Recurring Dreams. Demon?

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Recurring Dreams. Demon?

Post by abe »

This is long, but it covers a series of dreams, generally.

I often have recurring dreams of "false awakenings" in my room. A dark figure is usually in the room with me, staring at me, or moving towards me. As I am fairly used to it, I will usually try to physically push it, or attempt to provoke it by invoking God, but I usually don't get much of a reaction out of it, usually mild annoyance as opposed to serious anger.

Sometimes, I will escape the room though. As I am aware I'm dreaming, I consider these lucid dreams, and in lucid dreams, you usually have power to do anything, so I fly straight through my ceiling or window.

However, a couple of days ago, I had this style of dream again. But a young girl was in my room. Through her silence and the way she stared at me, I felt it was the same presence. It freaked me out, so I attempted to leave, but she grabbed onto my arm, and I could not escape, even though I knew it was all a dream. Eventually, I was able to get out my window and fly, but she tailed me until I woke up.

As these dreams have really bothered me, I made a conscious effort in my waking life to try to remember/have the courage to talk to it next time I saw it in my dreams - to see if it would hold a conversation with me, and reveal its purpose/intentions.

Last night, I dreamed I was in some sort of scrapyard in my hometown with a bunch of my friends from the military, collecting wood and metal for some sort of building project. I realized, I was probably dreaming, as there was no rational way all these people would be with me in my home town. So I asked for that spirit, "Where are you?" And that little girl materialized in front of me. I asked it some basic questions, but she mumbled a lot, and so I had to repeat my questions a lot and often didn't get a clear answer. She told me her name was Jeremy. She said she was not in heaven as someone, who had a name that wasn't English, was preventing her. I was trying to figure out if she was demonic, and the only thing I could think of was asking her to do the cross Catholics do, when they say, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen." I'm not Catholic but a lot of my family and friends are. She had trouble with it, and would mumble. I tried making her repeat after me and took it step by step. First in the name of God, and she couldn't do that, in fact she spilled Devil instead in a way that seemed like a slip. But I thought it was weird she would use the general name, instead of something more specific. She just could not, and would not do the little prayer. I ended the conversation there, and prayed that I could wake up. At this point, I had another false awakening, but it passed quickly and I truly woke up soon after.

I'm wondering how else I might deal with this in my dreams. I am not sure if I should treat this as some form of an unconscious manifestation of my shadow self, my guilt, repressed desires, etc., or something from the spiritual realm.

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Post by ditte3 »

Peace be with you.
Interesting dream.
Because it's a reoccuring dream it may be important.Perhaps God wants to show you something.
It's not a spirit of a dead girl for sure.Dead people's spirit cannot come back.Ususally what people experiene as dead people haunting are just familiar spirits and demons (sorry my language is not English).
God can make his children be able to see in the spiritual real.
I'm going to pray about it.
Don't be afraid.The Lord is with us.
God bless you. :)
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Post by charlie » this your real name or a handle you have selected....I wonder...?

Interesting that the "spirit" in your dream was a girl but gave a boys name Jeremy which means: "God will raise up; God will set free".

I will continue to pray about your dream...I believe you have a mighty breakthrough to make...Abba will resource this breakthrough if you set your heart firmly and soley on worshipping Him in spirit and in truth...pray ceaselessly that He will cause revelation to break out...I don't often say this but the sense I have is that you are in a time of decision and choice where the battle rages fiercely and, as you are doing in your dreams you need to cling firmly to The may need to consider setting yourself apart for a special season (however short) like a Nazarite pledge...

Praying for revelation.

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Post by abe »

Ditte3, Charlie - Thank you for your replies. They are very helpful. And I really appreciate your prayers.

Ditte3 - I don't believe it is a dead girl either.

Charlie - Typhon is just a handle, however I didn't select it with knowledge of its relevance to Greek mythology. It's just a character name I created in a story with my friends many years ago, and I selected it to protect my anonymity. Someone actually pointed it out a couple of years ago on the old forums, I believe. If I knew what it represented in Greek mythology, I would not have selected it for these forums.

I am researching the Nazarite pledge. I have never heard of it before. And I will continue to pray.

Thank You!
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Post by charlie »

Typhon...thanks for taking the time to explain your handle...certainly unusual...I'm kind of wondering if it was me on the old board who asked you about it before as it certainly stirred something in my memory...

I'm also pondering your experience of "false awakenings"...this stands out as significant to me....a false awakening is not a true awakening but one which initially makes you think you are may (or may not :wink: ) bear considering whether this is a symbolic nudge to alert you to the need to wake up fully and open your eyes to see clearly in some area..probably spiritually...

You may know these verses which comes to mind:

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1 NIV).

“Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn” (Psalms 57:8 NIV).”

“…for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you” (Ephesians 5:14 NIV)

toss the dross

grace to those who seek Him
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Post by keilani »

No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit of God. I cor 12:3

It sounds to me like a familiar spirit; it's interesting that you called upon that spirit in your dream and asked it questions. It almost sounds like psychic or occult activity...have you or your family ever been involved in anything like that?
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Post by abe »

Keilani - What do you mean by familiar spirit? I looked this up, but found many different ideas as to what they are.

I'm not involved in any occult activity and know of no one in my family being involved. The reason I summoned it so to speak, was because I was lucid dreaming. In case you are not familiar with this, a lucid dream is one in which the dreamer is conscious of the dream. When you become aware of the dream, you gain the power to control it. People will usually fly. You can summon up landscapes or people, a movie star or and old friend, but of course, you are not actually speaking with the real person, just your minds projection of that person. I figured I would call on this thing that has been bothering me in my dreams and try to interrogate it to figure out what exactly it is. I guess to try to judge whether it is part of my unconscious or something else.

Charlie - I looked into the Nazarite pledge. I am really interested in doing something like that, however from what I read, I wouldn't be able to cut my hair. And as I'm still in the Army Reserves, that might not go over very well for me. Is there anything else you'd recommend along those lines?
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Post by Jubilee2 »

Hi Typhon,

Speaking to any spirit or trying to obtain information from any other than the Spirit of God is occultic. Sorry to say you cannot summon up spirits and have conversations with them or question them and that be approved by God.

It definitely sounds like a familiar spirit; familiar spirits are spirits that follow the family or blood line and try to influence their behavior over the generations in a negative way. Some people make a differentiation between familiar spirits and familial spirits. They are both demonic spirits and demons are deceptive. They want you to believe that it is okay to regularly converse with them. That creates an open door for them to oppress you. We should always ask for the will of God in all things. We cannot do things on our own without consulting God.

Remember when Saul went to consult with the witch of Endor to summon Samuel's spirit from the dead so he could consult with him because he was not hearing form God. God was not pleased and it brought about his demise. Not saying this is the same thing with you. However, please stop communicating with this spirit. In fact my suggestion is discuss this with your pastor.

I am sure God does not want you to have conversations with demon spirits. There is one spirit world but two kinds of spirits; Holy Spirit and the angels of God and on the other hand the devil and his fallen angels.

The Bible says My people perish for lack of knowledge. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that you will open the eyes of Typhon to see the truth and give him/her the grace to obey it, in Jesus name. Please protect Typhon from all evil, in Jesus name.

Blessings to you,

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Post by ditte3 »

Familiar spirits are spirits,demons living somewhere.For example in a house.These know things of people.So when someone communicates with them,they can know things of people or familes living there or who lived there,maybe even you.So when people often think they see a dead loved one or some dead person's spirit,in fact it's a familiar spirit.
That's why I said, and you very well said that you don't think, that it's a spirit of a dead girl.
Did you and your family live there for long?

I'm sure the Lord will tell you,what it's all about.Just trust Him.Sometimes it takes time to reveal meanings.

God bless you.
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Post by charlie »

typhon wrote: Charlie - I looked into the Nazarite pledge. I am really interested in doing something like that, however from what I read, I wouldn't be able to cut my hair. And as I'm still in the Army Reserves, that might not go over very well for me. Is there anything else you'd recommend along those lines?
((chuckles)) No I wouldn't suggest letting your hair grow long if you're in the army reserves! The principle of the nazarite vow was to set oneself apart to GOd for a season (there were also long term nazarites but I am referring to the temporary one) the OT there were suggested ways in which you should do this like not cutting your hair and abstaining form fruit of the vine, not going near dead people...these have very real contextual meaning for the Israelites at the time which we need to understand to effectively apply the principles of the nazarite vow today. Below is the link to a short but useful website which unpacks simply the principles-I hope you find it helpful.

In brief:

1. abstain from fruit of grapes: consider ways in which you need to step back from pleasures of the flesh (be it abstaining from watching TV etc. ask Abba adn let the spirit lead you in this)

2. Don't cut your hair: this was a sign of being under someones authority and as such a profound expression of submission...ask Abba to show you in what ways you can express your submission to Him in your life.

3. Don't have contact with dead: again physical death can represent spiritual death and sin...this requires you to ask Abba to show you what things in your life are bringing about death rather than life in your life...remember Paul says:

1 Cor. 10:23"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive. (not everything builds you up or produces life in you)

Essentially you are setting yourself apart in tangible ways for a season to say to ABba...Abba here I am, I am serous about wanting to go should not of course become a legalistic process but one inspired by devotion adn enabled by His grace in your life...important to ask Him to guide you in this.

I can only say that again that I sense Abba is calling you to a deeper and more committed walk with Him...he loves your sincerity and your dedicated self discipline.

What Keilani and others are highlighting are important considerations for you in that all of us have influences from our past which we need to bring under the authority of Jesus may wish to speak to the moderators on this board for discernment prayer on this.

grace to you
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Post by abe »

Once again, I really appreciate everyone's' thoughts and prayers. I appreciate the explanation of familiar spirits. And I've been researching them online, and am really dismayed at the implications of them. It makes faith seem so much more complex and truth more difficult to see if there are spirits actively masquerading as the light. It makes we wonder if great poets like Dante or Milton, who seem to have such an insight or vivid conception of the dark realm were inspired by these spirits, that some might call muses. Or even C.S. Lewis who wrote a satirical work The Screwtape Letters - where he enters the mind of a fictitious demon trying to corrupt a man. Though Lewis wrote this work, and arguably the others (though Milton is controversial) to try to inspire faith in, and glorify God, from what I've read and heard, trying to get into the mind of evil spirits seems very dangerous.

Though I have never actively tried to engage in the occult, I always wondered why it was prohibited. I suppose I could imagine someone who is virtuous or at least believes themselves to be so, trying to learn more about God's work through these spirits. In a way, proof of the devil is proof of God. Someone like John Milton, if he theoretically ever communicated with a spirit,might ask, "Why on Earth would you ever think of rebelling against someone as powerful as God? How stupid can you be? Can anyone really be so seductive to make you do something so foolish?" But now I realize that, if God wanted us to know the answers to questions like these, he would provide them Himself, and seeking them outside of Him, is actively going against Him. Less important, you can never trust information given to you by any spirit outside of God.

So I do understand now that my questioning of it in my dream, even though intended only to ascertain what it was, was wrong, and unwise. And if I encounter it again, the only words I will speak will be to rebuke it.

Jubilee2 - you explicitly mentioned that familiar spirits may follow the bloodline. I have known for a long time that my dad has very vivid and intense nightmares. I spoke to him today, and he has had some very similar experiences to me. He traces it back to an apparition he saw in waking life when he was 5 or 6 years old, by his bedside. I saw something similar when I was first starting college, also by my bedside, clearly when I was awake (because I got out of bed, checked the clock and walked to class right after), and this is the only time in my life I ever thought I saw a ghost. What is interesting to me, is that my dad is of Mexican descent and the apparition he saw was Caucasian. Given his age and the environment he grew up in, that is strange to me. The one I saw was also Caucasian, but this didn't really shock me, as I am half-white and grew up in an entirely different environment. He never asked whether any one else in his family has had these nightmares, but is going to attempt to now.

Charlie - Thanks for the description of the Nazarite Pledge. I am glad I don't have to take it so literally, though now that I have to substitute those things I actually overindulge in, in place of wine for example, will make it much more difficult. But of course that's the point. I feel like separating myself from the world, for God right now, is exactly what I need to do. I do yearn for a deeper relationship with God, and this seems like a good means of attaining that.

Sometimes I wonder what's really going on here. When you dream of some evil entity, whether it is an actual spirit or your imagination ( I still won't say I know for sure what the case is here), it feels like God and evil are speaking to you simultaneously, or at least that God in some way is allowing that spirit to be there, knowing that it could also work according to His plan. I recall an earlier dream I had in which this entity manifested itself, and it made me angry and scared, but as I willfully left that particular scene in my dream, I rhetorically said, "What's wrong with you?! Don't you know that every time you do this, you push me closer to God?" That's how I feel about evil in general. It seems like evil's designs are counterproductive, that they can play into God's hands. If it were not for these dreams haunting me over the years, I would never have found these forums. And whenever I get so wrapped up in the sciences or philosophy I study, almost worshiping certain individuals for their intellects, I would never have this nagging feeling in the back of my mind about the supernatural, about God, that these experiences, and a few others, have permanently instilled in me.

I apologize for the really long post. I'm sure most of you have had these thoughts long before. I really feel like you all have helped me to see God more clearly. Thank you so much.
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Post by Jubilee2 »

Hi Typhon,

The way to determine if a dollar is a genuine dollar bill is to study and be familiar with the genuine dollar and not spending time with the counterfeit. Studying the counterfeit will warp your mind and deceive you into believing that the counterfeit is genuine. It is the same way in the spirit world. You study who God is and you will discover who everyone else is. In fact, God will give you the gift of discerning of spirits so that you can know what spirits are from God and which are not.

God says in Exodus, Thou shalt have no other god before Me. When a person consults evil spirits or familiar spirits for answers, they have set up that spirit as a god. All answers come from God. James 1 says "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Jesus has the answer to every question that you will ask or ever ask.


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Post by servant »


You have received a lot of good information, but I would like to add a few things from an experience I had a little over 6 months ago.

One of my husband's friends had not been able to have good sleep for more than 2 nights/month *for years* due to nightmares. So my dh asked me to help his friend. So we all held hands and I cast out spirits as the HS led. I ended up casting out the spirit of fear, nightmares, and others. Then I spoke in things like courage, peace, joy, etc. I did all these things in Jesus' name. He had 1 nightmare a couple of weeks later, but other than the 1, he has not had any more nightmares for over 6 months. Praise God! (This experience opened his eyes to the HS.)

I am not positive this will work for you, but I am pretty sure. Jesus gave his followers power over demons and all kinds of things. You just say something to the extent of, "In Jesus' name I command the spirit of nightmares to leave right now and never come back." You can use this on any "spirit" the HS leads you to cast out.

I hope I have been clear. I have seen much success in this realm also with my children. You can also in Jesus' name break off any generational curses (say, "I break off all generational curses In Jesus' name). And even if there isn't a demon to break off or cast out, it doesn't hurt.

I would do these things both for you and your dad.

Blessings and understanding,
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Post by abe »

It's been almost a year since I started this thread.

Amazingly, I have not had these dreams since, and they were recurring very frequently that summer. For many months, I didn't even have these "false awakenings." I believe I have had maybe two or three since, but never has there been a dark physical presence like before - only a milder feeling that something was wrong, and these were not particularly aggravating.

As Charlie suggested, I took a sort of Nazarite Pledge for about a two month period. I also said the prayers many others suggested like Servant. Thank you all for your help, and alerting me to the possibility that I was potentially dealing with something dangerous, and that I needed to look to God.

It's so far removed now that the dreams, the turn to God and the faith that seemed to end them all seem less real now. I suppose my faith is wavering again because life is ,mundane and I'm caught up in so many worldly distractions. So I wanted to read through all this again to remind me of where I was then and also take the opportunity to thank and update everyone who offered help and prayers. So thank you! It is much appreciated!