Other Dimensions?

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Other Dimensions?

Post by Warrior Princess »

I was praying about something specific and I saw something I am having a really difficult time describing. I've never seen anything like it in real life so I am having a hard time finding words for it.

I was in large room or hall of sorts. There were these enormous panels of what seemed to be transparent glass or plexiglass and at the same time they were like fluid...they were sort of moving and I was sort of walking through them. Through some of them I could see through/into what looked like ocean at first...very intense turquoise blue on what looked like a very dark horizon. I walked through/into some others and I was standing in the shallows of an ocean/beach...except the colors were backwards...the WATER was GOLDEN and the sandy bottom was BLUE. Then I went back and looked at the first scene and realized this was the case there as well...backwards...it was a BLUE SUNRISE.

It almost felt like these panels were dimensions or something...almost like a Narnia type thing or Wrinkle in Time or a similar type of book from my youth that I am remembering.

Any thoughts?
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Post by shesthedreamer »

Hall represents decision to me.

Transparent window doors- Can God be showing you things are backwards maybe in your thinking. Just a thought, please disregard if it does not speak to your spirit.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Not bearing witness...but thank you for your reply. :)
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Post by peggyo »


Sounds like you're in a maze?

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Post by Warrior Princess »

My impressions were that I could go from place to place, from dimension to dimension, very easily. And these places were unlike anything I had ever seen..."other worldly." This morning when I woke up thinking about this dream, I kept hearing "TRANSPORT."

I also looked up the symbols and colors in the dream and got some confirmation on that from someone...very interesting.
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Post by keilani »

Okay WP, nothing on the dream itself but some things from teachings I've heard:

Anything that manifests in the natural must be first created in the spiritual realm--our words bear creative power in the same way God created with His Words.

Now why it would be opposite, what comes to mind is the natural realm doesn't necessarily line up with what He intended (don't mean literally as in your dream) but this is the order He is working towards before He returns (ie. His Body operating in Unity, Power, Love, Peace, Truth and Obedience.)

We, I wholeheartedly believe, are spirit beings first and foremost put INTO a natural/flesh body SO that we can operate on Earth to bring forth His will (subduing the earth, walking in dominion--same command He gave Adam--He doesn't change). So even though I am know for certain you are aware of this, I'm wondering if He's trying to give you a deeper understanding and revelation--as if He wants you to operate in this type of gifting?????

I recall a year ago, seeing a woman on Sid Roth speak of the fact that she could go to the Lord's throne AT WILL. She'll start praying and then end up there! (spiritually I'm assuming) but she said her favorite thing to do was to walk on the Sea of Glass and to go to Jesus and intercede with Him. NOW prior to this, she was ministering at some place (africa?) and a gentleman came and sat next to her as she was preparing notes. He turned to her and said something to the effect of "you have a free pass to go anywhere"--he might've said "Heaven at will" but I really cannot recall now. She smiled and nodded and he repeated it to her. Sensing something was different about this "man" she had her daughter come and take a picture of them. Later when she asked if anyone knew him at the conference, no one did--it seemed like it was small enough that people would at least recognize each other. It was after that, that she was able to go to Heaven at will.

What I've learned in my walk, is that He prepares us before He uses us. If we don't think He heals, He cannot heal through us because of our unbelief. Faith is the currency of His Kingdom and apart from faith, He cannot work in us (in His hometown, His works were limited due to their lack of faith). I'm thinking He wants to stretch you and show you so that He can make this a reality in and through you!!

May He draw you close to Him. It's in intimacy with Him that He shares these secrets with us! Blessings--like I said before, VERY EXCITED for yoU!!!!!
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Wow...I am taking all this in...I knew that it was a call to something...it's lining up with some other dreams and things the Lord has been saying the last few days.

Let me share what I got from the symbols as much of it lines up with what you said:

I believe the sunrise is about a new day dawning, the rising of the people of God. The blue as we know, is about revelation, heaven/heavenly visitation. I believe the ocean is about Hab 2:14, "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." because the water is GOLD which is glory and I think the sand represents the people of the earth, who interestingly are blue, so I am wondering if He is saying that everyone is going to get revelation, even those on the bottom. LOL

I feel like I'm not doing a very good job of explaining what I am getting from this...the words just aren't adequate.

There is a word that is going to come forth soon. He said, "You've got mail." and I am praying about whether I am supposed to go to IHOP to get it with a friend who is going in September.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

What i share is controversial but it may apply to ur dream.
A book i have tells of a woman who is a christian who was taken back into time by God to show her many things that are not explained fully in the bible. One was the full why Lucifer rebelled... why the angels rebelled. It made perfect sense to me and i didn't see anything that was pout of line with clearly revealed knowledge of the written word.
This lady has been seeing int he spirit realm seance about 4. She has seen and heard things im not sure many do but i personally believe her story.I Believe what she has said is true.It bears witness with me.
She saw the earth in the begging and it did not look like it did today. It first had Orange skies and i think she said turquoise seas. The earth was beautiful and science has even backed her up and has names for these different phases, This is when Lucifer was starting to turn from good to evil and he lived on earth and would sin., or do something God didn't like... God would send a meteorite or something and mess things up trying to turn this way ward angel round and then God would start the process of creation over with things more beautiful and abundant then before.......
Make a long story short.... eventually Lucifer started to build a kingdom on earth and declared himself God and that when God banished him into a dark realm that science has called the dark matter.. a invisible universe .....to the human eye.
Anyway Adam, and Eve let him out again when they rebelled.
This of course is the gap theory,, which believes in that God created a beautiful earth,, and the heavens and the hosts of heaven... then darkness because of Lucifer rebellion sent everything into chaos. The earth was a blob of dark ice until God came back and restored all and then created Adam. I know people will not believe this but i do believe it...
im telling u this as your dream reminds me of this... u can get the book and read it for yourself. Maybe it will bear witness or maybe u wont like it... Its called i think// " Return to the Ancient Paths" by Jessica Jones.
She is not a nut or a new age disciple. Share is a real christian that has been given the gift of a seer and has had the privilege of seeing into the supernatural realm by God, I see the Book she authored as validating the bible ,,it just explained some things...
Anyhow your dream reminded me of the earth in the very start,,when she saw it back in time...
I know some will think this book is far out,,but its been a blessing to me and remains on of favorites. Its worth at least a good read if u are interested in this sort of subjects..
Its probably not meant for baby Christians though... its a little meaty..
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Post by keilani »

I think the sand represents the people of the earth, who interestingly are blue, so I am wondering if He is saying that everyone is going to get revelation, even those on the bottom. LOL
I love how God speaks!! This reminds me of Acts when Peter quoted Joel--that in these last days, the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh, not just His servants!

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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I forgot to share..
after i started deliverance minsitry with Aslans place i had a Clear dream.
I felt myself opening these large wooden doors and came into a hall. It had a quiet feel. No one was there . But it had a air oi authroity like a courtroom.
to one side i saw a open door. Inside i saw what we would calla a " spa". In the middle was a in ground pool. in the middle was a slab with a few chairs and table assembled what one would buy for their patio.
I saw 'BEHIND WHAT APPEARED PLEXIGLAS WINDOWS... beings watching me. They seemed to be at the control center. I was scared of them. I couldn't see them clearly butt thought they would throw me out. I gave them the thumbs up top kinda act as if' hey i belong here all i well. I luxuriated in the water as i knew it went under under the floor..

I say this as i believe the angels were behind that Plexiglas and i think somebody said it was a spiritual dimension. I'm not sure yet if they were evil angels or good but they didn't remove me.

Anyhow wonderful dream u had there...Thought id share about my one dream of ' the Plexiglas looking dimension wall" i had to.Mine was about two and half years ago though,..
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Post by Taps »

I believe the sunrise is about a new day dawning, the rising of the people of God. The blue as we know, is about revelation, heaven/heavenly visitation. I believe the ocean is about Hab 2:14, "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." because the water is GOLD which is glory and I think the sand represents the people of the earth, who interestingly are blue, so I am wondering if He is saying that everyone is going to get revelation, even those on the bottom. LOL
Very Cool dream... Love the multi-dimensional aspect of it. As you remember in A Wrinkle in Time. “The only things that are real are the unseen,” ...{I have this quote in my book}.

You're interp is right on.
Well done. And many blessings as you journey into the realms of God.

Blessings... Taps