Finding jewels in the food we ate.

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Finding jewels in the food we ate.

Post by steadyone »

Hi and blessings.

I had a series of dreams last night so I am not able to remember them all. But please bear with me as I try to explain this.


I was with my spiritual mom and we were I want to say in different nations but we were here at home. Anyway we went to eat at this place that had different nation restaurants. We wanted to try the different foods. In one place we were eating and there was a diamond ring in our food. We would go to another place and eat these Clams and inside the clam was a pearl. This kept happening every where we ate we found jewels of one type or another.

Thanks for any insight.
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Post by Grace »

Your dream reminds me of a book, "Eternity in Their Hearts." A bit of the gospel message in the culture like a gem. It just needs to be discovered to bridge the culture to the true gospel. For example some cultures have the flood story. So we can show them in the Bible the flood story and build from there.
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Post by zeal »

Do you have missions in your heart? Are you a missionary?

Thats what this sounds like to me.....The Bible says that God will us the Nations as an inheritance...

Much Love
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Post by steadyone »

Yes I am a missionary. I have had major set backs physically and am asking for a miracle in my body.

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Post by zeal »


I believe that God is encouraging you, (I was with my spiritual mom and we were I want to say in different nations but we were here at home.)...I believe you will again....Have you ever been to Florida?? there is a place there called Epcot, dont know if this means anything...but they have a place there that you can eat from different nations, like I said I dont know if this means anything but wanted you to know it....

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

AS americans we sometimes focus on our special destiny we have has a nation to spread the gospel and TO BE A ; LIGHT TO THE NATIONS , AND as friend of Israel.
But we sometimes forget i Be-live God has a special destinies for all people and languages, Perhaps as u ate of their unique delicacies God was reminding u and us that each culture and people he has on this earth has a "gem' of a destiny,,, of course it can be found through a nation turning to God... so it could be a encouragement in your missionary zeal,, as a people are converted the nation is converted and then corporately they can find 'their gem" and shine in the destiny God has for them as the bride of Christ in each nation , country tribe and tongue takes her place.
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Post by steadyone »

Amen! Yes each nations has a purpose and destiny in Christ. I have a heart for all nations in intercession and I have been a missionary too several nations. My heart belongs to Christ and my eyes are upon Him and His desires in where and when I am to go where ever He says go.

I have been battling with major spine issues. I have had multiple surgeries that have led to other major problems.I have been asking for a miracle for years and have yet to see it come to pass. I guess the Lord needed to remind me that my destiny is not over because I often feel I am finished do to health issues. But the truth is I am not finished yet!

Like I said earlier I have taught missions in Russia and have been a missionary to Africa, and in the Middle East. He has placed the go bug in my heart and I can not shake it, it is within me.

So thank you all for your encouragement to me. I so needed it.

Bless you and Merry Christmas! :P
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

These jewels and pearls you were finding are people that have not yet found the Lord but they will because God is going to use you in these nations to preach the gospel to them. Remember, "He that hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." So Steady one, regardless of your setbacks and afflictions continue on in the faith with confidence. I pray that the Lord will send a healing for your spine. Praise Jesus, I thank you for the miracle coming to steady one.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8