Letting Staff Go/Blue Skirt

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Warrior Princess
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Letting Staff Go/Blue Skirt

Post by Warrior Princess »

I was in a church foyer. Observed 2 women and 2 men in conversation. One woman was using sign language, like she was an interpreter for the other woman. As the women walked away from the men, the other woman, who was deaf, said "Goodbye." to one of the men who seemed very pleased at this because it meant they would talk again. I saw someone pass a younger guy and the younger guy said, "There is no us?" And the other person affirmed it.

I went upstairs to class, there was a meeting happening in the hallway with the staff. They were going to have to let some people go. Then, I saw some people in the office (the ones being let go) and others standing in the hallway, waiting for the word. I went into class and had an open textbook on my desk. My best friend since jr high was at the board with a bunch of other students, working a problem. She made a comment, but I can't remember what.

I was in a bedroom and it seemed to be my old pastor's room. I put on a long blue denim skirt and casual blue shoes and a Tshirt. I was concerned about looking too much like a Pentecostal.

Then, I was in the kitchen where there was a discussion going on about dreams, I feel like she was a teacher. The woman commented that of course I (me) dream a lot, something about either "When something important happens" He gives you a lot of dreams or Him not wanting me to forget when something important happens...not sure.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Putting on shoes=preparation for a journey.

Friend at chalkboard="on board"
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."