SMS from Revenue Office,Husband in church,Blood Donor

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SMS from Revenue Office,Husband in church,Blood Donor

Post by ditte3 »

Hi my dear Brothers and Sisters
Peace be with you.
I had a dream a few days ago.

Your insights would be very helpful.

In real life my family faces difficult times financially.We have debts toward the Revenue Office and Bank too.Or business didn't go well these years.I sometimes worry that we may lose our house or things,but I trust the Lord.I prayed to the Lord to help us outI put it in His hands..I hope in the Lord.Also there is a man who does bookkeeping to us sometimes.I think that he is a christian,but I'm not sure.I hoped that he prays for us.My husband is not a believer and my children are far from the Lord.

I'm not sure yet if this dream is about my worries and hopes coming in the dream or is it God giving me a promise.
I'm praying about revelation.

My dream:
I don't remember the whole dream.
There was a sermon in the church I go didn't look like the building in real life.In fact I don't remember the building,maybe it's not important.
I was in the yard,somewhere around the gate.For some reason (if I remember well) an SMS had been sent to the Revenue Office that had to do something with the church.I remember reading the SMS,but I don't remember what it was.What I remembered that it seemd that it was a good point for the Revenue Office.It gave hope to me.
I went inside the Church building.In real life the church is a big hall.
In my dream it was similar but rather like a sports hall of a school.(I don't know if it's important,maybe not).
I was in the corridor and looked inside through an opened door.Inside was semi dark but a bit clear and light,the pulpit is lighted,like in a staging.
I saw my husband and my older son (maybe my othertwo children too,but i don't remember) and one of their colleagues.They were listening to our pastor speking.I was happy about it,but I didn't want them to notice me,because I thought if they see me they would change their minds.
I was suprised that our peastor was there,because in rel life he got sick with his heart a few weeks ago.

The Pastor and the collague has the same name :Sandor (Alexander),but it was not mentioned.

The sermon ended and we went outside.I was not with my husband but with some sister.The sun was shining outside.We were talking.I remember telling one of them that I gave blood not long ago (In real life I did as a blood donor,in my daughter's school).She seemed to be pleased.I told her that only after three months it is possible to give blood.
She said it can be more frequently.(I know in real life it can be only two or three times a year).I liked this dream.
End of dream.

If you have any insights please tell me.

Thsk you very much.
God bless you all. :)
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Post by ditte3 »

:?: :) Please tell me what you think.
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Any thoughts? :D
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Post by MJ »

This are my thoughts:

Your dream is a mixture of church and money and authority.

The verse that came to mind was:

Luke 12:4-5 "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.

I don't say anything lightly---I've certainly had my share of money worries, lack of money, etc.,

The thing I primarily am sensing is that God wants you to fear Him with a holy, reverent fear, and as this holy fear consumes you, the rest of the ugly will lose its hold on you.

You say your husband is not a believer, and although it would be good to be in agreement with him spiritually, God will bless you and your household nonetheless. It is not so much about doing the right things, but becoming what He wants you to become, regardless of your circumstances or situation.

Again I do want to stress that I am not focusing on your situation as much as the fact that I'm sensing that God has a very clear word He wants to impart to you.

Bless you much...hope I've encouraged you somewhat.
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by ditte3 »

Dear MJ
You did encourage me with your thoughts and the Boble verse and your advice.
It's true.I sense this same thing.If the Lord is with us,who is against us.
Thank you for your help.
God bless you. :)
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Post by MJ »

Thanks for your response. I thought about you through the night, so I feel God is raising up intercessors for you and your plight.

I do feel led to share this:

Nearly three years I crashed financially----it was the hardest thing I had ever experienced in life. Total devastation....those words don't even seem to cover it. Illness, unemployment, all doors closed....then I thought, "Surely not homelessness." Yes, that too. Everything stripped from this conscientious type person who doesn't want to owe any man anything, or be in any sort of debt.

Since then I discovered that love is all that really matters. I knew this in part, but now I know the whole of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Last night I listened to Carten Conlon's lastest sermon, "Love Will Soon Cast Out All Fear". He says the coming days will be so hard that only love will be able to hold us and sustain us. Powerful message---he says it so much better than I could ever hope to convey to you.

But, in a nutshell, if you can hang unto your love for the Lord...this will get you through the coming days in your life and lead you into the Throne Room of God...eventually that is the place we all want to be in our walk with God anyway...feeling His Love, His Powerful Love, around us and through us.

Bless you much,
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by ditte3 »

It's true!Without love,whatever we do,we are nothing.
I'm sorry you had to go through all those hard times.
Thank God that He is always with us.
Thank you for your encouragement and help.
God bless you. :)
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Post by MJ »

You are so welcome! I do appreciate so much how we can encourage one another on this forum.

But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Heb 3:13

Trials, sufferings, afflictions, etc., can create conditions for the "hardening of the heart"...just the opposite of what the Lord wants---a tender heart where love grows.

not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. Heb 10:25

all the more Yes, Lord Jesus.

Blessings upon you today
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3