My Son

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My Son

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all
Had this dream and just want to write it down just in case it happens.
As some of you may know my youngest has gone off the deep end and in trouble with the law. I had a dream about him the other day and it goes like this....
I was at a family function standing out on the sidewalk it was in the evening. My son rode up in a car (like a old timie boat car - cadillac or the such). He got out of it and said goodbye to the guys inside it. Inside it were guys dressed like him - wild looking with ear rings and lip and other types of rings. - As he walked toward the house the family was in, he saw me and looked at me - I told him to take out the ear rings - he took out a tongue ring or it was a lip ring - smiling - and walked on in with the family.
The dream ended.
My hopes are that this dream is saying that his days of being a wild boy are almost over and he will finally come home. He likes boat styled cars. The car in the dream drove off and he was happy to be with the family or it was like he wanted to be there. I was happy. I look at ear rings as a sign (for the males in the Scripture and in History) of slavery. In our time it is a sign of secular rebellion of the establishment or a sign of belonging to a secular group. So for him to honor my request in the dream is a good sign.
well thanks for your time.
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by sheep »

Hi Scott,
Praying that your son comes home.

John 10:27 - My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
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Post by Krista »

I believe 100 percent it means your son is comming home, and will leave that lifestyle! If he does, be careful not to get discuraged if it takes sometime to walk it out! *hugs*
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Post by naveah »

I thought of the prodical son How the Father thru a party when he got home and forgave him.
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Is your son of age??

Also is your son one to wear these irl?

I was thinking that in todays generation there are alot of kids and young people who are dressing this way and wearing things as a sign of "being different" not wanting to be the "same" as everyone have their own identity...

I also know that alot of them feel that when the church or christians begin to come down on them for outwardly portraying who they are that to them its like legalism, or religiosity....

So infact, they end up feeling bound by religion...or by the church...

I am wondering if the dream could be showing you that your son may seek from you a little bit of "identification" with who he is and the things He likes...(Not that you aren't doing that...) but anyway, maybe there is going to be a time when He does give it another chance and maybe you need to keep it in the back of your head somewhere that he may need you to identify with him a little more and then by doing this He will be more likely to submit to your authority a little more on his part...

I don't know what your relationship is really like so please don't take offense to this...I am just feeling the heart of this generation and they so badly want to be understood and not criticized for their identity...or how they express it...

I noticed that you asked him to take out the earrings and he took out the lip ring...wondering if this also speaks of "compromise" are asking for one thing but he is willing to atleast give up the other...hmm...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Hi all

Post by sigmon2 »

This dream has some truth to son is here with me and is so far doing the son thing with respect and (waiting for him) compromise. he has wanted to be different this time and is holding on with of course stubborn moments but even thos moments are workable.....I had another dream I 'll find about him in a room studing...its holding true too........
Praise the Lord for truth and answered prayers!
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry