very large bumble bees

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very large bumble bees

Post by isaiah61 »

this was a really quick short dream;

I saw my daughter was around 10-13 years old (she is much older)she shows her step father and I a chair that is made of hard plastice; folding chair. The back rest had a hole in the back of it and there was a nest of very large bumble bees inside of it; it was like there bodies were swollen or very large... She slid her right arm into the hole and pulled it back out with bees all over her hand and arm.. I was standing behind her stepfather and I thought "no, she is going to get stung by the bees"
but they did not sting her....

would love to hear anyones input on that..
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Post by isaiah61 »

I say these were bumble bees ...but I m not really sure what type of bee; they were very large..they appeared to me to be a bumble bee or something of that nature..they were not wasp.
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Post by MJ »


Your dream spoke to me of a blessing your daughter received around the age of 10 or 13. I believe the dream speaks of your daughter stepping into a season of blessing now (which took it's root in her 10th or later year). She puts her hand in the bees----taking out her blessing.

What you thought would harm her is actually causing her to grow. The bees are showing the cyles of life. The nutrients from the honey sustain us and cause us to grow. Your daughter is growing and developing in the things of God.

Some honey verses:

"The judgment of the Lord is sweeter than honey and the drop-pings of the honeycomb." (Ps. 19: I0.) "How sweet are thy words to my taste, yea, sweeter than honey in my mouth." (Ps. 119 : 102.) In Solomon's Proverbs (16: 24) : "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones." "The lips of the bride are as sweet as honey. The lips of the concubine are like honey but later bitter as vermuth" (Prov. 5:3). There are two accounts in the Bible of men being ordered to eat a book and in each case "the book tasted as sweet as honey." (Ezek. 3: 3 and Revel. I0: 9, i0.) In the Revelation: "And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey."

I believe the chair in your dream is telling you to rest in the Lord and accept what is happening in your daughter's life, that what is happening is meant for her good.

Does that witness with you?


"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by isaiah61 »

MJ, What a wonderful interpretation! :D You give me much to ponder on. I do not "feel" like it "bears witness" but may just need to pray more on it..
I feel like this dream may be about myself somehow...

thanks again..
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Post by Charys »

Hi Isaiah,
For some reason when I read the title of your thread I read "humble bees". Time to clean my screen lol!

On the other hand maybe this is what I was supposed to see. The plastic chair is also a humble seat. The scripture has been going through my mind, Ps 24 Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart -and this, James 4:6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:

“God opposes the proud
but shows favor to the humble.”

and 10) Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

I wonder if the bees are drones, humble worker bees. When you teach the next generation to not sit with the scornful (Ps 1), but rather with the humble, they have unexpected favour and are not attacked by them.

---for your discernment---
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Post by isaiah61 »

Hi Charys,
thank you for sharing..this somewhat bears witness...

"When you teach the next generation to not sit with the scornful (Ps 1), but rather with the humble, they have unexpected favour and are not attacked by them."

I have been learning how to deal with difficult people and situations..and how to allow the Lord to give me the strength and courage to stand in the midst of it ....
This may be instructional.
Thanks again!
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Post by Charys »

I heard this definition lately. The scornful are "experts" who have ceased to ask questions.
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Post by isaiah61 »

sounds like.....wisdom :wink:
Thanks again, Charys!
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Post by keilani »

bees make me think of being stung (hurt) whether it be by one's words or actions.

I'm wondering if something significant happened to you 10-13 years ago were you were stung/hurt by the actions or words of other people?
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Post by isaiah61 »

Hi Keilani!
It is possible that I was hurt by words and or actions of others.
However, I can't say that there is any thing that really sticks out to me. I have so much to be thankful for that I try not to dwell on the past.

2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away ; behold , all things are become new.
Matthew 6:14 MSG
"In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others"

Thanks for your input Keilani!
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Post by isaiah61 »

I just realized something. I have stepped out in faith organizing a city wide event. The vision is to bring local church's together in a collaborative effort to reach out to the community..(unsaved; saved and those who are struggling in their relationship with the Lord. This may be in relation to that.
Wow! Ok thanks everyone!
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Post by keilani »

ahhhh, I was trying to place the significance of ur daughter's age--her being young as opposed to just being birthed. If you are arranging this and it's in it's "young" stages, I can see how it fits especially with you being protective like a mama would! God give u wisdom and His vision for the event He has entrusted to you! Shalom!
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Post by jackiebauerle »

When I first read your post, I saw and felt very simular to MJ.

Your daughter is your treasure/something you value in life, a part of you. It maybe actually her or something else.

Her age represents growth but yet inexperienced....Mothers stand off and watch this age...allowing learning self growth , yet ready to guide and protect.

She LEADS you to the chair. Plastic: light weight...appears damaged (hole cut) in the BACK REST or support...(for who sits here). Yet, this chairs folds up or collapses. This chair has a nest...a place of this case...embeddedness.

Your daughter(a part of you) reaches in the hole. This reminded me also of Winnie the poo...getting his honey. Instead of honey.. ..(disturbing a nest arouses mother nature). she pulls our large bees on her arm.

Your instinct was...she is in danger... These bees do not like their nest disturbed......yet...the bee's do not bite.

Note: You said you were standing behind her Step Father(following position, submissivness).....yet they did not sting.

Could the Lord be telling you that the Spirit is leading you through an.. awkard learning stage reaching into this damaged support system of someone? Removing the embedded nest. As the Spirit leads..."no harm will come" as you stand behind the Father (step, adopted father).

Just some thoughts to ponder, Be Blessed and used by the Lord.
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Post by isaiah61 »

Wow! Thank you! I believe the thing that is precious to me is the ministry that the Lord has entrusted me with.

"Her age represents growth but yet inexperienced...."
What I am stepping out to do; which I feel the Lord is really giving me guidance and direction in...I have no experience in.
I am concerned that this is very challenging. However, I know that I know that the Lord is giving me guidance and direction as to how to do it. The courage and boldness too!

"Could the Lord be telling you that the Spirit is leading you through an.. awkard learning stage reaching into this damaged support system of someone?"

This has been very awkward for me and continues to be so...I am walking by faith and not by sight.
The damaged support system I believe is :
"The vision is to bring local church's together in a collaborative effort to reach out to the community..(unsaved; saved and those who are struggling in their relationship with the Lord."

Thank you Lord for your wisdom and revelation!
And Thank you ALL for your insight and obedience in sharing what you felt the Holy Spirit giving you...
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Post by servant »

I could be off here, but according to Susan's book bees can represent a "group of people" (among other things) and the right hand can represent "fellowship".

The fact that you have "stepped out in faith" made me think of how your daughter put her hand into the hole and brought it out with bees on it, it took faith. You have stepped out in faith and organized a community event that will bring a group of people together into fellowship. You may have some concern that things may not go as smoothly as you would hope (stings), but it seems that you have nothing to worry about (you will not be stung). You will be able to bring the group together in the fellowship you are desiring.

Toss what doesn't sit well with you. This is what I saw after reading about the event you are planning.

May He bless your efforts,