic of power). You might also pray about how you might be mixed up in this - often when we are called to intercede there is also something God wants to happen in us in conjunction - also with the thing about the debit cards and you and "Cornell" both living near the bank - I wonder if in some way Jarmar might blame you for his feelings of neglect - not saying it's your fault at all, he just might put some blame on you in his heart.

Does Jarmar listen to Ray J? This might somehow contribute to the problem - most people are completely unaware of how powerful a thing music can be in conveying spirits..... I feel like there might be a seducing spirit involved in this whole thing - like seducing Jarmar into a place of depression, melancholy, and victim mentality - and this same seducing spirit might be coming against you as you intercede for Jarmar - you could use this information and know to keep your guard up against it as you accept this assignment......

Please pray about this more...... I think it's very very serious and that the Lord might be giving you a big responsibiility here.

bless you
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Post by ~Marti26. »

Tal thank you so much for your reply. I am continually praying about this but I believe that you are right in your interpretation.

As I read Acts 10 It reminded me of something that another cousin told ma baout 2 yrs ago. He told me that my cousin Jarmar had told him that he feels like I think I am "too good to talk to him". Kind of like a "holier than thou" thing. Well I did rite him a letter and told him that I didn't feel that way. I just didn't know how to come to him without feeling like I was preaching at them and getting on their nerves, so that ended up with me not saying too much. They live completely different lifestyles than me, but of course I never want them to think I think I'm better. Since then I have learned alot more about just loving on people but I rarely seee him now.

I think that may have something to do with it but I'm praying that God will reveal everything to me. I'm searching my heart because it's possible that I probably considered him unreachable. So I guess I could see myself as Peter in the Cornelius story.

That is an issue I have had to repent for with my Mom because I jad lost faith that she could be changed but I realized that that displayed a lack of faith in God. So anyway, thanks again. Off to intercede......

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:22